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OR  dance floor.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Arrrr!! Today was flat. I left the club bitter and frustrated. but I'm not here to vent.

I made up my mind to target only girls whom I thought looked the cutest and with the most scrumptious bodies. :)

first girl on the dance floor just looked and turned back after I nudged her. (following Chase's tip on not being super energetic). After she looked away, no matter how else I indirectly directly tried to make her seek my attention, the less it worked.

Next girl was looking bored on the dance floor and had been looking that way for a while. After I touched her to make her look at me first, by the time I made eye contact and said hi, she replied and shifted away.

The last one was on her own, in an open space. The music was not so loud there so after opening her, she was playing games (deliberately acting mysterious by not telling her name-even though she eventually did. Then she wasn't opening up to the deep diving I tried to perform). Eventually, I asked her to move but she didn't comply and you know what she leaned into me and then leaned away, then she __smacked the back of my head, in an upside motion_. *rage* I kept my cool and cut bail instantly.

Later I saw her at the cloak collection with her friend..and she came to the line and cut the line right in front Of me on purpose even though she was seeming playful. etc etc I left.

Basically, I don't know if I came off as a pushover! I've come to know that girls who are not attracted to you can try to pat your head or whatever to show dominance over you. (I don't know how true that is) but I didn't like tonight's turnout at all. I'm more motivated to get over this hump; hopefully I'll get more results soon.

Any comments is appreciated plz.!!


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Skin Man-

Yeah, that's frustrating. I had plenty of nights like that when I was starting out doing club approaching. I also focused mainly on the dance floor when I was green; the problem with the dance floor is that it's an instant dominance separator: there are the guys who are dominant, and there are the pushovers. No in-between. Which makes sense, when you think about it... dancing is basically simulated sex, and women don't want men who aren't going to dominate them and lead.

What happens is, if you don't come across very solid and self-assured, women will start treating you poorly, or they'll just close off to you. Of course, you often need to take your bumps and bruises just to learn HOW to behave correctly on the dance floor.

If you're really committed to getting good on the dance floor, I'd recommend you start off making yourself more dominant with girls on it. You'll get some blow outs, but you'll also get some very warm receptions - and you'll see more and more of these as you get smoother at this.

Deep diving I'd stay away from while dancing. Just like you wouldn't deep dive a girl during sex, you don't want to do it while dancing.

Re: names, rather than ask her hers, just tell her yours. Or don't mention these at all - save them for once you're off the dance floor. If a girl asks you yours while dancing, you can do the same thing this coy girl did to her - just smile sexily at her, and keep dancing. She's now in hot pursuit, and you are the object of that pursuit.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Wow! thanks chase. Was wondering if you hold coaching sessions anywhere in the UK?? Would be great to have an experience with your crew-mates on the field.

Thanks for the input though. definitely gonna put that to use from this friday.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Skin Man,

You're quite welcome. Glad to hear you'll be putting the suggestions to use!

skin_man said:
Wow! thanks chase. Was wondering if you hold coaching sessions anywhere in the UK?? Would be great to have an experience with your crew-mates on the field.

Not currently, no. I've had some pretty talented instructors lined up to teach for GC at various points around the world, but I just haven't had the time or energy to set up a proper coaching program. I'd like to at some point, but right now there's no in-field coaching on offer, unfortunately!

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Chase said:
Hey Skin Man,

You're quite welcome. Glad to hear you'll be putting the suggestions to use!

skin_man said:
Wow! thanks chase. Was wondering if you hold coaching sessions anywhere in the UK?? Would be great to have an experience with your crew-mates on the field.

Not currently, no. I've had some pretty talented instructors lined up to teach for GC at various points around the world, but I just haven't had the time or energy to set up a proper coaching program. I'd like to at some point, but right now there's no in-field coaching on offer, unfortunately!

Ive just been travelling and I went out clubbing a lot - although it was mostly with a group of girls I knew which meant I wasnt really looking for girls at the venues.

I found the dance floor is not great for opening - its good to get girls thirsty and tired so they want to go to the quiet areas and leave. Its the quiet areas I found good for opening - eg the smoking areas (note I dont smoke but I dont mind a menthol here and there for convo- also always carry a lighter!) I found these are great for opening etc - I dont waste time trying to open dancing - there are already a million guys trying that looking like idiots

do you guys agree at all?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

girlsfollow said:
I found the dance floor is not great for opening - its good to get girls thirsty and tired so they want to go to the quiet areas and leave. Its the quiet areas I found good for opening - eg the smoking areas (note I dont smoke but I dont mind a menthol here and there for convo- also always carry a lighter!) I found these are great for opening etc - I dont waste time trying to open dancing - there are already a million guys trying that looking like idiots

do you guys agree at all?

Yes, that's my general sentiment on dancing too. When on occasion I need to cross the dance floor and girls act all flirty and try grabbing me to dance, I smile at them and keep walking. You can escalate physically very quickly on the dance floor, but that's only good if there's a bathroom there, or if it's so anonymous (e.g., at a house party or rave with no chaperones where everyone's drunk out of their minds) that you can make something happen then and there on the dance floor.

Otherwise, wait until she's off the dance floor and talk to her there.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
It's been rather long since I've been on a date now. that's something else. Today I met this cute petite girl and I'd just read Chase article on finding your niche. We talked a bit and she gave me A number which obviously isn't her's because she didn't see my ring to confirm that it was correct. I didn't want to seem pushy. Now after texting to get her to save my number, there's been no reply.

I think I need a coach. I admit,I have a bit of an ego else I'd go with some of my guys to pick up but then again, they're beginners like myself so it really doesn't help.

What I'll do now is to leave the city and see how I do outside of here. Been reading loads of chase's blogs and I love the vibe and motivation. It's what keeps me going for almost a year now. And if is working for others, it's obviously something I have to deal with about me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
skin_man said:
It's been rather long since I've been on a date now. that's something else. Today I met this cute petite girl and I'd just read Chase article on finding your niche. We talked a bit and she gave me A number which obviously isn't her's because she didn't see my ring to confirm that it was correct. I didn't want to seem pushy. Now after texting to get her to save my number, there's been no reply.

I think I need a coach. I admit,I have a bit of an ego else I'd go with some of my guys to pick up but then again, they're beginners like myself so it really doesn't help.

What I'll do now is to leave the city and see how I do outside of here. Been reading loads of chase's blogs and I love the vibe and motivation. It's what keeps me going for almost a year now. And if is working for others, it's obviously something I have to deal with about me.

Just keep working on it, skin_man. If it were easy, everybody would be doing it ;)

I recommend you try different pick-up areas. If the clubs don't seem to be working for you, try the mall during day time. Or just walk around downtown and chat up all the cute girls that walk by. You can even go with some mates so they can cheer you up and offer some feedback (even if they are beginners). You don't have to go at it alone.

Even PUAs don't get 100% hit rate. Don't get discouraged!


Hey all- I really don't think this would have been a good idea - its logically engaging a girls resistance to sex and it makes you sound bitter/annoyed/desperate. I think when she felt you to "check" the least you should have done is hold her hand there and moved it up and down - then usually when you let go they'll carry on doing that. Then what chase said while kissing her neck would have been perfect!