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Dancing with girl? Eye contact and Interest?


Nov 20, 2012
I recently met this beautiful girl and after a couple of days of getting to know her, I asked her to slow dance.
I'm curious because we only danced a while, but while we danced she had minimal eye contact with me? She agreed to dance with me and
mainly stared at my shoulder while we danced. I figure since we danced she was somewhat interested. Perhaps it was because she didn't feel comfortable
looking into my eyes while we danced since we just recently met. I assumed to believe there was interest and friend requested her on facebook a couple days later.
She accepted it pretty quickly. Just curious, does no eye contact mean anything? We had good conversation, danced well, i "moved her" outside to dance, and made physical contact.
Obviously there was some attraction there right? The problem is we live far away from each other so I may very well not see her for a long time.. Since were friends on facebook
should I send a follow up message or would that be considered chasing? Insights?

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Flu1d said:
I figure since we danced she was somewhat interested. Perhaps it was because she didn't feel comfortable
looking into my eyes while we danced since we just recently met. I assumed to believe there was interest and friend requested her on facebook a couple days later.
She accepted it pretty quickly. Just curious, does no eye contact mean anything?

Maybe she was abit shy and was caught in the moment. :)

Flu1d said:
Since were friends on facebook
should I send a follow up message or would that be considered chasing? Insights?

Just follow up a message, you already add her on facebook. Try to close the deal when you made physical contact. if not, ask her number and set another date.



Nov 20, 2012
She lives in another state so I'm hesitant to message her. If we lived close I would, but now a date or phone number would be sort of pointless since I can't see her. I was thinking the next time I'm in town and see her to grab her number. It's great she added me, but I just think facebook is a bit too impersonal. Thoughts? Should I still send a message saying it was great seeing her? The only thing is shes beautiful and I don't want to be another guy all over her or make her feel friend zoned. Should I just let it sit until I see her again, or will she think I'm disinterested? Gahh! Lol thanks for any ideas. Again I have no way to meet her right now so a date at the moment is impossible.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Flu1d said:
She lives in another state so I'm hesitant to message her. If we lived close I would, but now a date or phone number would be sort of pointless since I can't see her. I was thinking the next time I'm in town and see her to grab her number. It's great she added me, but I just think facebook is a bit too impersonal. Thoughts? Should I still send a message saying it was great seeing her? The only thing is shes beautiful and I don't want to be another guy all over her or make her feel friend zoned. Should I just let it sit until I see her again, or will she think I'm disinterested? Gahh! Lol thanks for any ideas. Again I have no way to meet her right now so a date at the moment is impossible.

Leave her a facebook message.

"Hi <insert name>. Glad to meet you the other day. :) IF i drop by in town some time, i hope i be able to contact and we'll meet for a bite. Coffee will be nice too."

Enjoy your day,

Somewhere along this message should be fine.

Here, she either straight give you her number or she will reply okay, or somewhere along the line where she's not really keen. If it's the latter, don't bother meeting her anymore. If it's the first, you can beep her once you in her state, or she's drops by in your state.
