- Joined
- Apr 14, 2013
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- 14
Hey all!
I'm new here and I really hope I'm following the guidelines. Here's the story...I met this hottie on the plane and we started chatting it up. She gave me her number and I gave her mine. I didn't really bother calling her because to be honest, I thought she was out of my league. Now, I'm not bad looking at all, and I actually do get hit on quite a bit, but totally ignore women cuz I just wasn't ready. And here's the thing, I've been in a relationship for 10 years and I have been totally faithful! I feel very strangled by my relationship and I think I'm going to call it quits.
Back to the story..so she texts me first with some random questions and I reply back (again, no seduction or flirting). So then one day, I just call her up and ask her out over the phone and ask her for her availability and we set a date. She sends me a text telling me she's marked my calendar on this date and sends me a pic of her calendar date with my name on it and a 2 hour timeslot. I jokingly say.."I only get two hours" and she replies.."Well no, but how many do you want" and then i reply with some shakespearean quote about time and how lovers lose themselves or some bullshit, i forget. She loves it and says, I can have her for as long as I want.
So i pick her up near her work and give her a hug. I work in sales, so I'm usually dressed up in a suit (without a tie). She sees me and immediately says.."wow" and then says.."I'm wearing jeans" and I explain that a suit is pretty much my work uniform. Not sure if she was saying "wow" to me as in.."he's hot!" or 'wow, you're totally wearing a suit"
I ask her if she wants to start with drinks (alcohol) or coffee (it's 5PM), I didn't blatantly want to suggest drinks so she said Coffee and I moved her to this coffee place, opened the door. I'm generally a very confident guy, so I dont take a backseat... I was assertive in asking the barista, what kind of coffee they had, and wasn't impressed and said to my date:"Ok we're out here" and moved her out to a chocolate store where we both had espressos. We also ordered chocolate and we split each piece in half (I chew on a piece and then handed her the half, and vice-versa). We had some good convo about where she's from, etc. Because i'm in Sales, I can be good at framing the conversation to be all about the other person more than me. We ate, drank and she loved it and I knew that I totally broke the ice.
After this, I told her i'm taking to her a dinner place which was a surprise and she said.."i love surprises" I really wanted to hold her hand or have her put her hand in my arm as we walked to my car, but didnt have courage. Give me a break guys, I'm rusty!
First date in 10 years! (been in a committed relationship, whaddaya gonna do!)
We drive to this place that's about 35 minutes away...She asked if i knew where I was going and I look at her, smile and say.."Of course!" and she giggled and said.."I love that i don't have to think about anything right now"
We get to the place and she's so damn impressed and is asking tons of question about it..I order for the both of us and don't ask her what she wants...i just order lol. as we sit down, i also get drinks (i'm spoiling this girl..yes, I paid for everything - I'm new remember!)
And as she gets ready to sit, she was planning on sitting opposite of me and I tell her.."no come sit here, next to me, she smiled and said.."even better". At one point during the dinner, I say she has to try this..and feed her, which i think she was surprised by, but i know she loved the fact that I fed her! and later in the dinner, she actually fed me! ha! We just chattted for hours..doesn't end there.
I take her to a dessert place, we get drinks and we start flirting. I could tell she didn't really want it to end but was complaining about work the next day and having to get up early. I was sitting on the outside and it was late like midnight and she had a 45 minute drive home from where we were, so I said..alright, it's late you should get home. and she says "So you're going to let me go, huh"
I drive her to her car, walk her to her door and give her a big hug and tell her it was fun and she tells me she had an great time! I make no mention of "we should do this another time" I just wanted her to keep guessing what I was thinking. and here it is..I DID NOT KISS THIS HER! Man! feeling sucks!
So anyways..next day like 9 or 930ishAM, she texts me
Her: what was the name of the place we went to last night?
Me: what do i get for telling you
Her: "umm I dont know"
Me: well then, you better keep thinking about it
Her: Geez!
I dont respond and a few hours later, she sends me a pic of a coupon that says.."this coupon entitles you to...." get the picture..
Her: Here, use this wisely!
Me: (after about 2 hours) So, do i get to wish for more coupons?
Her: Ha! funny! I didn't think of that.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of texting back and forth. So I called her two days later! We speak for about 15 minutes, mostly her talking about her work and she asked me about my work. Then I ask her if she had a good time and she excitedly said yes and I probed her and asked what she liked..and she mentioned a few of things. and She asked me if I had a good time and I said yes and "you know, I don't think I told you, but Yes, i had really good time" Then we were talking about something and I said "Hey, i gotta go i have to take this call and quickly said goodbye and hung up". There was no call, I just wanted to keep her on her toes.
I could tell she was shocked that I abruptly cut it off. And she texts me apologizing for the fact that she may not have been focused cuz she was driving..but she was definitely very focused. Then she texts me 15 minutes later asking me to call her back when i have a chance. I don't, instead we exchange some texts and she texted me two days in a row with "Good morning" and I reply back with the usual. It was raining badly this day and I said..
Me: Gosh the weather sucks
Her: I know..i just want to be home with cuddled up in a blanket watching a movie
Me: I can provide the Movie if you can provide the Blanket
Her: LOL - so clever you are
fifteen minutes later
Her: So, what movie do you suggest
Me: Well, since you like surprises so much, I'll tell you when I get there
Then I got really busy for work and I couldn't keep up with the text messages and the above pretty much deflated.
And then we picked up on the text message later in the day with her asking me what I'm up to. (I have to delete the texts from my phone (relationship not officially over yet))
- i called her a day later and it went to voicemail - left a voicemail. She calls back, I'm busy, I don't pick up. I call her back and she doesn't pick up, i leave a voicemail. I'm thinking..this girl is definitely playing me.. in other words, i think she has game also.
She texts me the next day
Her: So are we going to be playing phone tag or what! We should speak
I dont respond
Her: So how's your morning going..
So this is where it ended, I've been busy, I haven't responded to her text in two days nor have I called her. I need to move on this fast! I was thinking of calling her and just setting up the next date.
What do you awesome gentlemen think? How's it going? What should be my next steps?! Please help, I'm grateful in advance.
Some history: I've never ever read up on dating, but I've been pretty good with girls (I flirt here and there, but trust me guys, i'm faithful! I consider myself good looking and my friends always comment on how I'm the "suave guy in the group". People think I'm very outgoing, which I am. But I never actually learned game or anything like that. And I want to make sure I do this right without FUing it up! I totally want to sleep with this girl cuz she's HOT!! At the same time, Abundance is my best friend, so I'm not tied her (haven't returned her calls or texts - but I know i need to soon!). Soon I'll be doing the 10 day newbee assignment. I say this with full humility:I really want to master this because I don't think I'm bad, but I wanna be good!
Thank you!
I'm new here and I really hope I'm following the guidelines. Here's the story...I met this hottie on the plane and we started chatting it up. She gave me her number and I gave her mine. I didn't really bother calling her because to be honest, I thought she was out of my league. Now, I'm not bad looking at all, and I actually do get hit on quite a bit, but totally ignore women cuz I just wasn't ready. And here's the thing, I've been in a relationship for 10 years and I have been totally faithful! I feel very strangled by my relationship and I think I'm going to call it quits.
Back to the story..so she texts me first with some random questions and I reply back (again, no seduction or flirting). So then one day, I just call her up and ask her out over the phone and ask her for her availability and we set a date. She sends me a text telling me she's marked my calendar on this date and sends me a pic of her calendar date with my name on it and a 2 hour timeslot. I jokingly say.."I only get two hours" and she replies.."Well no, but how many do you want" and then i reply with some shakespearean quote about time and how lovers lose themselves or some bullshit, i forget. She loves it and says, I can have her for as long as I want.
So i pick her up near her work and give her a hug. I work in sales, so I'm usually dressed up in a suit (without a tie). She sees me and immediately says.."wow" and then says.."I'm wearing jeans" and I explain that a suit is pretty much my work uniform. Not sure if she was saying "wow" to me as in.."he's hot!" or 'wow, you're totally wearing a suit"
I ask her if she wants to start with drinks (alcohol) or coffee (it's 5PM), I didn't blatantly want to suggest drinks so she said Coffee and I moved her to this coffee place, opened the door. I'm generally a very confident guy, so I dont take a backseat... I was assertive in asking the barista, what kind of coffee they had, and wasn't impressed and said to my date:"Ok we're out here" and moved her out to a chocolate store where we both had espressos. We also ordered chocolate and we split each piece in half (I chew on a piece and then handed her the half, and vice-versa). We had some good convo about where she's from, etc. Because i'm in Sales, I can be good at framing the conversation to be all about the other person more than me. We ate, drank and she loved it and I knew that I totally broke the ice.
After this, I told her i'm taking to her a dinner place which was a surprise and she said.."i love surprises" I really wanted to hold her hand or have her put her hand in my arm as we walked to my car, but didnt have courage. Give me a break guys, I'm rusty!
We drive to this place that's about 35 minutes away...She asked if i knew where I was going and I look at her, smile and say.."Of course!" and she giggled and said.."I love that i don't have to think about anything right now"
We get to the place and she's so damn impressed and is asking tons of question about it..I order for the both of us and don't ask her what she wants...i just order lol. as we sit down, i also get drinks (i'm spoiling this girl..yes, I paid for everything - I'm new remember!)
And as she gets ready to sit, she was planning on sitting opposite of me and I tell her.."no come sit here, next to me, she smiled and said.."even better". At one point during the dinner, I say she has to try this..and feed her, which i think she was surprised by, but i know she loved the fact that I fed her! and later in the dinner, she actually fed me! ha! We just chattted for hours..doesn't end there.
I take her to a dessert place, we get drinks and we start flirting. I could tell she didn't really want it to end but was complaining about work the next day and having to get up early. I was sitting on the outside and it was late like midnight and she had a 45 minute drive home from where we were, so I said..alright, it's late you should get home. and she says "So you're going to let me go, huh"
I drive her to her car, walk her to her door and give her a big hug and tell her it was fun and she tells me she had an great time! I make no mention of "we should do this another time" I just wanted her to keep guessing what I was thinking. and here it is..I DID NOT KISS THIS HER! Man! feeling sucks!
So anyways..next day like 9 or 930ishAM, she texts me
Her: what was the name of the place we went to last night?
Me: what do i get for telling you
Her: "umm I dont know"
Me: well then, you better keep thinking about it
Her: Geez!
I dont respond and a few hours later, she sends me a pic of a coupon that says.."this coupon entitles you to...." get the picture..
Her: Here, use this wisely!
Me: (after about 2 hours) So, do i get to wish for more coupons?
Her: Ha! funny! I didn't think of that.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of texting back and forth. So I called her two days later! We speak for about 15 minutes, mostly her talking about her work and she asked me about my work. Then I ask her if she had a good time and she excitedly said yes and I probed her and asked what she liked..and she mentioned a few of things. and She asked me if I had a good time and I said yes and "you know, I don't think I told you, but Yes, i had really good time" Then we were talking about something and I said "Hey, i gotta go i have to take this call and quickly said goodbye and hung up". There was no call, I just wanted to keep her on her toes.
I could tell she was shocked that I abruptly cut it off. And she texts me apologizing for the fact that she may not have been focused cuz she was driving..but she was definitely very focused. Then she texts me 15 minutes later asking me to call her back when i have a chance. I don't, instead we exchange some texts and she texted me two days in a row with "Good morning" and I reply back with the usual. It was raining badly this day and I said..
Me: Gosh the weather sucks
Her: I know..i just want to be home with cuddled up in a blanket watching a movie
Me: I can provide the Movie if you can provide the Blanket
Her: LOL - so clever you are
fifteen minutes later
Her: So, what movie do you suggest
Me: Well, since you like surprises so much, I'll tell you when I get there
Then I got really busy for work and I couldn't keep up with the text messages and the above pretty much deflated.
And then we picked up on the text message later in the day with her asking me what I'm up to. (I have to delete the texts from my phone (relationship not officially over yet))
- i called her a day later and it went to voicemail - left a voicemail. She calls back, I'm busy, I don't pick up. I call her back and she doesn't pick up, i leave a voicemail. I'm thinking..this girl is definitely playing me.. in other words, i think she has game also.
She texts me the next day
Her: So are we going to be playing phone tag or what! We should speak
I dont respond
Her: So how's your morning going..
So this is where it ended, I've been busy, I haven't responded to her text in two days nor have I called her. I need to move on this fast! I was thinking of calling her and just setting up the next date.
What do you awesome gentlemen think? How's it going? What should be my next steps?! Please help, I'm grateful in advance.
Some history: I've never ever read up on dating, but I've been pretty good with girls (I flirt here and there, but trust me guys, i'm faithful! I consider myself good looking and my friends always comment on how I'm the "suave guy in the group". People think I'm very outgoing, which I am. But I never actually learned game or anything like that. And I want to make sure I do this right without FUing it up! I totally want to sleep with this girl cuz she's HOT!! At the same time, Abundance is my best friend, so I'm not tied her (haven't returned her calls or texts - but I know i need to soon!). Soon I'll be doing the 10 day newbee assignment. I say this with full humility:I really want to master this because I don't think I'm bad, but I wanna be good!
Thank you!