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FR  Date/Number Close With HB9 @ Tanning Salon


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
My boat has a shattered port-side windshield, so I haven't been able to get much sun yet this summer. (by the way, that has been a pain in the ass- you have to order it from the manufacturer) Anyway, I decided to go to a tanning salon to get a bit of a tan. So I go down to one near where I live earlier this afternoon. As soon I walk in I notice there is a very tan (go figure, she works at a tanning salon), somewhat tall (maybe 5'8"), skinny, large breasted girl with dark hair and blonde highlights wearing a long black & white dress at the counter. I walk up and ask about packages, and she starts me off with a 100 minute package for like $18. I'm not sure if her breasts are fake or not, but damn they are big and firm looking on such a small frame.

I make some small talk while she gets me setup in the system, and I have to sign a waiver. I'm giving her some strong eye contact and a lot of non-verbals. She wants to start me out at 10 minutes, so I don't burn. I tell her I can go longer, but she says its a rule they have. I tell her I like breaking rules with a sexy smile, and she laughs and gives me the eye protectors and walks me back to the room. When I enter the room, I turn around and she's standing in the doorway and I say "ok, no peeking" and smile and shut the door in her face. I'm smiling the whole 10 minutes in there, thinking about what her reaction might have been to this.

I exit the room when I'm done and stop at the desk and tell her "I didn't get your name" and she replies "It's Jessica" and nod and give her a sexy smile, throw my sunglasses on and leave. I was wanting to find a reason to chat her up right then and there, but I was blanking on coming up with something else to say to her. Oh well, "next time" I think to myself as I stroll out to my truck. When I get in my truck, I have no keys. Must have left them inside.

I go back in and she meets me with my keys, and here's what happens

Me: "Thank you" (placing my hand softly on her upper arm as I take my keys)
Her: "No problem!"
Me: "I wouldn't want you to have to give me a ride home already, we just met" (smile)
Her: "I'd do anything just to get to leave for a minute" (giggles)
Me (non-verbal): *raise my eyebrows at her and motion with my hand like "come on! come with me!" jokingly*
Her: (smile)
Me: "So are you single?"
Her: "Yeah, why?" (still smiling)
Me: "You have the most beautiful green eyes"
Her: "I didn't know people thought green eyes were beautiful"
Me: "Well those are. I could look at them all day. Or all night" (slow smile)
Her: (laughing) "Well I have to get back to work. You are too sweet!"
Me: "Don't run off, let me have just another moment of your time. I promise this will take like 2 minutes" (reach out and grab her hand softly)
Her: "What's that?"
Me: "You just met me, but do I seem like a friendly person?"
Her: "Yeah, definitely!"
Me: "Do you like talking to me?"
Her: "I guess so" (not the answer I wanted to hear, but good enough because she's still smiling)
Me: "Do you eat food?"
Her: (laughing) "Duh, haha you're asking me out. I don't know right now..."
Me: (don't say anything, but give her a quizzical look- waiting for her to fold and go "oh ok, sure")
Her: (after about 3 second delay) "Well, ok. But only because you said my green eyes are pretty."
Me: "I said they were beautiful"
Her: (laughs)
Me: (taking out my phone) "Ok, so what's your number?"
Her: (gives number)

The rest of the conversation is unimportant. If I can sleep with this girl, she'll be in my top 3 of hottest women I've ever taken to bed. I don't want to become outcome dependent, so I'm trying not to think about it that way. Also, there wasn't a ton of interaction but I feel like I made the good parts count. Hopefully she'll be working when I go back in tomorrow or the next day and I can flirt a little more. I am going to send her the icebreaker text here in an hour or two, so we'll see what happens with that too.

Anyway, felt really really good about this so I had to post immediately.

Thoughts and feedback are welcomed, as always!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Great job on this one, NJ. Reading your posts is a rewarding experience because I can see what good seduction is SUPPOSED to look like and is really helpful to know what I should be going for.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Hey Tom, thanks! I have to admit though, I mostly post my successes. The only time I really post about my failures is if they were either (a) REALLY bad or (b) I'm not sure where I messed up. Most times, I have a pretty good idea what I didn't do right. As you can see, even in this FR, I still blanked as I was walking out the first time. This happens to me a lot, where I can't think of anything "cool" to say, so I lose a lot of opportunities that way I suppose.

Oh, and to give an update: We are going to meet at the mall tomorrow at 4 pm, walk around a little and then go eat. She told me she has the entire evening open, so I'm hoping to close her on the first date. We will see!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Here's how the date went:

We met at the mall, walked around a little and I had her sit on a bench in the mall with me. Didn't stay there too long, maybe half hour or 45 minutes. She jumped in my vehicle with me and we went and got food. I have her doing most of the talking, we connect on a few things. Deep diving here, strong eye contract from me throughout. She doesn't hold much eye contact. I feel like she's breaking eye contact left and right. Like she's not comfortable staying in tune with me more than several seconds. So I start to match her eye contact. I start breaking eye contact more and more, start acting a little bored and unentertained. After about an hour I go to the bathroom and come back and grab my keys and we head out to my vehicle.

I ask if she wants drinks or if we should call it a night (I'm feeling like despite all the things that have went well, it's just not a connection). I'm disappointed, of course, but she surprises me by saying we should get drinks. We go grab her car (so she has it with her) and head to a bar, get drinks. I kino, strong eye contact, she's giving it back now. Must be the new atmosphere. Things no longer feel stuffy to her. Must be a comfort zone thing? After a couple drinks she is completely facing me (bar stool is swiveled completely in my direction). I have her complete attention at this point. I'm getting more touchy feely and everything suddenly is going really really well. We share some stories about vacation spots, childhood dreams, past relationships, high school stories, family, everything. We go to leave and I hug her by her car, three second hug at least. Should have kissed her, and didnt. Fuck my life haha.

Anyway, received a text from her shortly after I got home: "So not trying to distract you while you are driving, but thanks for meeting me and dinner/drinks. Had a good time :) " I responded about 15 minutes later: "Just got home. I had a good time too :) Hopefully we can do it again soon." Missed a wide open escalation window. Hopefully she will give me another shot at being a strong, dominant, sexy man. However, I feel like best case scenario is that I've slipped into boyfriend category. We will see what happens when I try to schedule a second meet!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
NarrowJ said:
We met at the mall, walked around a little and I had her sit on a bench in the mall with me. Didn't stay there too long, maybe half hour or 45 minutes. She jumped in my vehicle with me and we went and got food. I have her doing most of the talking, we connect on a few things. Deep diving here, strong eye contract from me throughout. She doesn't hold much eye contact. I feel like she's breaking eye contact left and right. Like she's not comfortable staying in tune with me more than several seconds. So I start to match her eye contact. I start breaking eye contact more and more, start acting a little bored and unentertained. After about an hour I go to the bathroom and come back and grab my keys and we head out to my vehicle.

I ask if she wants drinks or if we should call it a night (I'm feeling like despite all the things that have went well, it's just not a connection). I'm disappointed, of course, but she surprises me by saying we should get drinks. We go grab her car (so she has it with her) and head to a bar, get drinks. I kino, strong eye contact, she's giving it back now. Must be the new atmosphere. Things no longer feel stuffy to her. Must be a comfort zone thing? After a couple drinks she is completely facing me (bar stool is swiveled completely in my direction). I have her complete attention at this point. I'm getting more touchy feely and everything suddenly is going really really well. We share some stories about vacation spots, childhood dreams, past relationships, high school stories, family, everything. We go to leave and I hug her by her car, three second hug at least. Should have kissed her, and didnt. Fuck my life haha.

Anyway, received a text from her shortly after I got home: "So not trying to distract you while you are driving, but thanks for meeting me and dinner/drinks. Had a good time :) " I responded about 15 minutes later: "Just got home. I had a good time too :) Hopefully we can do it again soon." Missed a wide open escalation window. Hopefully she will give me another shot at being a strong, dominant, sexy man. However, I feel like best case scenario is that I've slipped into boyfriend category. We will see what happens when I try to schedule a second meet!

I wish you have the chance though. The last one i had last month, similar in some way like your kind of date. She completely went blank after that.

Fuck my life. HAHA!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Zac, it really sucks doesn't it!

But I have good news, I recovered pretty nicely. I texted her yesterday afternoon about 1 pm:

Me: I had to hold myself back from kissing you last night
Her: haha what u mean?
Me: Idk, I guess I didn't want to seem like just some average creep
Her: Its ok, I shouldn't have told you I don't kiss on the first date. That was a joke ;)
Me: (like 2.5 hours later) Well, hey. A bunch of us rented the gun club out and were having a party. Food, volleyball, drinks. You should come.
Her: really? Where?
Me: It's at the lake, in (name of town). Head this direction and call me when you get close.
Her: ok, I had plans but that sounds really fun! I'll call you in like an hour, k
Me: ok sounds good!

This is awesome, she's dropping her plans to come hang out with me. She shows up in flip flops, little jean shorts and a bikini top. Those titties are rocking! I thought they looked nice in that dress she was wearing, I about sprouted a boner when she hugged me. I introduce her to people and get her a drink, and take her into the pavilion to show her where everything is at (bathrooms, food, etcetera). After a couple drinks we play some volleyball. It's hot as fuck out and her body is glistening with sweat. She's the hottest girl here. A couple of my friends had made jokes like "how much are you paying her to hang out with you?" and stuff like that.

She's on the opposite team, were playing 5 on 5 and after a few scores were both in front and I block one of her volley attempts and she falls in the sand. I run over and pull her up out of the sand and once standing, lean in like I'm going to kiss her, but instead grab the back of her neck and whisper into her ear "get that weak shit out of here" and she laughs and says I got lucky. I nonchalantly reply "maybe later" with a deadpan look and then a smile. We finish two games and take a break.

We go to grab a snack and were in the pavilion with my friend and his girl, just talking over small plates of food at a table. The other two get up and leave and some other people straggle in and out. When we go throw our plates away, I turn her around and pull her arms up and put them around my neck and give her about a 5 second kiss. I tell her "I owed you that" and she giggles. We kiss again and somebody says "hey knock that shit off" and someone else says "We have tents setup for that!" We laugh and I grab her hand and lead her outside.

I'm holding her hand lightly as if it could drop at any moment and she notices this (I think?) and squeezes my hand tighter so as not to let go. To outsiders, we seem like a couple. One of my female friends asks me how long I've been seeing her, and I tell her we just met a few days ago, and she seems surprised by this fact.

The day goes on, more volleyball, drinks, etcetera and day slowly day turns to night. We build a fire and I get some guys to help me move some hay bails over by the fire to sit on. A lot of the older people have left by now, so it's mostly us younger folks at this point. We are sitting on top of a picnic table by the fire and she snuggled into me and tells me she's cold and only brought a tee shirt. I tell her I have a North Face in my truck, and ask if she wants it. She says yes, so I tell her to walk with me to go get it. We go get the jacket and I put it on her, and tell her she looks good wearing my clothes. She smiles and we kiss. We make out against my truck for a while, and eventually a friend of mine comes around the corner of the building and says "hey NJ, do you where the tiki torches are? And I'm like fuck no dude, there's a fire. What the hell do you need tiki torches for? Can't you see I'm busy? He laughs and says something about "ok lover boy, we got it"

We are still kissing and talking by my truck and I'm trying to think of someplace to take her. I would prefer it isn't in a bathroom or the back of my truck. She brushes some sand off of my shoulder, and comments about how both of us are covered in sand. I tell her I could use a sponge bath, and she giggles. Want to go back up to the fire?, she asks. I tell her we should go back to mine and freshen up. I tell her she can use my shower. She says "isn't it getting late?" And I reply that it's only like 915 and we could be back in less than an hour. She says "yeah ok, so am I staying the night or what?" And then quickly clarifies, "I mean at the party or whatever! Geez haha" and I say yeah I'd like it if she did, I'm enjoying her company. She agrees, and we get in my truck. I flip the middle console back and tell her come sit in the middle. We take off.

I make small talk and rub her leg on the ride to my house to keep her mind busy. We get to my house and go inside and I tell her she can use the front shower and I'll use the one in back. She says ok and I take her down the hallway and grab two towels, hand her one, and open the door to the bathroom. She starts to go through the door and drop the towel I am holding, put my arm in between her and the doorway, and grab her belt loop with the index finger of my other hand and pull her into me and we kiss. I take my hand off the doorway and run my finger from her ear down between her breasts and stop at her belly button. She starts making out harder, so I push her into the bathroom and lift her up onto the sink, and you know the rest... :)

We never went back to the party and she stayed the night at my place. I dropped her at her car this morning and before she got out of the car she looked at me longingly and says "NJ, I'm really glad you asked me to come to the party. You seem like you are different from other guys." Then she says something about how that sounds stupid but she thinks I know what she's trying to say. I tell her I do, and kiss her goodbye. She texted me when she got home and told me she "will be on the couch all day because she can't walk" haha! She's coming over Tuesday night just to hang out and eat and watch a movie.

As always, thoughts and feedback are appreciated!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
NarrowJ said:
I nonchalantly reply "maybe later" with a deadpan look and then a smile.

Funny you mention this. I have an Aussie friend who's a real natural with women, you know, great overall people skills. He uses this dry, witty sexual humor every so often with the beautiful women I've seen him around. It spikes this incredibly strong sexual tension for 2 or 3 seconds, and then he smiles as if it was a joke. It's really the verbal equivalent of a push/pull.

Great FR/LR, by the way.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

NarrowJ said:
Zac, it really sucks doesn't it!

YEA, DEFINITELY. The lay report is superbly done. :)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Jake/Zac, thanks guys :)

Also, I just noticed something...

I'm trying to think of someplace to take her. I would prefer it isn't in a bathroom or the back of my truck.


She starts making out harder, so I push her into the bathroom and lift her up onto the sink, and you know the rest... :)

Doh! :D


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Perhaps the bathroom was like the only thing in mind. :D only option



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Loving the sexual vibe kept down from the start, just shows you need to have it ON all the time - no rest and just turning it on in the evening, I think the start was SUPER well done (lucky meeting one that is single and leaving your keys! - maybe should use that one;) - Could you have maybe tried to take her home on that first date? how did you know not to? I have a real problem calibrating that decision atm - whether its better to wait till next time or try and close out on the first night - I think it can ruin things if you try to push and get her to your place before she is ready for sex, almost like a failed escalation removes mystery etc...

how was texting between dates btw?

- interesting that you took the inviting out on group date route - I normally stay away from these like the plague! I think it can really relax them though sometimes and work really well.

Awesome conflicting mediums at the end there - your verbals saying you should have separate showers your physicals pushing for escalation - I think this is REALLY important


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Lols, why am I not surprised to log on to the site for the first time in a few weeks and then find a new LR with a 9 by our very own Bang King NJ?

Congrats, great LR.

But after you bang them, you really should consider asking them about the things you're wondering yourself; such as why she wasn't really investing that much in the beginning of your day 2? I'm quite curious why she said yes to go to a bar with you after that start.

I'm guessing it's because you remained friendly and unaffected by her apparent lack of interest where many guys sometimes react (myself included) combined with her initially liking you strongly and since her night was free anyway.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
True, what girlsfollow says. I was wondering why you took her out for a group meeting too. I'm the more quiet guy, so taking girls out with my more extroverted friends would usually not work to my advantage.

But you got cool friends, it's a cool activity, it' becomes romantic, and sexual (up against the truck ;) ) and you remain calm throughout, in other words bringing her out becomes a massive DHV, and I suppose, one of the reasons she tells you that you're special and unlike other guys.

What is your own interpretation?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013

Could you have maybe tried to take her home on the first date? How did you know not to?

While texting her for a 1st meet, she told me "Just want you to know I don't kiss on a first date ;)", which I immediately filed that under "shit test". I replied: "Depends on what you're wearing. Can't make any promises :)" and she didn't challenge me any more on the subject. After our date, this was in the back of my mind the whole time. I wasn't outcome dependent or anything, I just completely chickened out on it. As long of a hug as she gave me, and as tightly as she squeezed me, I'm sure I could have though. Reading indicators for touch-level (will she let me hug her? kiss her? can I put my hand on her leg or will she feel uncomfortable?) is something I need to get better at. I actually posted a thread about that over on the General board.

how was texting between dates btw?

I texted her immediately after getting her number. Just- "It was nice meeting you! Save my # :) -NJ" and she replied instantly and started to basically interview me via text message for the next several hours. I deflected as many questions as I could and eventually asked her for her schedule, and we decided to get together that Friday. Then, of course the 2nd meetup was the very next day. I am pretty outcome dependent these days, even with girls as hot as she is, because of abundance. So, when I texted her I was thinking that I'd already pretty much screwed up and figured I'd just throw something at her and see if she'd catch it. Which, luckily for me, she did.


such as why she wasn't really investing that much in the beginning of your day 2? I'm quite curious why she said yes to go to a bar with you after that start.

I may have over-stated her lack of investment in the conversation. It wasn't really all THAT bad, but it seemed to me that she was just going along with things. She was doing 70-80 percent of the talking too, and I know when I'm talking I hold eye contact less than when I am listening. So that could have been it also. Me, being outcome independent, just gave her the ultimatum: Well, what do you think? Drinks or no? And she said "Yeah, where at?" so I just shot us over there and didn't worry about it any further.

The group date: Again, I felt like I screwed up by not kissing her. So I felt like I had to just burn it down right there, and either fail miserably or get lucky and she'd want to come to the party or else agree meet up some other time. I was really surprised how easy she made it. I didn't even warm her up first, I just told her "I wanted to kiss you really bad" and then immediately "Hey blah blah come to this party". I expected a reply like "Well I have plans, so I can't". Also, it was my friends, and not hers. So that was a little better than if I had tagged along with her group or something. However, she is very outgoing and friendly, and felt perfectly comfortable being there.
