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Date vs Getting some


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2012
Hey guys i have a question i want to ask because im a little confused about a certain thing. I know a girl from my class, actually we are like the same group of friends but not always together like a permanent group. Im telling you guys this because i dont want you guys jump already to the phrase " You can´t do it, you are friend-zoned". Actually me and her , when we talk is always like sexy conversation like " Hey raphael you look sexy today" and i said" Dont tell me you miss me Little one" always sexual tension. And so in the other night i post a thing on her facebook and we comment like facebook people and the next day i receive a text from her telling me " Raphael i just love your fantastic comments on my facebook. A kiss in your sweet face." And then i realized, what i just ask her on a date? The question is? I just want some opinion about things i should do in the date because ive already read the Girlschase Posts and i dont think its a really good idea to go jump from date to sex on my house on the first date or i just dont think it will result, That why i just some inside, some ideas to do, things to say. Feel free to ask me anything to be sure maybe if im friend-zoned.

Thanks, Raphael
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
Hey Raphael,

Man I'm amazed at how u wrote all that stuff down here, You almost make yourself sound like a product or a cheesy Italian salesman from the 80's :D
Anyways, Raphael I don't think you're in the friend zone here you have a great lighthearted flirt going on here, so take it to the next level with the same lightheartedness. Get out with her buy some ice cream or go to the park and then make ur moves on her touch her feel her shoulder body, both of you kids have fun and lightheartedly hold hands, hold her body etc. as it gets more comfortable kiss her. You'll know when to since both of you will be very relaxed and then continue like nothing nothing happened if you're lucky you might even sleep with her. Either way mission successful no monies or time wasted.

BTW. Meet up with her somewhere CLOSE to your house.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2012
Altimeter i like your style man!! xD. Well yeah i can invite her for an ice cream or coffee but i think nowadays that quote its already equal to " I wanna have fun with you" Im "afraid" the girl thinks i want to get fun with her in the moment i invite her to ice cream or that things. Even if i can get a coffee or ice cream with her i think in this century, the moment i said " I lets sit over there" the girl will think already " Well this guys want to get fun with me" . The question is how can i do things smoothly and get results? Do things like a "Sexy Man"! . Thanks


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Set up a date and escalate quickly as you can without forcing anything. Get close raise that tension.

Funny thing I notice about your interactions is that it seems like purely flirting. I hang out with a lot of girls and date an amazing woman right now. Guess what, she/they flirts with EVERYONE, maybe not so direct as this (in front of me at least) but she is definitely lightly physical eye contact and making cute value giving comments. It becomes natural to these women, it's fun and makes conversations run much smoother. The results are getting whatever they want, chodes will do anything for them all the while they will go get fucked by guys like me.

So you can obviously work this in your favor, if she is single/willingly available and you have communicated Man to Woman not friend to friend then you will be just fine. Although, you must escalate on the FIRST date, DON'T hold back no matter what and push it as far as you can go. I promise that if you fail you will learn MUCH more than if you are too cautious which will only give you regret. Belive me I have failed numerous times, I have also succeeded numerous times. Every time I succeeded I went as fast as possible, I took them back to my place on the first date, didn't hold back and led them to sex. When I failed I held back and disappointed the girl and only wonder now "What if."


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2012
Okay i have set up a date for tomorrow! And i´ve been paying attention to girlschase.com to know that we must escalate on the first date a try to get her to come my home that why the date(cofee) its close to my place. I have two question. First when you guys say "escalate" what you mean by that? i must escalate like touching? ou escalate in terms of seduction? How to do that? I can´t just begin to escalate from nowhere. Second question. Like i said i´ve set up a date for tomorrow. What you guys think its the best time? in the evening ou night? Because there will be a party in the night that why i have this dilemma. On the other hand i dont want to hang out with her in the night and she or me face some friends and the seduction its lost. I thank all the opinions. Raphael :)