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Dates from Facebook friends list


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 10, 2012
I have several attractive girls on Facebook who I could not do anything with when I met them because I was in a relationship at the time. Also I have a few from my new job but don't really have a chance to hit on them at work. So far I've communicated with them very little in order to avoid being friend-zoned. I'm ready to strike now but don't see these girls during my day-to-day life so I will need to ask them out on Facebook if I'm to get dates with them. I was wondering what the best way to go about doing this was? It could seem weird if they randomly get a message from me going "Hey are you single?".
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey Penguin,

Here's a solid article on girlschase about girls and Facebook. https://www.girlschase.com/content/why-not-meet-girls-facebook
Asking the question would be fine, but don't make it random. Straight up a conversation with them but not in a boring type of "Hey how are you way?" Do it a texting type of way because even though they can see your profile pic, they still can't see your face and hear your voice.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 10, 2012
Hey thanks for the link :). I know Facebook isn't ideal for this but it's all I've got for these particular five or so women that I'm interested in doing. In the future I'll only be getting phone numbers in order to maintain intrigue. It's just occurred to me how weird it would be to text a girl whose number I got a year ago to ask her out :p- That's pretty much what I will be attempting on Facebook. I'm fairly certain they'll be aware that I was unavailable at the time we first met though. Do you have any suggestions for sexy/edgy/non-boring openers I can use?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Penguin said:
Hey thanks for the link :). I know Facebook isn't ideal for this but it's all I've got for these particular five or so women that I'm interested in doing. In the future I'll only be getting phone numbers in order to maintain intrigue. It's just occurred to me how weird it would be to text a girl whose number I got a year ago to ask her out :p- That's pretty much what I will be attempting on Facebook. I'm fairly certain they'll be aware that I was unavailable at the time we first met though. Do you have any suggestions for sexy/edgy/non-boring openers I can use?

No worries man,
"Hey Kara, there's something different about you." say it with a look of intrigue, sexy smile, and sexy voice tone
This will make her try and figure out what that something is. Sex appeal maybe?
"Looks like all the guys will be jealous today." sparks the same intrigue as the first because it let's her know she looks good without saying she actually looks good.
"I've always been a fan of a figure like that." tells her that you like woman who are shapely without actually saying she is.

Those are a few for in person.

For texting or facebook

"Hey emily, i hope your holiday is full of new beginnings :)"
"Hey Monica, I know a girl like you is looking forward to New Years ;)"