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Day 2 of meeting girls (June 2022)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 5, 2022
Met a total of 3 girls today.
I wrote this to reflect on my interactions. Currently working on repartee, push pull and chase framing. Also moving her and getting phone numbers when things are going well. Definitely realized I did not do a single chase frame in my interactions after spelling everything out, will do more of that for my next outing.

1. Girl walking by and I approach her from the side
Me: Hey, do you know where the library is?
Her: (Directions)
Me: Actually I just thought ur brown hair is really cute
Me: My names xxx
Her: My names xx
Me: Oh sounds familiar that was my friends name back in secondary school.
Her: Oh
Me: So what brought you here?
Her: I am here to meet some friends
Me: They are your school friends
Her: Yeah I am from xxx secondary school.
Me: Oh wow you are so young haha you are cute but you are too young for me (She was about 13-16 years old, I was about 12 years older)

2. Girl standing near the escalator holding pepsi drink in her hands, I opened her just as she was turning away.
Same opener she also had brown hair
Me: Looks like u just had ur lunch
Her: Yup, just went to kfc downstairs
Me: I like your brown hair but I dont like your drink
Her: Haha, yeah they dont even have straws now
Me: Haha I am going to help u go and complain to them, go onto their customer service and ask "hey why no straw now"

I push pull once or twice more, but did not build any rapport

Me: So what you going to do here
Her: Actually I am not too sure, just have a bunch of free time waiting for a friend to do project
Me: Lets go for a walk around here. (Trying to move her)
Her: Where you want to go?
Me: (Not too sure where to move her to) Lets go find somewhere to sit down
Her: I think I go up first (up the escalator). Nice meeting you.

3. Girl sitting and facing a wall and eating spicy malay food. I stood close beside her until she noticed me, then opened as she looked at me
Same opener.
Me: Wow that looks really delicious, making me really hungry haha
Her: You can go downstairs and buy some food.
Me: Maybe later. Is there anyone sitting here?
Her: Nope

I went over to sit next to her. Her bag took up 1 seat between me and her

Me: That is one really beautiful tissue paper case, that other bottle you got not so much.
Her: Oh that one is my water bottle.
Me: Have you ever had the feeling that you are feeling hot, like you feel the clothes are really really warm? (Pointing to her sweater top)
Her: My clothes? I am used to it already. I much prefer it to be hot rather than cold. If I am too cold right, my nose cannot take it
Me: You got take medicines for it?
Her: Yeah
Me: Oh its the everyday one right
Her: Yeah

(short pause)

Me: So what brought you here?
Her: I just finished my school, waiting for my friend. She is now working as a retail associate.
Me: Oh wow that's really hardworking, both studying and working at the same time
Her: She is on holiday so got time. How about you why did u come here?
Me: I was bored of the food at my area. Even worse, the hawker centre closed so no more cheap and nice food. Then the rest of the food stalls became very crowded as a result.
Me: Are you a student too?
Her: Yeah I am in polytechnic
Me: What are u studying?
Her: Business management.
Me: Thats cool, why did u choose to study that, why not like food and beverage (pointing to her food)
Her: I took principal of accounting back in secondary school so I wanted to continue doing that
Me: That makes sense, you already have some experience so u wanted more
Her: What about you, what do you study?
Me: I used to study in NUS, really fun school! Even joined latin dance.
Her: Oh you dance too?
Me: Are you a dancer?
Her: Yeah me too
Me: What dance was it? Malay dance, Modern dance?
Her: Modern dance
Me: Thats cool I always wanted to join, but when I was back in secondary school I had this feeling that like dance was a girl thing and I had to join a guy. So I didnt join.
Her: Ah, actually now quite balanced already, the guys and girls are evenly split in my dance school.
Me: Oh really?
Her: Yeah, its more balanced now compared to before

(small pause)

Her: So did you join dance in the end
Me: Yeah latin dance, super fun. I like it when you get to coordinate perfectly with a partner makes you feel really great.
Her: You got join any competition?
Me: Yeah there's this competition, but by then I quit already
Her: Why you quit?
Me: I was working hard for my pharmacy school, and I wanted to focus on my studies.

Eventually I asked for her number and she gave it, and I just realized we didnt know each other's names. We traded names and exchange contacts.

Me: Lets go out sometime.
Her: Sure
Me: I like your shirt but I dont like your adidas shoes
Her: Mine is more for color coordination.
Me: Ok I think I am going to go eat, enjoy your food.

I stood up and left her.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake