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Daygame at the grocery store


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 24, 2024


I am still trying to develop a sexual vibe. From a recent Field Report I need to work on holding eye contact and building sexual tension.
  1. Strong eye contact
  2. Transition from expressive and friendly on open to more sexual in conversation
  3. Be more relaxed and present in the seduction


Approach 1 (Gym)​

As I am warming up for my workout in the gym I notice a slim girl with an elegant workout outfit on the treadmill working on a laptop. There's a free space next to her, so I start using it and pretend not to notice her while I configure the settings. Then I start casually looking around and "pretend" to notice her, look for a second, then made a casual comment: "Wow, you're really multitasking there."

It takes her a second to realize I'm talking to her, then she laughs and tells me the exercise helps her focus on her schoolwork. Chat a couple lines, then the conversation drops for a few seconds. Then she re-engages, asking about what I'm listening to. When a girl re-engages me on her own that seems like a sign of interest so I commit more to the conversation and we chat for about 4-5 minutes. I got the feeling she was interested, however when screening her age I learn she is underage, so I bid her farewell after my warmup was done.

Takeaway: Situational opener was easy in this situation because there was something clearly interesting to point out. I am not sure how much effort is needed to start noticing other situational opportunities but maybe I should look into it more.

Grocery Store​

It is a holiday in the US so I went to the grocery store to check out the groceries and the girls.

Approach 2​

While walking around the grocery store I notice a girl with bright sky blue and pink hair. Normally I get strong approach anxiety in grocery stores but my recent momentum is giving me a boost. I notice an opening when no one is nearby and approach her while she is browsing. I give a standard expressive opener complimenting her hair, although I can tell I started off sounding a little nervous. She seemed surprised but reacted positively. Focused on maintaining strong eye contact while chatting about her hair.

We talked for about a minute but I got the feeling she wasn't actively interested yet. I think it is because she did not brush her hair, break eye contact down, turn her body to face me more fully, ask me about myself, or other signs of interest. Eventually there was an awkward lull and then she started to pull away, and I let her go with a friendly goodbye.

Takeaway: I sometimes skip the grounding ("I just saw you over there...") when I am nervous and doing a "hit & run" compliment. However today I saw that sticking to the process works even in unfamiliar environments. I forgot to introduce myself or ask her name. I could have switched tactics in conversation and started cold reading or teasing her more after 2-3 questions without hooking. Something like, "Ah, so did you dye your hair so brightly to try to lure in cute guys? Well it worked, congratulations." I also could have tried confirming my instincts by proceeding further and seeing if she would bite.

Approach 3​

While browsing the hot foods I noticed a girl with bright pants like scales while towards me, and try a spontaneous frontal open: "Wow, I love your pants. Is that a mermaid style?" She smiled but responded a bit awkwardly, it seemed like she might not have understood or wasn't interested. It was also kind of awkward because of obstacles and some distance.

Takeaway: My delivery wasn't super enthusiastic, which may have seemed incongruent with the vibe of the approach angle. I also could have maneuvered a bit better so there were less obstacles and distance when I opened.

Approach 4​

After leaving the grocery store I visit a nearby coffee shop. I see a girl sitting alone on her laptop by a seat near the window, so I walk up and ping her by asking if the seat next to her is empty. There is some communication confusion, and I see she is not as cute as I thought, and she seems to be shy / focused, but confirms that it is empty. So I say "Great," pause, then add "This is a great spot." As I am sitting down I notice her react to my comment with a small smile and brushing her hair once, but I do not engage more.

Takeaway: I think I could have pushed further if I wanted to based on her subtle reaction at the end. Next time I can wait a few seconds then ask something like "So, having a productive day so far?" to see if she responded.

Approach 5​

I notice a cute girl walk in to the coffee shop, order a drink, and pick it up. I keep her in my peripheral vision without directly looking. I don't see any approach invitations, but I ended up looking at her as she passed by me to go to one of the outdoor tables. After a few minutes of procrastinating I move nearby where I can observe her. I had the feeling she was not open to being approached but decided to test my instincts. I follow her outside, then wave with a smile to try to get her attention at her table. She doesn't even look up when I try a couple times and completely ignores me. I feel pretty awkward and make up a lame excuse, and walk away shortly after.

Takeaway: My instinct was correct this time, but I should consciously test my predictions more often to gain confidence in my radar.


I didn't think about relaxing or transitioning as much as I should have today, however I nonetheless put less expectations on myself and felt more relaxed because this was a more relaxing venue. I seem to frequently forget to do unfamiliar things, so I can try to remember better by writing my goals down and reminding myself frequently when out. I can also try checking out women sexually before approaching to project more sexual intent and strong eye contact. I also realized today I should start consciously testing my instincts more
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers