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FR  Daygame Cabarete


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
This town I'm staying in is a small coastal town with a population of like a couple thousand. Nonetheless with all the tourists visiting here it actually has a couple small opportunities for daygame. I've been going out and about a little here and there but not hitting the streets to hard so I decided yesterday to do so. Not going to go into extreme detail but just whats worth mentioning.

Big Tits: I noticed this girl with awesomely nice tits so I literally went up to here and told her she had an awesome pair of boobs. I guess my approach/vibe was a little askew for my lack of approaches lately and came across as slightly creepy. She literally told me I was a creep for approaching her and how awkward it was. I tried to get her to calm down a little emotionally and get used to having a stranger talk to her but it turned into interview questions. Pretty funny though the first time a girl has verbally called me creepy.

French Girl: Noticed a girl walking on the beach in a black dress that seemed cute. I opened
Me: "Hi... You really look like someone I should know."
She smiles back shyly and appears happy I approached her. We make small talk for a minute and I get her reallabout why she's here. She tells me she owns a wine shop and hopes to open one nearby here and expand from France to DR. Soon my feet hurt from standing in the same place so I give her my arm to hold, which she accepts, and tell her to walk and talk. We're walking down a beach pretty close to when the sun is setting so it's pretty fucking perfect logistics for a romantic (not sexual.. maybe no towel?) encounter. Unfortunately once up close she isn't the most attractive girl I've ever met and I really wouldn't consider having sex with her. For the sake of learning and because I'm dedicated I continued to see how far I could take this.

We walk down the beach and I continue deep diving and making banter occasionally. Soon enough we're holding hands and I mention the fact this is like straight out of a romance novel. She looks up and smiles and I notice her teeth aren't completely white either (fuck this is getting worse and worse). I really just want to see if I can kiss her since that's a goal of mine (get a daygame makeout) but at this point I'm kind of wishing to ditch her. But no I'm going to continue to persist!

She mentions the fact she really likes a house we're passing so we go up to inspect it. She walks up the steps in front of me and I get a up close and personal view of her legs... that aren't shaved :/. At this point I'm totally turned off and about to call it quits. The thought that I might be able to get a daygame kiss is still going through my head so I lead her to where the street is and we part ways... but not before I show her how to give a proper sexual hug in which I make a half ass attempt to kiss her and she rejects me with some lame excuse.

To say the least I'm so glad she didn't want to kiss me!

Personal note: There was a girl I met the other day that told me I need to interact sexually with the French because they are such good kissers. At one point I told this girl that I've heard good stuff about the French, kind of a subtle sexual innuendo. She said why cause they're such good kissers. Here I pretty much deflected this statement and changed topics. I should've used a chase frame here like "what makes you assume it's something sexual.. or is that a French thing?" Something.

Over and out,



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
Hey Rob, nice to hear you're approaching girls in such a lovely location :)

I agree with the first girl. You don't really come off unique in any way from all the other guys if you just compliment her on her breasts. That just doesn't seem proper to me. But good for you to compliment a girl on her breasts, i certainly never would have had the guts.
I assume with the girl with the incredible breasts, she's probably heard that compliment a 1000 times before in continental Europe, probably from sleazy/bad men, so you can't blame her for pigeon-holing you into the same group with them.
Maybe next time, you could compliment something beautiful about her, but something she puts effort in rather than something just god-given to her. Like her hair or her dress. I think you'd get better results then.

Not much else you could do with the French girl if she doesn't turn you on, and you did good with the romantic walk on the beach. Every experience is a good experience in my opinion. I'm sure you learned something you didn't previously know (Here in Europe or anywhere, don't expect girls' teeth to be as perfect as Americans. Slightly yellow teeth is common here, and to be honest wouldn't turn me off unless it was really yellow or unhygienic. Many European girls are hairy too, especially italians, spanish, greek and portuguese). I can't remember the article, but i'm sure you remember the story of the girl Chase met at the dance floor who had terrible Body odour, but he still wished he had sex with her anyway.

Anyway, i hope that helped!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Yeah Ryan it's nice to get have a change of scenery and different logistics. Kind of makes the day go by a lot slower being somewhere different. I highly recommend you try and get some traveling under your belt if you can, you can get some killer reference points and if you travel by yourself you have to push yourself to expand your comfort zone and meet new people (haven't met so many new people in my entire life, and met some really fun people and learned a lot).

As far as the girl with the big boobs. I've actually used that opener before and have had quite good reception too it. Most people don't have the balls to say it and it was the most genuine compliment I could have given. This is because it was the first and most attractive feature of her (if I would've noticed and loved her breast but complimented her on her hair that was alright it wouldn't have been genuine). Not that it mattered since my delivery/vibe was way off lol. It was good for my ego to be told it's creepy lol.

I agree with you
Not much else you could do with the French girl if she doesn't turn you on, and you did good with the romantic walk on the beach. Every experience is a good experience in my opinion. I'm sure you learned something you didn't previously know
That really was my only motivation behind not ditching her when I got turned off. Always push yourself to learn more and expand that comfort zone baby!

Here in Europe or anywhere, don't expect girls' teeth to be as perfect as Americans. Slightly yellow teeth is common here, and to be honest wouldn't turn me off unless it was really yellow or unhygienic. Many European girls are hairy too, especially italians, spanish, greek and portuguese)
Dude that sucks, I'm sure it's not every girl just a stereotype (at least I hope so). Call me picky but I can't get turned on to hairy hygiene with yellow shit on the teeth. Just can't do it. I'm having enough trouble getting turned on with girls that do :/.

Thanks for the input,

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
To say the least I'm so glad she didn't want to kiss me!

Lol, yeah...dodged the bullet on that one Rob. Maybe she had onion breath!