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Daygame in COVID times


Aug 7, 2021
Hello. My name is Mauricio and I'm a longtime follower of this website (I found it like 4 or 5 years ago) who recently decided to finally try luck in daygaming with the latest priced course (Meet Girls Everywhere) as a reference material.

The course itself has been pretty good, helpful and entertaining. However, what still prevents me to do my first real approaches to girls is the ongoing COVID hysteria which, at least in my country (Spain) seems far from ending. To give you a picture, a lot of people old or young in the streets still wear masks even if it is not mandated anymore (they are still mandatory in closed spaces though). I find quite awkward the idea of approaching girls with all this tension going on (especially if they are masked), and doing it with a mask on to don't "scare" them looks even more pointless for me (a mask basically cripples 70% of the game IMO).

I wanted to know what has been your experience so far in your countries under these circumstances and if you have any advice you would like to share. Are my fears overblown and I shouldn't care too much about them? Or, on the contrary, should I wait for things to calm a bit?

Best Regards.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
fuck it, this circus show is not ending ever and is only gonna get worse, so approach NOW
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 15, 2019
I haven't really noticed much of a difference even when I am wearing the mask. Results haven't been much worse if any then pre covid daygame if thats your concern. I would advise to approach unless your city is in the middle of the covid wave and people are dying left and right. So basically you are good to go for most of the year. Don't wait and approach now, for most counties you can expect new wave in autumn


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Hello. My name is Mauricio and I'm a longtime follower of this website (I found it like 4 or 5 years ago) who recently decided to finally try luck in daygaming with the latest priced course (Meet Girls Everywhere) as a reference material.
Hello Mauricio! Glad to hear you are out there doing it man. Start writing field reports to speed yourself along.
The course itself has been pretty good, helpful and entertaining. However, what still prevents me to do my first real approaches to girls is the ongoing COVID hysteria which, at least in my country (Spain) seems far from ending. To give you a picture, a lot of people old or young in the streets still wear masks even if it is not mandated anymore (they are still mandatory in closed spaces though). I find quite awkward the idea of approaching girls with all this tension going on (especially if they are masked), and doing it with a mask on to don't "scare" them looks even more pointless for me (a mask basically cripples 70% of the game IMO).
The fact that you find it awkward means that tons of guys aren't doing it and those who are doing it stick out. Sticking out is a great thing for seduction. You want to be her number one? That amazing guy? Go out there and talk to her then analyze it after. Tension, anxiety, fear are your friends. Only badasses utilize them for greatness. The rest crumble.
Are my fears overblown and I shouldn't care too much about them? Or, on the contrary, should I wait for things to calm a bit?
Your fears are keys to areas of improvement and core parts of you. They are also yours so I don't know if they are overblown or not. Weigh the utility of the feeling you possess about situations. Is it bringing about the outcome you desire? Can you ignore it or move through it? Are you still alive after feeling it?
I wanted to know what has been your experience so far in your countries under these circumstances and if you have any advice you would like to share
Initially I thought hell no is it possible that women during this pandemic would be ok with meeting a random guy. I could have covid. Generally women are defensive from my perspective. I ran into a couple of girls who were reluctant to shake my hand due to covid, but sometimes those same girls would take off their mask around me at a later point and especially if I took mine off, sit closer than they should, and I kissed one. I used to say " Fuck these masks." then take it off when I got to a juicy part of the convo and pretty much everyone I remember did the same. It created a nice bubble, some risk, us vs them if people looked at us, and attraction from taking the lead.

So overall I don't think people are taking this as seriously as they should haha. If you pay attention you'll see numerous moments someone could've spread the virus. Walking to closely, touching that door than their mask, not wearing a mask, washing their hands then touching the bathroom door handle or literally anything, public protests, concerts, stores etc. Life's absurd like that haha. Don't project that people are being responsible during this pandemic. I know I have not ;)

I'd say be careful where you can and weigh your options and what's at stake ( at risk family around you, job loss, are you at risk etc).

Finally you will get rejected. Sometimes small sometimes big. Personally, none of my rejections have come as a result of covid and I doubt it will for you. Go talk to those women even with the tension and awkwardness. Some of them are tired of the fear, stress, loneliness, and would love a charming fellow to spice things up.

- Mist