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Daygame Insta date effectiveness


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 21, 2018
Hi guys

I've been quite active in daygame openning sets well have hook 7-8 out of 10 sets, they stay and talk even though most of them have no interest getting intimate

So I've been trying to go insta date drinks at starbucks for 20 min to reveal more about myself, inject for more dhv's, getting the girl excitied with teasing, knowing their life essentially transitioning from attraction to trust and comfort

I dont see much diference when I just app a girl talk them for a bit then schedulling a date then getting intimate

Seems like when a girl wants you she will find a way to bang..

My question is based on your guys experience is going on insta date makes your sets more solid?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 9, 2023
No they don't

The problem with insta dates is that even though you might run your sets well, they don't "cement" your daygame leads - taking away time to do more sets.

Another story is when you screen for logistics and sense that you might progress from the instadate and escalate.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Insta dates for me are mostly a waste of time. I hate when I go on an insta date with a girl and I see other hot girls passing by I can't approach. Sometimes she will go with you because she is bored and you will never get a second date.

The girl you insta dated, number closed and banged would still have banged you if you just took her number and cut out the insta date.

The girl you insta dated, number closed and didn't bang/got ghosted by... would have acted the same if you just number closed her and didnt insta date her.

With that said, I still do them if I have a good feel for the girl and I have good logistics. However, always screen for HER logistics too, if you want a SDL (Does she have to meet her friends in an hour?)

You have a higher success rate of getting bangs from insta dates if you go out to do street cold approach at night, rather than at day.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 9, 2023
You have a higher success rate of getting bangs from insta dates if you go out to do street cold approach at night, rather than at day.

I think that was the whole premise of "Gutter game" :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 21, 2018
What have the field experiences dictate?

The economy of time ? for exp
Insta dates for me are mostly a waste of time. I hate when I go on an insta date with a girl and I see other hot girls passing by I can't approach. Sometimes she will go with you because she is bored and you will never get a second date.

The girl you insta dated, number closed and banged would still have banged you if you just took her number and cut out the insta date.

The girl you insta dated, number closed and didn't bang/got ghosted by... would have acted the same if you just number closed her and didnt insta date her.

With that said, I still do them if I have a good feel for the girl and I have good logistics. However, always screen for HER logistics too, if you want a SDL (Does she have to meet her friends in an hour?)

You have a higher success rate of getting bangs from insta dates if you go out to do street cold approach at night, rather than at day.

Thats been reflecting in field experiences

Sometimes girls get really happy and compliant to go on insta date until I start to get more intimate vibe..

They seem to go just because they had nothing to do..


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 21, 2018
Been daygaming quite a lot, everyday for 3-4H

80-90% interactions have good vibe and hook but most of them go nowhere..

been reading daygame articles on the website like this ones and many more

Gives a ideia that you go out, put in the work you get beautifull girls..

Well I did all of that.. still no beautifull girls after hundreds of app's and many days

So is the game in itself over rated?

Before you guys ask, yes my fundamentals, vibe, all of that etc are tight


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
I have had similiar difficulties with daytime cold approach.

I've had to change my mind conceptually about a lot of this.

A big thing I had trouble with is just how much easier things seem to be at night. While failing during the day, I found myself going out at night or poaching from social circle and having a much easier time.

I have a lot of thoughts about this. My fundamentals are not good, so I tend to ride a lot on vibe, intelligence and a certain x-factor in artistic nature... iow a lot of intangibles.

But not to derail. Interested to see what the more successful day time cold approachers say. For me, it's been a lot of failure and preparation for rare moments of opportunity.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 28, 2016
How long are you around girls during normal approaches? Not instant dates, but when you chat and aim to meet later. I'm having girls from my past (who live +1k miles away...fml), who had more exposure to me when I wasn't single, come back around and be super warm. I'm very confident in my ability to get girls I like to like me eventually, but translating short approaches to more is totally falling flat. Curious to hear the experienced guys take on post-pandemic cold approach.

Disclaimer: most of my lays from 5+ years ago were day game cold approach and I'm quite rusty still. It really does feel like the market has shifted, though.

Also, feel like claiming your fundamentals and vibe are all solid is just generally not a good place to be, doesn't sound like "lifelong learner" type stuff. Could be wrong about that, though. Maybe there is an endpoint to that skillset?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 21, 2018
I said they were solid.. I didnt mean they are perfect

I stay the time it is required to stay..
Measure from compliance, vibe , logistics
Sometimes 5-15 min other times 30 min with a little coffe


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 21, 2018
Also, feel like claiming your fundamentals and vibe are all solid is just generally not a good place to be, doesn't sound like "lifelong learner" type stuff. Could be wrong about that, though. Maybe there is an endpoint to that skillset?

If I’ve been working with coaches, improving from live feedback, going home analyze study then doing again the next day..

All these display traits of personal development


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 28, 2016
Hmm yeah, with a third party involved, it's definitely safer to say you're good. It is tempting to say it's the girls, especially with how I also experience nearly universal positive interactions with no conversion. That just is so disempowering, though. (you didn't accuse them of that, but that is the only real alternative if you feel solid)

Reading this currently: https://www.girlschase.com/content/tactics-tuesdays-fixing-poor-tactical-focus
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2020
If you're getting positive interactions from your approach and hooking 80-90% of the time, then you should probably try being more dominant and direct. Indirect game is great and all, I use it for sure, but some of these girls would definitely bang but you aren't leading them correctly for whatever reason.

Give it a shot and report back.

edit: This improved my closing skills 5-10x from either starting direct & dominant, or hooking indirect over a drink and then transitioning over 20-60 mins to direct sexual convo based on her reactions.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 21, 2018
Dominant has the field permits plus I always compliance test and figure logistics