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Daygame when the weather is shit


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 9, 2024
Hey guys,

We're a few days away from Summer which should be peak approaching season with women all wearing beautiful dresses and showing skin. Except the weather has been consistently shitty in my area over the last few weeks: mostly cloudy/windy. This has had quite a toll on me: I'm not in a cheerful mood, people around me aren't in a cheerful mood, very few pretty women in sight. And during all this, I'm not stacking as many approaches as I'd like to which makes it even more of a downer.

Ideas from the top of my head:
* Finally sign up for those yoga classes I've been wanting to join for months
* Fill my calendar with cultural events and bookstore meetups with authors... any idea to start to at least fill my life with approachable women
* Accept reality for what it is, do self-improvement in other areas of my life, wait for the sunny days to come back

Other thoughts and ideas welcome :)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
Unless it's pouring rain or something, you should just approach man.

When I took up Chase's approach 4 girls a day challenge, I was commited to seeing it through till the end.

At least 5 days out of the 30 were pouring rain if I recall correctly.

When I approached this girl, she actually had an umbrella in one hand. It had just rained and the weather was shitty af. Cloudy with a few droplets of rain.

Just approach man :)

If the weather is so shit, then go be a ray of sunlight for these cute girls ;)