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FR  Daygame

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
So I've decided to pick up on daygaming lately, after visiting Seoul and seeing what some of the guys there can accomplish during the day, and trying some of it out for myself. The last two weeks I've going out to approach women on the streets by myself, because most of my friends don't want to do daygame, and those who do work different hours than me.
Anyways, I met this group of guys daygaming today, and I decided to tag along and learn a bit from them.
Starting out small, just trying to get into the habit of approaching hot girls during the day.

This report contains nothing important, it's just to serve as a reminder for myself what to do differently next time!

1st girl: I was gonna approach a blonde asian chick, but one of the other guys beat me to it. One of the other guys pointed out another chick for me, but at first I thought to myself she wasn't hot enough to bother - Then I realized what a load of BS that was, and that I should take every oppertunity to practice my approach, so I ran after her. Stopped her from the side and the conversation went something like this:

DG: Excuse me.. I just had to stop you.. I know this is a bit random but.. uhm.. I just thought you were really cute and I liked your style
HB: Uh.. thank you.. *walks slowly away*
DG: Yeah, anyway goodbye!

Awkward, but first approach of the day under my belt. Awesome!

2nd girl: The guys immedietly pointed out another cute girl walking up a crowded street - she was carrying two big bags on each shoulder while talking on the phone. Bigger challenge! At first I didn't want to do it because it seemed like an impossible task to stop her, let alone have her hang up the phone and talk to me. Whatever, If I'm to afraid to do it, I HAVE to do it!
Walked after her for a few minutes psyching myself out. Finally decided to go for it; ran after her, stopped her from the side like the last girl and told her I thought she was cute. She didn't speak my language and said "what?", so I repeated in english. She was a little weirded out and kept walking while not hanging up her phone.

Second approach done, awesome!

Third girl:
Ran after a girl, sotpped her from her side and signaled for her to take out her earphones.
Dg: Hey.. (pause to create tension) I saw you and I had to stop you and tell you you have amazing style.
HB: Thanks!
DG: So, are you from this town?
HB: No, I'm from X
DG: Hehe.. I know this is a little random, I just had to stop you.
HB: Yeah.. I'm not exactly used to this..

Asked her a few more questions but eventually I buckeled under the pressure and ejected - I regret not pushing ir further, I'm sure I could've gotte her number or even an instant date.

Still viewing this day as a massive success - Although these are some of the worst approched I've ever made during the day, (seriously, wtf) I made a bunch of new friends who will help me progress much much faster in this than if I had to go bout it alone. Also picked up a few tips from them and got a few reference experiences of what NOT to do.

watched some videos on daygame.com which I'm sure is gonne help me a lot when I put the things I learnt from them to use.

Dorian Gray out!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake