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Dealing with a married woman and how to get even...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 21, 2020
Okay I'm at a low paying fast food restaurant and it's this married Hispanic that works there. Overall she was shy when she first started working in January but later opened up. She said I was too quiet for her and the manager who got her to open up got fired. Her personality is good she's speaking with everyone at the job and being friendly (which is the typical female way of socializing and gathering status before dealing with anything else). I started to like her but I am quiet and I like her but she's married(has 2 kids) to someone who she has second thoughts of being with. She messes with me since I don't talk but the reason I don't talk is because I am still learning how to deal with women and take them to bed. She still tries to get me to talk which I know while kill anything I want to have with her. She has anxiety and one time she farted when she was next to me(I don't know if she was nervous or not). I was wondering is it possible to date a married woman and possibly take it to a fwb. She shoots out some sex jokes her and there when talking with others but the personality caught my attention. She's now the new manager being promoted this month. of the fast food restaurant and I know you not suppose to shit where you eat but I want to risk it to get to know her more. What are some steps and examples to teasing and making things sexual with her. I heard it would be easier talking with a married woman but I'm not a talker. I say things when it's necessary like Good Morning or hey to her since she initiates it first sometimes( even though I get this feeling that she's just trying to get me to spill the beans and yap like the rest of the guys that work here to size me up). I don't mind doing so but I don't want to waste no more time than this couple of months since I was focus on work.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I’m going to be honest with you, man.
You better let this one go.

She is your manager, she is married and, by your own admission, you are not good talking.
It seems that this challenge is above your level AND there will be bad consequences if you mess up.

It can be done but it doesn’t sound like worth the risk.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
If you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't be practicing at work, with a married woman, who is your boss.

You practice on women that you don't know because the consequences are very low. You don't practice on your boss because the consequences are much higher.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 21, 2020
I’m going to be honest with you, man.
You better let this one go.

She is your manager, she is married and, by your own admission, you are not good talking.
It seems that this challenge is above your level AND there will be bad consequences if you mess up.

It can be done but it doesn’t sound like worth the risk.
That's what came to mind when I was thinking about it at the time but I am not good at talking


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 21, 2020
If you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't be practicing at work, with a married woman, who is your boss.

You practice on women that you don't know because the consequences are very low. You don't practice on your boss because the consequences are much higher.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Sounds like a total catch:

- works at a fast food restaurant with you
- farts
- 2 kids

but anyways, if you want to deal with married women here:

So with that being said, when I have been with married women they all seem to fall into the following patterns:

1.- Marriage is dead or about to be dead. (they are just room mates this could be due to finances, sexual boredom, familiarity, she already had enough)
2.- She is super sexually aroused.( Due to my dancing and escalation)
3.- She is in a long distance relationship.
4.- It is a revenge fuck due to hubby cheating.
5.- It is an open marriage( agreement that allows the woman to sleep with other dudes)

^ if you have those patterns there is nothing special you need to do, you game them the same way you normally game, the difference will be you:

1.- Re-assured them you understand.
2.- You don’t judge.
3.- You don’t kiss and tell.
4.- you show that you are just a lover and you are not planning or encouraging her to leave the marriage.
5.- You are not a clinger, stalker or have potential to become a clinger or stalker.

Hope it helps.

P.s. Married woman are way easier than single woman. The longer the marriage the easier she may be, which is one of the reasons I would never get married.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I know that most of the guys say that you should not.

and it is important to listen to them.
But if i am able to see you in real life, and see the dynamics. It is likely that you are the quiet type where girls really like (which is hard to do) or the guy who has fundamentals down to a level where females will notice.

I will never say i am the latter,
but female bosses and the self aware guy/guy who gets fundamentals handled. The dynamics where you will interact with her is something you can never explained. :) It's a dance until one actually submits, and that dance can be very very long. A game of chicken but can go either positive or negative.


Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
You are out of your depth here dude. Deck is stacked against you.

Best bet is to tell her to be your wingwoman. Challenge her to introduce you to potential lovers. But frame it in a low key non needy way...

"Man, Coming out of Covid, I've forgotten how to talk to women. I just need to get my mojo back. I'll bet you could help me find a lonely girlfriend"

Now if you aren't calibrated right this will come out badly. so use at your own risk. I've had good luck with female friends pimping out their friends .