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Debunking ratios.- A more comprehensive look at the "ratios" issue


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Ok guys i have done a bunch of posts on spam approaching, ratios, how cold approach should look like etc..... I will post them at the end, but recently i think i am changing my perspective post corona and having guys in my crew that do a lot of day game.

Why ratios are important? some people say "who cares about stupid ratios as long as i am getting laid", in theory this sounds good. But, post tinder and post corona environment, ratios ARE EVEN MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER, why? cause you need to maximize opportunities, make every opportunity count.... There are nights i go out i don't even have 3 girls of choice to approach.... Imagine if my ratios are 1 in 100, i will be overly fucked, would take me a lot of time to get laid.

Ratios is a measure of progress like people do in everything via gym, biz, sales, views, subscribers etc...., as you get more experience your ratios should improve, as long as you are learning from your interactions. Imho the more crucial direct aspects that help increase ratios are:

-Fundamentals: Fashion, hair cut, fitness, presence, hygiene, stereotype.

-Game.- Attractive high odds action on interaction.

- Availability.- Is there are a pool of girl available and NOT IN relationships that will not cheat no matter what. reason is cause as we all know sometimes taken girls are even easier.

- TEXTING.- oh! i have been screaming about this for ever, i know a lot of guys think they know and got texting down. Unfortunately they don't... They have gotten better but they don't have it down... Most puas are not good at texting at all, but have gotten better, but they still not optimal, good enough.... Texting will improve odds tremendously, you are able to convert more leads. My conversions are higher than most guys with better or similar skill level, but i am a better texter.

- HOTNESS.- how hot are the women you are laying for YOU. (In other words are those girls that your dick really gets super exited about, or girls that your dick is mad at you after)

- Geo arbitrage.- Are you an American or English dude in Latin America, Asia, eastern Europe. Nothing wrong with this but is not the same as an American gaming in America for example.

Things when it comes to ratio that has been bastardized:

- point and click none sense
- you can not live at home none sense or other logistical buggy man
-you have to be rich none sense
-you have to be white or __________fill in the blank, none sense
-you have to be model looking none sense (i have sarged with actual WHITE real models from forums, i am telling you is none sense)
- you can not be old none sense

^ all total kj none sense.... aka cope or posturing (point and click that is)

Again, Problem is some marketers and some posturers(braggers) that have bastardized ratios, then you have the autistic guys that have also bastardized ratios with horrible ratios doing spam approaches none stop and not learning from approaches.

I will destroy braggers and what they do for the ratios, let me debunk them real quick:

you approach 5 girls Monday = nothing
you approach 5 girls Tuesday=nothing
you approach 5 girls Wednesdays = nothing
you approach 4 girls on Thursday = nothing
you approach 1 girl on Friday = Laid

your ration is not 1 on 1, your ratio is 1 out of 20. It is an example of bastardizing ratios. I am kind of exaggerating, but i have seen that...

lets look at a similar sample

Lets say i approached 50 girls

and then had a streak were i killed it and lay 4:5 girls

then went to a pua forum saying i am a pimp master flex mental masturbator guru i fucked 4 out of 5 not autist master you fucked 4 out of 50, your math game needs help.

Ratios DO NOT RESET EVERY DAY, they have to cont. from previous outings...


Skills but what the fuck what are good ratios, you are all over the place contradicting yourself...... Well, first let me repeat myself for the 50 th time....

As you start pua or RE-START PUA or WANNA GET RUST OUT.... I personally think you need to do way more approaches specially newer guys and even spam approach to get rid of approach anxiety or RE-GET RID OF IT. If it cripples back in. (i will link post later at the end on how cold approach should look like)...

now let me address the autist:

Again, basically they spam approach post aa stages and beginning stages, and make it into a new habit, vs. recognizing what works, what does not work, make adjustment, journalize, try new approaches and re -evaluate what is working and what is not, and making improvements based on the field.... They just cont. spam approaching or no properly field testing new approaches, or freestyling and cont. into negative loops of sub optimal ways of going about getting better. Sometimes, is not their fault is confusion of the blind leading the blind, suboptimal advice, no practical advice... etc...

Also, newer guys should lower their standards to be honest, and go from there.

Some issues with the community including me, I believe you reach mpua level if you can lay 1 in 10 if you are really active, and you want to push your skills and want to test if you got the seduction down.... That is a great goal, if you do that you made it, you are a pimp.... Is it necessary to achieve that??, not really..... But if you want to know if you are a pimp and you want to teach seduction and see if you are the shit, that would be good... Like hey! i am Michael Jordan, or Tom Brady or Ronaldo.... But there a many many many many many excellent professional, amazing sports players that are hall of famers, super good, tops, that do not achieve the numbers in sports of those people.... My point is, you do not need to achieve 1 in 10 or better, who cares.... But you should strive to improve your ratios, you should keep track what is working on the field.....

I personally track everything from the way i dress, the way i look, the way I am gaming (i used to put publicly my game struggles, now i do privately with my group), i do talk about issues on optimization, for example there is no reason for me right now, not to be 10% body fat, which is in my control but right now i am working towards that goal with the right GUIDANCE, OPTIMAL TECHNIQUES..... Kudos, kinobody and of course @TomInHo that brought up to me not being optimal in my fitness and coping.

My point is you should pay attention to fundamentals and how they are affecting you in the field, and things you are doing in the interaction that keep working, or not working good enough, or are not working... And adjust to see if you are improving and yielding you better ratios....

Another point, most literature on ratios are based on pre corona, pre tinder era.... But i still find them good, but the idea that tinder, Instagram, usa inflation and corona has not affected ratios is just none sense imho....

Another point that i had to think hard and reconsider...... Day game and night game are just not the same, so i can see how ratios in day game may be more problematic, unfortunately i can see how in day game the ratios to be tops may be higher.... Let me explain but again i am kjing i do not do day game anymore as day gamers do.... but i can see a guy that is proficient in day game and night game with a night game ratio of 1 in 10 and a day game ratio on 1 in 30 without snipper approaches.... But again is pure speculation on my part, maybe an actual guy with excellent ratios in both USA OR ENGLAND, not interested in brazil, or eastern Europe or Asia.. can help to see if the ratios in day game vs night game are similar or higher on day game..... TBH, when i was active in day game my ratios were good ratios, but is been years since i was day gaming super active.... I seen day game gurus saying 1 in 30 day game is the same 1 in 10 night game, i still don't get this, but again i have 0 opinion, i am just willing temporarily to coincide that point.

This post was made with help of @TomInHo and fastlife and name we can not mention with a v............ I like to give credit were i got some of the ideas and change in perspectives.

All i got, as always, a self serving post when this stupid ass discussion in forums come along so i can link them here, now i will post all different relevant ratios posts for reference, if you are interested in this stupid ass topic you can reference:

Chase on spam approaching (never ever heard chase talking about ratios other than to troll name we can't mention, thanks god)

For context this was written in 2015 pre corona/pre tinder/pre social media it was a different era:

on spam approaching:

This one is for screeners (i wrote this 9 years ago, i was a different guy more trollish, more anti game, prior to opening my eyes to second gen. I am a totally different seducer, more complete, more technical when i have to.... So ignore my weird tone....

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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Agree with Gen arbritage - my approach to lay ratio / approach to date ratio was way higher in China and Colombia compared to London UK - it took me 80 percent less approaches to garner the same results- environment makes a huge difference.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I think the reason people get stuck with bad-ratios in streetgame is simply because streetgame was borne out of a fantasy. The idea of "not letting" a beatiful woman pass you by "without taking a chance". So the traditional idea is "at least try with every hot woman you see".

However, most women in street game are on the move, or the situation doesn't allow for procurring AIs, hovering, reading body-language and other calibrated things that allow for greater ratios. So you might see 1-2-3 such sets an hour, whereas you see 40 low-quality sets. People doing volume will open all 40.

Your idea of doing tons of volume as a newbie, but letting go once the AA is burned is very logical. It makes sense that volume should just be a newbie crutch, and not a lifestyle.

After that you can just approach the high-odds/high-return sets as you're going about your life. Then you essentially have high ratios from "daygame" even though you're not doing daygame sessions. It might be 10 approaches a week, but it will be same amount of lays as doing 100 uncalibrated unselective sets doing volume.
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