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Defining Game(?)



Hi everyone! I'd like to thank you guys who reply to my last thread.
Sorry for being rude by not replying, but hey... a cool board like this must be filled with cool guys isn't it?

I always have this one question buggin me long ago when I am able feel there is a game exist in our daily dating world (particularly, the seduction world).
And yeah, the question is "what is this GAME?" or maybe "what is THIS seduction game thing that all the people, especially girls and women play to get something out of other?"
HOW do you define it?
I personally don't like the word game (nor seducing) because to other people it may seems that I'm just toying with a girl insincerely and having fun doing it (their def of the game).
I use the verb to date much more comfortably rather than to game or to seduce (even tho it's somewhat misleading).

Never seen any post here nor any article on the blog discussing the game on its own. Yeah sure, there're many articles in the blog on how to play it and it's feature, dynamic, tactic...
It is used all the time by all of us (beginner to master) everywhere (here, in the blog, other pua's sites), e.g. improving my game, tried to game s.o., it's just a game.
Try to search 'game' in this board and you'll know what I mean ;)
Yet, despite that, there's no solid def of it.
Is it just inner/outer game? The 'thing' that starts when a girl said maybe instead of 'yes' or 'no'? An 'external representation of your internal frame'?

I would really appreciate it if anyone with enough experience and spare time would love to be my Morpheus and define it for me.
I know the definition will be really, really different per person.
Some may be short, some other may be long. All will be appreciated.

If you would like to add some or many things beside the def. Feel free
Something to remember: Everything simple is false. Everything which is complex is unusable.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi dotm,

dotm said:
Hi everyone! I'd like to thank you guys who reply to my last thread.
Sorry for being rude by not replying, but hey... a cool board like this must be filled with cool guys isn't it?

I always have this one question buggin me long ago when I am able feel there is a game exist in our daily dating world (particularly, the seduction world).
And yeah, the question is "what is this GAME?" or maybe "what is THIS seduction game thing that all the people, especially girls and women play to get something out of other?"
HOW do you define it?
I personally don't like the word game (nor seducing) because to other people it may seems that I'm just toying with a girl insincerely and having fun doing it (their def of the game).
I use the verb to date much more comfortably rather than to game or to seduce (even tho it's somewhat misleading).

Never seen any post here nor any article on the blog discussing the game on its own. Yeah sure, there're many articles in the blog on how to play it and it's feature, dynamic, tactic...
It is used all the time by all of us (beginner to master) everywhere (here, in the blog, other pua's sites), e.g. improving my game, tried to game s.o., it's just a game.
Try to search 'game' in this board and you'll know what I mean ;)
Yet, despite that, there's no solid def of it.
Is it just inner/outer game? The 'thing' that starts when a girl said maybe instead of 'yes' or 'no'? An 'external representation of your internal frame'?

I would really appreciate it if anyone with enough experience and spare time would love to be my Morpheus and define it for me.
I know the definition will be really, really different per person.
Some may be short, some other may be long. All will be appreciated.

If you would like to add some or many things beside the def. Feel free
Something to remember: Everything simple is false. Everything which is complex is unusable.

i think you have mistaken the context of what "Game" really is. I assumed you are new, maybe You asking is what is this all about, and what is that people are playing to get something out of the other. Well, the word "Game" is originally brought upon by many of the pick up gurus and also famous person, Neil Strauss. Well, "Game" is something that you are in to play, and in reference to life, it's also can be named "Game", because literally you are here and God put you here on earth, to survive on your own, (as an example).

The "Game" word here they are refering to is Skills, although it can be vastly different in context, just like the above mentioned.

It's just a 'game' (getting girls in general)

Did you manage to 'game' the girl? (get the girl, her number, go out with her, and a whole lot more)

Improving my 'game' (Skills to get girls)

This are just a few examples, i have given to you. Do relate.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
dotm said:
I personally don't like the word game (nor seducing) because to other people it may seems that I'm just toying with a girl insincerely and having fun doing it (their def of the game).

I felt this way the first time I heard of the "Game." In fact, I'd say everyone has felt this way about a word without actually thinking or understanding it -- not that I'm a master, just a beginner, nor am I saying that you've never really thought/understood it because it appears that you do.


Psychic. I bet when you first hear this word, you think fake/fraudulent/charlatan and seeing the future. But, did you know that this word comes from the Greek word "psychikos"? Which means "of the mind" or "of the soul" (mind/soul was the same word in Greek). So, in actuality, just meditating, praying, going to church, etc. is in fact "psychic." Yet, the word has been polluted and evolved into its modern use.

The point here is that it's just a word. It's a word to describe an idea. If everyone uses and has used the word, then if I try to use a new word no one will know what I'm talking about.

As for another example, I don't like the word "God" and using he pronouns for God. I'm not religious myself, but I am spiritual. I don't like making a higher power solely masculine. Yet, when I communicate with others, I use God because it's easily understood in communication. I don't need to send them a new word with a new definition. I can just instantly use this word and get my point across for what I'm referring to.

My second point... and this is important. Women know there's a game and play along. In fact, from an evolutionary standpoint, they probably even started the game. They selected the best, and it was men's job to become and show that they are the best -- to win the Game. Now, the game has evolved into a more social one because of more equality and because killing is no longer as acceptable (these are both good things). However, men didn't evolve to be as socially savvy as women. Think about it... guys went off hunting, and you don't talk when you hunt. But, on the other hand, women gathered berries and talking doesn't really "scare" off berries. They're naturally more sociable, and most of my female friends have read many more psychology and sociology books than any of my male friends. Most of the time, when you approach a woman, she knows a Game is occurring -- whether consciously or subconsciously -- and she's going to try and make it a challenge.

So, in the old days, the Game was simply being the "fittest" in order for mating selection. This hasn't changed much, except that we can't win by simply being ripped and killing off the opponents. In modern times, the Game is how to socially be the "fittest" in my opinion: to be a sexy man, to counteract women's challenges, and to flip the game in our favor (making her chasing you and making her try to be the "fittest" for you).

Lastly, if you ever go out drinking with buddies, it can be fun. You'll see a group of women out, and they are wanting guys to flirt with them. They want to drink, have a fun time, and play one of the most interesting games -- the Game. You're out with your buddies drinking, and you want to also do something fun. We like challenges, adventure, and of course women! If you don't like the word Game, then change it. Start saying SIW (Socially Interacting with Women). It doesn't matter. The only time you should feel bad about playing the Game is if you actually are plowing through women hurting everyone you touch. You can play the Game and be a good person.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Picking up girls is meant to be FUN!

If you don't treat it like a game, you will take the fun away ;)