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Destruction of the ego


May 22, 2013
Experience level: High levels of attraction from girls at school although never capitalized due to lack of information (PROCESS), first time approaching randoms.

Let's begin at the beginning: today, first time cold approaching. Daygame, street approaches.

Expected things to go a lot better than this, although I specifically went out with the goal of getting blown out to cut my ego down to size and realizing I'm not some kind of mega rock star or James Bond himself: I am the "all-singing all-dancing crap of the world." After each blowout I took some time to relax, laugh at myself, listen to some music, and go for another approach.

Opener for first three girls: "I know people don't usually do this but I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi."
1) Straight on. Disgusted look. "Okay..." keeps walking. I grab her arm and she says "Don't touch me" and storms off, quite amusing. I should let myself be audibly amused (laugh at them) and make some asshole'ish comment whenever this happens, I know I want to.
2) Walk past her, then run back to her and pull her back by her purse. Once she looks at me, open. Says hi and walks off, I grab her purse and pull her back, says "Let go of my purse" with disgusted look.
3) Smiles, and says something I can't quite make out, and keeps on walking.

Opener for 4th (choked up here, dunno why): "Hi, do you know where x street is?" She replied by pointing at a random direction uninterestedly with a disgusted face.

5th possible approach when girl was fixing her bike, but I skipped it because some other people were nearby, which of course I became aware of and found ridiculous afterwards. That's EXACTLY what I need to do to desensitize myself to embarrassment and rejection.

I know fashion was good, though I'm still uncomfortable with the idea of dressing stylishly. HATE IT. This is a guy who's worn basketball shorts and baggy t-shirts his whole life. And has been wearing size large even though I need small and sometimes xtra small, fixed now. After each approach I kept thinking, are my clothes too tight? Do I look too tryhard? Am I ugly? Should I be doing this? But my mindset is: go ahead, feel and think all the shitty things you want to, but move your feet and approach anyways.
My voice and tonality, along with SLOWNESS when speaking need to be focused on.

My stuck point seems to be right after the opener, they always walk off. I will make amusing comments as they walk off next time and ask them to stay playfully. Self-amusement is why I'm doing this, besides trying to fuck random girls.

Tomorrow, I'll do 10 right after waking up, and some more in the evening with the following things in mind: This is a SKILL, beginners SUCK. I don't give a FUCK about their reaction, and I LAUGH at their attempts to protect their reputation by acting disgusted. Almost a Tucker Max type of mentality.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


May 22, 2013
5 approaches just now. Took less than an hour, I like targeted practice: I need to work on opening. My intention was to say goodbye right after it so that I can work on my next approach, not to get laid. Worked much better than yesterday, not a single blowout.

First girl, was actually a boy. Crossdresser, very facially defined. Responded well. I don't judge, but I'm not interested, so I walked away. It doesn't matter who I approach, just that I approach. Old, ugly, tranny, bring them all on.
The next 2 went well: a lady reading a book by a lake who "I just had to come tell you that you look very peaceful reading by the lake." And a blonde lady who I said had a great sense of style, and that her clothes went well with her hair. Smiles all round.
Approached a pair of girls (actually my age) and asked them where the nearest metro station was. They looked confused, and were thinking (this is the reaction I probably want at the beginning of my approaches because the dynamic seems to be that I am the powerful one and they are reacting to me) and began to give me an answer. I cut them off and said "I don't really care, I just wanted you to know that I really like your dress", then walked off while they were still taking it in.
Finally, a woman almost 50, I told "I know I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, but I wanted to tell you that I really like your hair." I was walking away, but she hooked and walked with me. I figured I'm done my approaches for the day, so chit-chat is fine. Had a half-decent convo, but I decided not to pull because I have somewhere to be. Otherwise, yeah I'd fuck a almost 50 year old just for the experience, why not?


May 22, 2013
Plan was to open 5, and follow up with name exchange, light banter, and leave. Of course, the first thing to go in war, is the plan.
3rd girl (park bench) responded well, deepdove for an hour or so, moved, tried to pull, got a "Does that really work? Inviting a stranger home?" I jokingly said never, and she said she wanted a date/number. Useless to me since I'm just refining my approach/conversational skills. So I said "A date after spending an hour with you? That doesn't seem terribly efficient. Have a nice summer though, nice meeting you" and left, she seemed disappointed but what can I do? :p This is a skill, nothing else. Sex is not the goal, it is a byproduct of the process.

Weakness? Not sexualizing the approach, setting a somewhat sexual frame and letting her implicitly know I'm interested. She was quite a worldly girl, and has definitely been there done that. It's interesting that although she wasn't gorgeous or anything, she seemed more powerful than a gorgeous girl who does nothing but post pics on FaceBook all day. Looks are not indicative of who you can or can't get with. But developing your skills with women trumps everything.
Weakness number 2: Not moving fast enough. Should have moved her earlier into the interaction and attempt to pull, and if not, THEN grab the date and number, in that order.

The girl I opened before her also responded well, but I let her go since she was on her way to meeting a friend.

Can't wait for the next practice session. (Not really, but hey fake enthusiasm is better than no enthusiasm when it comes to doing things you're gonna have to do anyways)