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Direct opener in other languages


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Anyone following my FRs will know I am a bit of a language enthusiast. The only other language that I'm really somewhat confident in, is Japanese. In my next trip to JP I am keen to hit hard with lots of cold approach...I feel if I can get past the opener I can stumble through the convo or at least get points for trying (I have also found if you take a shot at it and make lots of mistakes w/out embarrassment it lowers their inhibitions to doing the same in English).

Since this board is for field tested techniques...I'll describe a compliment I paid to a cute JP waitress the other week...having got introduced and noticing her Japanese name I said...
[Her name]はかわい...素敵なピアース
[Her name] wa kawaii...suteki na piasu
You are cute...nice earrings
This went down pretty well, in fact she called her friend over to hear my JP, but soon became busy again so it didn't go anywhere apart from some chitchat in Eng about our postgrad courses.

For proper cold approach in the street I propose this. Not field tested but I am hoping for responses with something that is.
Konnichi wa! Totemo kawaii to kizuiteru kara, hanasanakucha ikenakatta. Ore wa Re.
Hello! [You] are totally cute, I am noticing, so had to converse [with you]. I'm [rough masculine pronoun] Ray.

Can someone Japanese help out with this? fsc?? Some other ideas "You!" a casual hello although I've never heard it spoken so it remains theoretical to me. Could then continue "Gouka de, hanasanakucha..." You are gorgeous and had to...

Can we also populate this thread w examples in other languages? I think Spanish has been mentioned in FRs a fair bit?

cheers, Ray


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
When I was in Japan briefly for the first time this year, I found it much easier to do a direct opener. I think because the words don't resonate that much with me. It's like if someone says "fuck you" to me in Japanese. I won't really get upset because the words don't have the same feeling. It's kind of like how the European finger sign for fuck off (i.e., 2 first fingers) doesn't mean anything to Americans. Therefore, I found it very easy to tell women that they were beautiful because it didn't feel like I was really saying it, if that makes sense haha. But, my Japanese is very poor, and I want to learn it better. Also, when you're foreign and in the country briefly and Asian women assume that white guys are more brazen, it's also easier to get away with it. For the few women that I directly opened, they were blushing hard and definitely not used to it, very giddy and coy and appreciative of it. (In the states, women [during day game] are always appreciative of it in my experience too, but it's still lesser than in Japan due to culture I assume).

So, I do not think the direct opener is the problem.

However, the real problem is what to do after haha. I found it hard to continue conversation, especially with such poor Japanese. I also didn't feel brazen enough to just hold the hand and lead them off (but I should have tried). If I was in a night club or bar, I think I could have been braver here with that (and in a bar, I did dance and kiss a girl, but didn't have sex).

I think that's the real problem that I haven't figured out yet. How to continue after the opener when you don't know much Japanese during day game.... For 2 women, I just immediately asked for emails and got them easily. We chatted briefly through emails (using Google Translate), but I stopped talking with them. No point, unless I lived there. If I go back next year, maybe I'll email them.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
I have also thought about taking out my phone next time and building conversation using Google Translate app after the direct opener haha. I need to try that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
"Que paso mi amor! A donde vas tan sola mi reina?"
Translated into English: "Hey sexy! Where you off to so lonely babe?"

"Que bonita te ves hoy preciosa. Cuando salimos por hay? Para que nos demos una escapada de esas para disfrutar el tiempo juntos"

Transalted into English: "Looking beautiful today babe. When we going out? I'm dying to spend some time with you and make the time go by."

There's so many more. Mexicans go direct in Mexico man, they're not afraid to sugarcoat their attraction to women. It's the norm...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
PN: We need to get you into JP classes...think of all the totty out there waiting for u :) I have tried Google Translate w a few platonic friends that I can't otherwise communicate with and its difficult to get any meaningful convo (read: deep dive), on the other hand it was helpful w a Russian chick that I met in Nha Trang (Vietnam)...to sort basic logistics/facts. If only I had not had a nasty eye infection this could have been great, she even sent me sexy pics after her return to Russia (but then stopped responding, dunno why, I wanted to look her up sometime but now have more of an abundance mentality going so could not give a fuck anymore).

Eternity: So awesome..and they eat it up?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Yep. Depends how you look and approach though. They like cute/handsome men giving them compliments, not like the icy/weird bitches you meet here in the U.S. They flirt back and even open you if they like you, depends on the girl and how you come across as.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
OK I'm there :) I have often wondered why females are so passive in my culture, though GC has done a lot to fill in the gaps there. I have a number of bored & frustrated female frienda bemoaning the lack of quality men in their lives & have been cobsidering teaching them to cold approach men, but I'll just send them to Mexico instead :) :) Seriously though, this was exactly the kind of cultural difference I wanted to get at with this thread, how the opener changes not just w linguistic difference but cultural too. Thanks man :) More examples also good :) :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
If it's the norm to say "hey sexy!", then you actually might want to approach it differently so that you stand out and get her out of autopilot.

Since it's a direct culture, you could be direct but with a twist:

"Hey, stop undressing me with your eyes!"

Just a thought. I know that I am ignorant of the Mexican culture, but when I hear the word "normal," I immediately want to try something a bit different.

Personally, I haven't traveled a lot, but I haven't found (yet) direct openers to translate poorly in any language. Just simple: approach a woman in a smooth-non-creepy way and tell her that she is beautiful (comment on unique features for a great compliment). I don't really see that as translating poorly in most cultures. Of course, some are more shy (like Japan), but even then, I didn't have a girl get upset with me or a guy run over and yell at me. They were flattered. But, also, I don't think you ever want to go super over the top and creepy, "Hey sexy, I love that ass. I can't wait to tap that tonight!"

I think it's easier than people think.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Interesting approach guys.

The only problem that I have with Japanese (I'm actually learning it right now, and I can maintain basic conversations) is that the actual sound of it isn't that appealing to me. My best friend does approaches in Spanish sometimes and it works wonders, but is that because the language sounds much better? I'll try and open 10 girls in Japanese and get back to you guys about that. I'll have my friend participate in the experiment too. What do you guys think about the difference?



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
JP has a pretty significant vocal range, listen to these-
Sazan All Stars--Tsunami(song)
Noriyuki Makihara--Tooku tooku(song)
Tampopo(film)--the main character(truckie, he also appears as a cowboy in JP western films)
an episode of Shingeki no Kyoujin(manga)
I guarantee u will find a male JP accent u like :) The stress pattern is different to English so it can sound a little monotonous (1st+3rd syllable stressed or whatever) but it need not, u can use stress to convey meaning just like English. Women ate taught to speak in horrible girly voices especially when being polite but this will go away when they are drunk and/or screaming "iku, iku" in your bed :)

U need to pay close attention to pronunciation, its a phonetic language but eg. hashi "bridge" is I think pronounced differently yo hashi "chopsticks". Also, if u are using "masu" or "desu" then stop that shit right now. See Tae Kim guide available onlone. Only use teineigo(polite speech) to your boss, supervisor or your girlfriend's mother. If anyone uses it to you say this:
Teineigo o tsukawanai de kudasai(please don't use polite speech)
Omit "kudasai"--less polite
Teineigo o tsukau na(ordering them not to use it)
Obviously, do not ask their permission to use casual speech yourself. I've used these techniques to get things on a better footing with everyone in the JP school. Also never use watashi, say boku to those of higher rank and ore otherwise.

Although I'm no expert I have the advantage of learning it "on the ground" in mainly casual situations, unlike eg. my mate [A] who is in far more advanced classes and has a much better vocabulary but can barely communicate at least not with me.

Get out there and be confident, authoritative and dominant bro :)

cheers, Ray


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Forgot to mention a technique I'm planning to use to build compliance--there are 3 levels of command, -te kudasai/-te/-e, as I used in the example above (don't use polite speech). So I aim to get them onto the last level which is used for example by a parent towards their kids or in emergency situations (train has arrived at stop and you order them to quicklu gibe you their number before getting off, this might count as an emergency :) ) or just to show disrespect (ike=fuck off).

When she arrives for the date I want to say "koko ni suware" (ordering them to sit here). When we arrive at karaoke I want to place my hand gently on small of back and say "nobore" (climb the stairs). When my facial hair is discussed I want to say "saware" (ordering them to touch it)... or eg. when passing JP teacher in narrow corridor of language school or after stopping for a brief chat, "tsuzukero" (continue)... I have tried ordering a girl to give me her phone number but hadn't built enough.conpliance first "denwa bango o oshiero", she gave it to me but later flaked, there were some other issues w that interaction but ordering her prob didn't help. So need to be quite calibrated for these techniques to work I think. BTW those last 2 verbs end in -o instead of -e because they are -iru/-eru verbs, u need to learn all these forms & their negatives.

cheers, Ray
PS. Will repost when I have tried this out more extensively.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
My Japanese teacher actually got mad at me because I use casual speech that I learned in high school and not polite "classroom" speech haha. I think I might be fine, I just don't know all the casual switches from polite yet. Seems simple enough though, and I'm going to Japan in two years so I have plenty of time to learn but I want to use this to my advantage now so I want to see if I can integrate it into my game in America. Thanks for the tips man!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Jake D. said:
Interesting approach guys.

The only problem that I have with Japanese (I'm actually learning it right now, and I can maintain basic conversations) is that the actual sound of it isn't that appealing to me. My best friend does approaches in Spanish sometimes and it works wonders, but is that because the language sounds much better? I'll try and open 10 girls in Japanese and get back to you guys about that. I'll have my friend participate in the experiment too. What do you guys think about the difference?


Yes, it's meant to be very flat with no accent/fluctuation (except for questions and "WTF" comments, like hontouuuuuu?).

However, you can still make your voice deep and slow down your speech. I find this hard to do in Chinese (as you have to do rising tones that end up making you sound like a girl sometimes). When learning a language, you'll want to find recordings of men. I've learned from some female recordings, and I start to notice my pitch matching theirs (i.e., feminine).

You can always use some onomatopoeia's to make your sentences more interesting. There was a great video on YT I saw on WTF comments or expressions or whatever, but I couldn't find it when searching.

As for polite form, a lot of natives will begin conversation with you using polite form because they assume most foreigners don't know conversational form, so it doesn't really come off as weird for a foreigner. Just because I was using polite form, I never felt like a girl was thinking, "Wow, he's using polite form! He must think that I am queen of the world! He's chasing me!" I think most of them just thought, "Oh, foreigner still learning Japanese...." Actually, I asked a girl that could speak English about this, and she said that most people just think that it's really cute and feel honored. I wouldn't really worry about it too much if you only know the polite forms, unless you're living there for a while. If you're just on vacation, doesn't really matter.

I always used polite form when buying stuff at stores. When you enter a store, they bow to you and are so polite, so I always felt compelled to be polite back. Customer service (at least in small shops) is really amazing. Bow to you when you enter and leave and lots of "arigatou gozaimasu."

When addressing women (even ones much older than me, unless it was a formal environment like Japanese tea ceremony), I always used -chan suffix (instead of -san), and they loved it since it can mean "youthful woman" :) I always used -san for men of course haha.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 17, 2013
I am not a great opener master, but for those in need because of trips etc. I can help you translate the openers you still know from english to spanish, german and italian.