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FR  "Direct Opener" Sport Bar approaches


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Went to a bar with my cousin.I wanted to use more direct opener's, So I used them and went 0 for 3 haha although my cousin was amazed that I attempted the approaches haha blew him away actually,he was like "Oscar,I am proud of you". I was trying to get him to approach, but he was such a pussy lol.

1st approach 1 girl
Me: Hey, I thought you were cute, I wanted to come meet you,
Me: what is your name?
Her: Anell
Me: Im Oscar
Me: So me and my cousin are gonna take a shot, can we join you?
Her: Well,I am meeting some friends so I don't' know
Me: Ah come on ;)
Her: haha maybe later or something lol
Me: Ok, well you have a nice night :)

(My buddy always tell me,never ever get mad at a girl for rejecting you. It makes you look bad.)

2nd Approach 2 girls
Me: Hey, ladies.I thought ya were cute and I wanted to meet ya'll. I'm Oscar. How ya''ll doin?
Them: (AH dont remember their names lol) How you doin?
Me: So, are ya'll here alone or what? :)
Her: well, yes
Me:me and my cousin are about to take a shot, do ya'll want to join us? (I was attempting to move them)
Her: well, I dont know, where at?
Me: (logistics problem) well on the other side of the bar. (we didn't have a table)
Her: where?
Me: well, right there. You see that handsome guy over there, that is my cousin haha (that sounded gay, but I was totally playing lol)
Them: LMAO
Her: well I am too tired to move my feet hurt.
Me: Ah come on.
Her: sorry
Me: ok, ya'll have a nice night :)
Them: you too :)

3rd Approach 3 girl group
Me: Hey ladies, I thought ya'll were all cute and I wanted to meet ya'll. I'm Oscar. (better eye contact this time)
Them: Hi.
Me: So what are your names?
Them: Yolanda, blah, blah blah (don't remember their names at all lol fuck it)
Me: me and my cousin are about to take a shot, do you want to join us?
Her: ummmm, no sorry
Me: ah come on :)
Her: No sorry
Me: ok, ya'll have a nice night :)
Them: you too :)

Overall, I am still on the newbie assignment, but I skipped ahead cause I feel at my 26 years old, I have more experience than I believe haha.

Anyway guys, I felt I should of grabbed 1 out 3 at least. What did I do wrong? is direct opener good in bars? I felt it was too strong and I should use situational next time or something. I saw some of those girls talking to other guys afterwords ( they knew each other already, I think) and I was like fuck.

I was sitting at the bar, and not a table. I felt I did something wrong.

My cousin just couldn't believe that I approached them girls. He was pissed off at himself for not approaching for himself, but like I say he was a pussy lol.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Look up the FRs by the dude AsianPersuasion or Persuasian (can't remember). He started doing direct day game and got his conversational skills downs. You can literally see the change in his game through his FRs.

sociably genY

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2013
First of all, congrats for direct approaching at a sports bar. I am assuming they are in a sitting down position chit chatting together making it tough.

I would never admit that the girl was cute when they did absolutely nothing to deserve the compliment. It sets you up in a chase mentality from the get-go.

I would have asked them what they were drinking or perhaps commented on their sense of style. This still direct yet subtle enough that you can work whatever angle they give you.

Edit: Another possible way is order a drink next to them trying to lock eyes with one of the girls. Get your drink, leave, and five minutes later try to approach with the "Excuse me I noticed you before..."
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Dude, good job on approaching!

Personally, cutting straight to the point ("join us for shots?") on a group approach in a bar has never helped me. I pretty much used very similar openers. After 2 sentences, I would immediately ask for them to join me and my friend. My results? 0 out of like 10 (don't remember exact numbers).

I then forced myself to not ask until we have had at least 5 or more sentences each. Usually, I just ask whatever is on my mind (if you try to think of a great conversation topic, you will psych yourself out). The results for this have been around 50%+ for getting them back to the table.

Also, I will ask them to join me, but I don't suggest saying "want to join us for shots?" It has the potential to cause two things:

1.) The girls think that they will get free drinks (this has happened to me twice, and I regret saying that I paid for their shots)

2.) The girls think that you're just trying to get them drunk and fuck them without getting to know them (even if they want this, it will appear bad for their reputation [one girl says yes, the other girl may say she's a slut]; if it's early on in the night, they want to see the full spread of guys; if you're both not hot enough [fashionable clothes, etc.] or not their type, then no chance)

Lastly, if something doesn't work twice, change it up the third time! After the second time, you realized that opener wasn't working.

To approach 3 groups of girls though, that's great! I still have to drink a little alcohol if I approach a group of girls in bars/clubs. During the day, it's not as bad (or the "failures" aren't as harsh and direct).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Thanks man. I was thinking the same, I need to change it up. I approached a two girl group 2 years ago with "my buddy and I are going to take a shot, do you want to join us?" these girls were hot and they said yes I guess I was real lucky that night. They were DTF to but I was so inexperienced at the time and I skipped out haha.