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Videos  DISCUSSION: Why does sexual perversion happen more with Western elites?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 18, 2013
If you haven't heard about the news surrounding Epstein island and the fabled namelist containing the names of prominent Western elites and politicians, you would have at least heard about the case of P. Diddy recently, where some people are purporting that his "namelist" is worst than Epstein.

Our favourite chad Andrew Tate has a theory (links to a 5-minute video, I couldn't embed because it's a Rumble video): https://rumble.com/v523ybx-why-does...ore-with-western-elites-than-in-other-co.html

Here are a summary of his main points:
  • Prominent men having multiple partners is generally more acceptable outside the West. Such as in Eastern Europe, Asia, etc.
  • Men intrinsically want more than 1 partner, even if they are in a happy relationship. It's how men are wired.
  • Western elites cannot do that, and have to repress themselves. That is why they have to go to islands to fulfill these.
  • Repression leads to perversion. This is why they end up f*cking underage girls, or with weird fetishes.
He goes into a lot more detail in the video, and it got me thinking. I think it makes a hell lot of sense.

What do you guys think?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Basically, Tate's theory is just a simplified perversion of Wilhelm Reich's.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Wealth and power enables people to do fucked up shit because they can pay to cover it (an island is certainly expensive).

I would argue that the western elites are more scrutinized than the elites in the other regions of the world where the media is more tightly controlled.
Someone would need to do an investigation but my theory is that fucked up shit happens everywhere. You just hear more about if it comes from the West.

Case in point, there are several rumors going around in Mexico that the drug cartels recurrently engage in cannibalism as a rite of passage (with different sources claiming they consume enemies and some other saying they consume failed recruits).
You will never hear about it in the news.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
If you haven't heard about the news surrounding Epstein island and the fabled namelist containing the names of prominent Western elites and politicians, you would have at least heard about the case of P. Diddy recently, where some people are purporting that his "namelist" is worst than Epstein.

Our favourite chad Andrew Tate has a theory (links to a 5-minute video, I couldn't embed because it's a Rumble video): https://rumble.com/v523ybx-why-does...ore-with-western-elites-than-in-other-co.html

Here are a summary of his main points:
  • Prominent men having multiple partners is generally more acceptable outside the West. Such as in Eastern Europe, Asia, etc.
  • Men intrinsically want more than 1 partner, even if they are in a happy relationship. It's how men are wired.
  • Western elites cannot do that, and have to repress themselves. That is why they have to go to islands to fulfill these.
  • Repression leads to perversion. This is why they end up f*cking underage girls, or with weird fetishes.
He goes into a lot more detail in the video, and it got me thinking. I think it makes a hell lot of sense.

What do you guys think?

Those points describe a correct concept, but the concept doesn't cover nearly the whole picture. P Diddy for example can hardly be said to have been forbidden from having multiple partners.

I think what it comes down to most often, if we're talking extremely wealthy and/or powerful people, is a loss of identity in the face of temptation.

Most people live out their identities within a framework set out by society, and they stay on the straight and narrow not because they are intrinsically great characters, but because they don't have the capability or resources to circumvent society's rules. They know themselves because of the path that society has laid out before them, not apart from it. Their sense of self is molded by all the restrictions and allowances that operate on their lives, from their parents, to their teachers, to all the implicit and explicit social regulations throughout adult life.

The problem is that when someone is given the means to do away with all these regulations, they no longer have any sense of who they are. You can imagine for example a bricklayer called John who wins the lottery, and then proceeds to become an alcoholic gambler addicted to prostitutes. "I was John the bricklayer" he says. "I got up every morning at six, just like I did when I was a kid (back then my mom would spank me if I didn't), and I went to lay bricks, and I had to be there at eight sharp or my friends and my boss would get stuck into me. And if I got fired then my wife would get stuck into me, and that would be even worse. Now, I don't have a job, and I don't know who I am".

That's not just how John lives but how everyone does, to a greater or lesser extent. It's why it can be very hard for guys starting seduction to undo their conditioning, because although they know consciously that it is only conditioning, they cannot go against it without running up against a loss of their sense of self. And it's why, I believe, there are dudes who are great seducers who struggle with self esteem and depression, because their identity is built not by the stable constellation of regulations of a typical life, but on nothing more than continued sexual conquest.

Loss of identity is unbearable if either the gratification of impulses, or a higher level, moral identity, cannot come in to take its place. But a true moral identity, that operates more or less independently from society, is without exception extremely painful and arduous to achieve, and most people will try to avoid going through it - simply because it's much easier to let either society or one's impulses take the wheel.

I remember another thing Tate said which I think is more relevant to his own point, which is that a lot of very wealthy people he's met are weak-minded and wholly unimpressive individuals. Money and power doesn't make you someone great, it only shows you who you really are.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
If you haven't heard about the news surrounding Epstein island and the fabled namelist containing the names of prominent Western elites and politicians, you would have at least heard about the case of P. Diddy recently, where some people are purporting that his "namelist" is worst than Epstein.

Our favourite chad Andrew Tate has a theory (links to a 5-minute video, I couldn't embed because it's a Rumble video): https://rumble.com/v523ybx-why-does...ore-with-western-elites-than-in-other-co.html

Here are a summary of his main points:
  • Prominent men having multiple partners is generally more acceptable outside the West. Such as in Eastern Europe, Asia, etc.
  • Men intrinsically want more than 1 partner, even if they are in a happy relationship. It's how men are wired.
  • Western elites cannot do that, and have to repress themselves. That is why they have to go to islands to fulfill these.
  • Repression leads to perversion. This is why they end up f*cking underage girls, or with weird fetishes.
He goes into a lot more detail in the video, and it got me thinking. I think it makes a hell lot of sense.

What do you guys think?
he is right, i thought it was common sense, water is wet territory..


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
If you haven't heard about the news surrounding Epstein island and the fabled namelist containing the names of prominent Western elites and politicians, you would have at least heard about the case of P. Diddy recently, where some people are purporting that his "namelist" is worst than Epstein.

Our favourite chad Andrew Tate has a theory (links to a 5-minute video, I couldn't embed because it's a Rumble video): https://rumble.com/v523ybx-why-does...ore-with-western-elites-than-in-other-co.html

Here are a summary of his main points:
  • Prominent men having multiple partners is generally more acceptable outside the West. Such as in Eastern Europe, Asia, etc.
  • Men intrinsically want more than 1 partner, even if they are in a happy relationship. It's how men are wired.
  • Western elites cannot do that, and have to repress themselves. That is why they have to go to islands to fulfill these.
  • Repression leads to perversion. This is why they end up f*cking underage girls, or with weird fetishes.
He goes into a lot more detail in the video, and it got me thinking. I think it makes a hell lot of sense.

What do you guys think?

You missed out on Sedfast hahahaha. There was one poster named NWP who rolled with these crowds and they were doing all the weird stuff and more.

In North America though the age of consent is pretty dang low in certain parts of the USA, and then on top of that they have Mormons etc…

Out in my neck of the woods there are small towns that have 50 to a hundred children from one father and I’ve met some of these people and they are pretty messed up. Type of people who should be shot.

What I personally think is that once you start hitting big numbers like 8 BILLION, 8 BILLION just repeating myself here you’ll eventually find everything happening.

For example I have a friend who just sleeps around with weird shit like midgets, girls with no legs, etc…etc…. I personally gag and barf when I think of that but different strokes for different folks right.

The real question is what the fuck the guy who married the girl with two heads was thinking. That is super messed up.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 18, 2013
I remember another thing Tate said which I think is more relevant to his own point, which is that a lot of very wealthy people he's met are weak-minded and wholly unimpressive individuals. Money and power doesn't make you someone great, it only shows you who you really are.
You are 100% right on this one. As a young lad, I used to think that money was correlated with some kind of ability or capability in the real world. Growing up for me was learning that this is not true. There are many rich people who are just there because they are in the right place at the right time.

For example I have a friend who just sleeps around with weird shit like midgets, girls with no legs, etc…etc…. I personally gag and barf when I think of that but different strokes for different folks right.

The real question is what the fuck the guy who married the girl with two heads was thinking. That is super messed up.
This made me chuckle :ROFLMAO:


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
You are 100% right on this one. As a young lad, I used to think that money was correlated with some kind of ability or capability in the real world. Growing up for me was learning that this is not true. There are many rich people who are just there because they are in the right place at the right time.

That's true, though there are also people who are very good at making money who have unbalanced and underdeveloped characters. The sort of guys who are unworldly, uncharismatic, and unable to make women feel anything around them. They may be very ambitious and driven and successful in many ways, which gives them a big ego, and to be rejected or played by the sort of women they desire - naturally beautiful, confident, and ambitious women who don't need their money - makes them resentful and bitter, which drives them to try and restore their ego in sadistic ways.

For a man whose libido is very strong, failing to develop himself properly - which includes learning how to capture the interest of the women he wants - is a dangerous thing.