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Do any of you guys use anger as a way to motivate yourself?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 11, 2012
I was using my phone tonight texting some friends of mine and the phone went to shit, as it has beeen over the past few months. It sent me the same text message 5 times in a row.

For some reason this just blew the lid off for me, I was pissed! It was like a buildup of all my previous frustration with my phone in the past. I threw it across the room and then a funny thing happened... I got motivated.

I had some chores to get done around and I was doing them left and right. It's funny because I can remember multiple times in my life where I let my anger guide me and it's always led to something good.

So, I wanted to ask you guys if you have had any similar experiences/stories with anger being something that motivated you to action?

I'm normally a very logical and calculating person so letting my anger go was scarry and refreshing. Not only that but now that I've calmed down a bit I'm also wondering if this is a healthy way to let go of emotion. I'm pretty devoid of emotion most days so I think any emotion is good but can anger be a healthy emotion too?

Hope this isn't too hard to follow guys. I just wanted to type it out before my motivation to write died out lol!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Re: Do any of you guys use anger as a way to motivate yourse

You are using the defense mechanism of "projection" I presume to take out your anger on external objects in order to protect yourself since it wont make sense for you to hit yourself of course which thereby reduces the pain you faced. Now this completely normal. but read this:

"Anger, for instance, contains a great deal of energy. If we've repressed that emotion so effectively that we can't even feel it, we obviously can't use the energy that goes along with it in any conscious, constructive way. But if we take our anger out of the bag simply to indulge it, if we let anger become a knee- jerk response, we dissipate its considerable power. There are times when it's appropriate to express anger, but there's also the possibility of taking the fervid energy of indignation, even of rage, and putting it to work for positive purposes. In other words, when you feel your anger rising, you can choose to go and work furiously on a favorite project, or to
transmute the energy beneath your anger to fuel that you can use on your journey of mastery"

now this is a quote on the book Mastery by George Leonard famous aikidoist which I am currently reading. I suggest you read this book to get a better grip on mastery and your anger in general .good luck;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 11, 2012
Re: Do any of you guys use anger as a way to motivate yourse

Thanks for the response man. That little quote you put up there was EXACTLY what I was trying to ask. Can I use anger in a positive way to motivate myself? That might have been a better question.

Thanks for the recommendation I started reading that book a few years ago but put it down early in the pages. You've got me intrigued again so thanks for the reminder brotha!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake