@A2daMIR did well as a bouncer, albeit with pristine frame control and instincts coupled with hilarious zingers. He was also the head of security. IIRC he said his results really started to take off once his muscles were huge AND he got himself promoted to security head. Then he was rocking looks + status + game.
One of the first things I learned in nightclubs was "introduce girls to bouncers." If you chat up a girl and she is okay but not quite cute enough or she isn't really biting, you can tell her, "Hey, have you met Brian, the bouncer from this club? He's a pretty cool guy," and if she is down you just take her over when Brian isn't too occupied and go, "Brian, man, I want you to meet my friend. This is Jeannie!" and let the two of them talk. Unless he is one of the super cool bouncers (very rare), you will see his eyes light up, he gets all excited, starts talking to the girl, etc. I always took that as a sign of how well most bouncers were really doing with girls... if you get excited because someone intros you to a mid-girl, you are probably not swimming in it.
I had a buddy who for a while before I met him ran these Sunday barbecues for bouncers. He and his wingman would invite bouncers they knew + girls they had picked up on but been unable to convert. The girls would come to meet the bouncers and get nightlife connections. The bouncers would come to meet girls and enjoy a barbecue. My buddy and his wing would solidify their connections with the bouncers and become favorites of theirs. I forget it was him or the guy I learned about intro'ing girls to bouncers from, but one of them taught me, "If you can get a bouncer laid, you will get the VIP treatment from him forever." Again, that really only applies if bouncers are not rolling in it already... with rare exceptions (dudes using status + game, like A2daMIR), they are not rolling in it.
That said, it will give you nightlife industry experience, get you connections, and if you have some game you will probably get laid some of the time. You will have an easy in to industry after parties. There are definitely perks.
- Ski instructor
- Tennis instructor
- Teaching assistant
- Lifeguard at the pool
- Fraternity president
- Maybe bartender
But like bouncer none of these work if you don't combine with game.