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Do women know when are shit testing?

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Sometimes, if you provoke it in some way or give her doubts as to who you are.

Let’s say you talk a big game away from her, or with her even, but present as something else. She may consciously start pushing your buttons/work to see what’s real, and what kind of guy you are really.

Other times it’s personality dependent and she’s generally a sassy girl. Unconsciously and consciously looking for someone who can put her in her place in the right way.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Shit testing in itself is a troublesome concept.

It conflates a lot of different behaviors that get interpreted by the seducer as the target showing resistance.
But it could either mean the woman:

> Being intentionally rude
> Being unintentionally rude
> Being uncomfortable
> Expressing genuine concern
> Teasing
> Commiting a faux pas
> Putting token resistance wishing for it to be overcome

Some of these, women are aware of. Some of these women aren’t.
It really depends on the social experience of the girl herself.

So context is king.

My suggestion: As you gain experience, it would be useful to get rid of the “shit test” concept and start using more specific vocabulary.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Also, a conscious test is made in a way to see if you respond negatively. Ever refuse someone something and they reacted badly? Or started bad mouthing you?

Kind of like that idiom, “If you want to see someones true colors, tell them no” In this case it’s “if you want to see someones true colors, push their buttons”.

What I alluded to before about subcomming something negative about yourself despite appearances. She may deliberately try to see how you react to something meant to get a reaction.

Whether this is a subconscious process that they learned, or just based off experiencing negative things that cause them to want to vet people. Is up in the air.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 21, 2023
Are you conscious when you ask a girl certain questions to figure out if she would be good for a LTR?

Most of the time no, but if you hear certain answers, it leads you to a certain way of thinking about her.

Are you conscious when you decide a girl doesnt fit your beauty threshold to sleep with her? Sometimes but often you just know.

Personally I dont like the term shit-test because it implies its something negative and I feel its something both genders do. Girls usually do it more being 'the selector' and needing to filter out a lot of men though.

Also, I find that if a girl is shit-testing you, it means there is still potential. When girls have made up their mind, they dont shit test, they either ignore you or politely remove themselves