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Do You Get Any Women Attention?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 2, 2020
I know i know, just approach and usually that's what i am doing in the right setup, bar, club, etc...
But sometimes it feel good to get women attention without doing anything right?

But lately i noticed that i NEVER get women attention, be it in the groceries store or in the bus or whatever the place is, women NEVER smile at me, and if i'm lucky i can get a glance or two but NEVER a good eye contact.

I feel like i must be a sort of Shrek level of ugly, but people say that i'm hot/cute/pretty, on Photofeeler i get rated at 7 to 8 so objectively i guess i'm not THAT ugly. I refuse to use online dating app, so i don't know my potential match count.
I dress well, i use fragrance every day, i go to the gym 5 days a week since years and height i average at 5'9".

So.. do i'm alone? Is that normal to never get women looking at you or smiling? I feel like something is very wrong with me.
Do you get any women attention in your day to day life? If yes, how the fuck are doing? Are you a male models or what? 😁

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
I don't get that much overt attention.

But I do get approach invitations.

You probably get them too.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I used to, when I was younger. Especially when I still had long hair, girls on the metro and such would sometimes eye fuck me.

As I'm getting older this gets rarer and rarer though.

But wait until I'm in a committed relationship again... I'm sure THEN they'll be throwing me IOIs left and right... girls smell this shit


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I know i know, just approach and usually that's what i am doing in the right setup, bar, club, etc...
But sometimes it feel good to get women attention without doing anything right?

But lately i noticed that i NEVER get women attention, be it in the groceries store or in the bus or whatever the place is, women NEVER smile at me, and if i'm lucky i can get a glance or two but NEVER a good eye contact.

I feel like i must be a sort of Shrek level of ugly, but people say that i'm hot/cute/pretty, on Photofeeler i get rated at 7 to 8 so objectively i guess i'm not THAT ugly. I refuse to use online dating app, so i don't know my potential match count.
I dress well, i use fragrance every day, i go to the gym 5 days a week since years and height i average at 5'9".

So.. do i'm alone? Is that normal to never get women looking at you or smiling? I feel like something is very wrong with me.
Do you get any women attention in your day to day life? If yes, how the fuck are doing? Are you a male models or what? 😁

You might be getting reactions you haven't yet learned how to read.

But if you want to get more or stronger reactions, you need to create more of an impression, and that's going to mainly be body language. Women react to body language far more than they react to the shape of a guy's face or his clothes or anything else. You can make her tense, comfortable, disinterested, excited, or anything in between by the way you move around in her vicinity and the way your attention (communicated through your body) interacts with her.

In public thoroughfares, the undercurrent of energy is quick, busy, preoccupied, slightly defensive, slightly hurried, slightly tense etc. Anyone who occupies this energy state is effectively invisible. And instinctively people adopt the energetic state of the environment they are in, so as to blend in and not be a target. But to create an impression, you have to stand out in a way that is pleasing, without avoiding tension.

You can stand out positively by being still, calm, using longer and slower movements, putting a rhythm to your movements, having a straighter and more open posture, moving your attention around slowly and letting it rest for periods of time on something in particular, and having a calm but focused intent in everything you do. This captures a woman's attention, and the closer she gets to you, the more she subconsciously prepares to be the recipient of something, since by behaving this way you are communicating dominance.

If you aren't in the habit of it, doing this creates anxiety in you, because you know you are standing out and catching attention, but this anxiety ruins the effect you can have on other people. That's why meditation and practicing being present helps to make these experiences not only possible but very satisfying.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 2, 2020
You might be getting reactions you haven't yet learned how to read.

But if you want to get more or stronger reactions, you need to create more of an impression, and that's going to mainly be body language. Women react to body language far more than they react to the shape of a guy's face or his clothes or anything else. You can make her tense, comfortable, disinterested, excited, or anything in between by the way you move around in her vicinity and the way your attention (communicated through your body) interacts with her.

In public thoroughfares, the undercurrent of energy is quick, busy, preoccupied, slightly defensive, slightly hurried, slightly tense etc. Anyone who occupies this energy state is effectively invisible. And instinctively people adopt the energetic state of the environment they are in, so as to blend in and not be a target. But to create an impression, you have to stand out in a way that is pleasing, without avoiding tension.

You can stand out positively by being still, calm, using longer and slower movements, putting a rhythm to your movements, having a straighter and more open posture, moving your attention around slowly and letting it rest for periods of time on something in particular, and having a calm but focused intent in everything you do. This captures a woman's attention, and the closer she gets to you, the more she subconsciously prepares to be the recipient of something, since by behaving this way you are communicating dominance.

If you aren't in the habit of it, doing this creates anxiety in you, because you know you are standing out and catching attention, but this anxiety ruins the effect you can have on other people. That's why meditation and practicing being present helps to make these experiences not only possible but very satisfying.
What kind of reaction are you thinking of? Because i could look at a wall and get the same reaction...:LOL:
As i said, no smile, no eye contact, no touch... and if i'm very lucky a glance of 1sec!
It's like i'm not even existing, so i'm legit curious what reaction i should look for.

For the body language, i'm actually slow and calm, that always been my natural state, i stand straight with shoulder back and chest up and all that stuff, but from what you're saying maybe i should smile...? Or smirk, like if i'm in a good mood or something to break the cycle of that busy energy/preoccupied/hurried energy state.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
At least in my experience, many women may check you out subtly and you will never know unless you try to observe them in a subtle way as well. As soon as they see that you are overtly checking them out already, they are done checking you out. They probably want to check you out while you are distracted with whatever you are doing, giving them a chance to assess you in their subtle way.

Occasionally there will be some women checking you out more overtly.

In the end, it's better to assume that women are checking you out in their fun and silly ways (which we love about them) and get the confidence boost from that alone, instead of overtly looking for eye contact


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
At least in my experience, many women may check you out subtly and you will never know unless you try to observe them in a subtle way as well. As soon as they see that you are overtly checking them out already, they are done checking you out. They probably want to check you out while you are distracted with whatever you are doing, giving them a chance to assess you in their subtle way.
I'm generally so bad at noticing these, that I've had female friends tell me there is some girl in the crowd that is checking me out all the time and I was like wait what really?

Then once at a party after a similar comment I paid attention with my peripheral vision and there really was a girl that was looking at me a lot. When I left and shortly stopped to say goodbye to another guy, I again saw her instantly turn her head around and look at me. During all this I never even looked once directly towards her, so I guess she felt free to stare all she wanted seemingly unnoticed.

And what you say is profound in fact. It's not that the girls you don't like check you out because they are the only ones attracted to you. It's equally possible that the girls you do like are also attracted to you, but by checking them out all the time not only you don't give them the chance to do it themselves, but maybe you even make them lose attraction by how eagerly you seem to be monitoring them!


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
What kind of reaction are you thinking of? Because i could look at a wall and get the same reaction...:LOL:
As i said, no smile, no eye contact, no touch... and if i'm very lucky a glance of 1sec!
It's like i'm not even existing, so i'm legit curious what reaction i should look for.

There are more obvious ones, such as touching her hair, opening her facial expression, posing her body a little bit, hovering around you. Maybe you are familiar with them.

It's hard to describe the more subtle signs that a woman is giving you her attention, it is more of a vibe than anything you can clearly see, and it takes practice to sense it. Basically I would describe it as a slight tension in her body or any change in the rhythm of her movements.

It goes without saying that you don't need any of these signals in order to approach. I rarely get smiled at directly, though usually I will capture a woman's attention for at least a few seconds when I'm around. And I try to make sure she's seen me before I approach.

For the body language, i'm actually slow and calm, that always been my natural state, i stand straight with shoulder back and chest up and all that stuff, but from what you're saying maybe i should smile...? Or smirk, like if i'm in a good mood or something to break the cycle of that busy energy/preoccupied/hurried energy state.

If you are calm and slow, how about being more expressive .. adding more rhythm, weight, thrust, and follow-through to your movements (what I think of as 'bass' movements) as well as a little bit of flair.

Watch how sexy male movie stars move around and express themselves, especially the older generation of more masculine ones such as Sean Connery.

Again all this isn't incredibly important, and it's much more useful to work on approaching and opening girls, I just happen to enjoy the art of body language and self expression.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
At least in my experience, many women may check you out subtly and you will never know unless you try to observe them in a subtle way as well. As soon as they see that you are overtly checking them out already, they are done checking you out. They probably want to check you out while you are distracted with whatever you are doing, giving them a chance to assess you in their subtle way.

Occasionally there will be some women checking you out more overtly.

In the end, it's better to assume that women are checking you out in their fun and silly ways (which we love about them) and get the confidence boost from that alone, instead of overtly looking for eye contact
Second this .

Have experienced it myself .

As soon as they see that you are being overt then they stop checking you out .

And yeah this does boost your confidence
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
I used to worry about this, but remember women do not respond to physical attraction the same way men do.

They respond much more to action, charisma, dominance, confidence, leadership, etc.

So I wouldn’t worry too much about getting checked out, since that’s thinking like a man.

That being said, you can probably get more IOI by following the advice the other posters suggested. Checking out girls less, and working on your fundamentals. But it doesn’t matter as much as action.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
It's equally possible that the girls you do like are also attracted to you, but by checking them out all the time not only you don't give them the chance to do it themselves, but maybe you even make them lose attraction by how eagerly you seem to be monitoring them!
Great point! Couldn't have said it better myself 👊


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
You might be getting reactions you haven't yet learned how to read.

But if you want to get more or stronger reactions, you need to create more of an impression, and that's going to mainly be body language. Women react to body language far more than they react to the shape of a guy's face or his clothes or anything else. You can make her tense, comfortable, disinterested, excited, or anything in between by the way you move around in her vicinity and the way your attention (communicated through your body) interacts with her.

In public thoroughfares, the undercurrent of energy is quick, busy, preoccupied, slightly defensive, slightly hurried, slightly tense etc. Anyone who occupies this energy state is effectively invisible. And instinctively people adopt the energetic state of the environment they are in, so as to blend in and not be a target. But to create an impression, you have to stand out in a way that is pleasing, without avoiding tension.

You can stand out positively by being still, calm, using longer and slower movements, putting a rhythm to your movements, having a straighter and more open posture, moving your attention around slowly and letting it rest for periods of time on something in particular, and having a calm but focused intent in everything you do. This captures a woman's attention, and the closer she gets to you, the more she subconsciously prepares to be the recipient of something, since by behaving this way you are communicating dominance.

If you aren't in the habit of it, doing this creates anxiety in you, because you know you are standing out and catching attention, but this anxiety ruins the effect you can have on other people. That's why meditation and practicing being present helps to make these experiences not only possible but very satisfying.

I think I found 2 good examples of this for you visual guys:

@Will_V Would you say the tatted guy that comes in at the midway point is a prime example of your body language contrasting the environment?

If so, could you break down he does well and how to do this ourselves?

(He enters at the halfway point):

You can feel the tension when he walks into the room slowly

This example too:

(Guy on the right):



Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I think I found 2 good examples of this for you visual guys:

@Will_V Would you say the tatted guy that comes in at the midway point is a prime example of your body language contrasting the environment?

If so, could you break down he does well and how to do this ourselves?

(He enters at the halfway point):

You can feel the tension when he walks into the room slowly

This example too:

(Guy on the right):

Yeah, those examples have some of the characteristics.

In the first one, the guy walks in slowly, and his facial expression and tone are extremely calm and unreactive. When he sees her he laughs a little like he isn't going to take her seriously. You can see the girl immediately sense his frame and completely change her own body language in response.

In the second one, look at the thumbnail. The guy on the right has a calm and unreactive expression (while also communicating mild attention and interest), with a relaxed, balanced, and open posture. Making eye contact with girls without smiling can be very powerful, but you have to be very relaxed to pull it off without her immediately feeling tense and looking away. It works best if your eyes are slightly crinkled like you're taking a sniff of something pleasant.

It helps that in both cases there is a contrasting character there - in the first one the fidgeting, jumpy, fast talking younger brother is there, and in the second picture the other guy is communicating a sort of submission - covering his balls, big open smile, leaning posture, and in the video he's fidgeting while the other guy is very relaxed.

For a good example of a walk, I like this scene from the first Bond movie where Connery is walking with the woman.

See how his head and shoulders swing and roll with each step, and when he walks up the stairs he leans forward into each step, as if each movement is an exploratory thrust - there's nothing jerky or inhibited about his movements. I'd go for a slightly more erect posture though.

When he walks past the first two guys, he sort of interacts with them through his body language - swinging his body slightly toward them and leaning slightly toward them - but without actually looking at them. That's a good example of what you can do with women, so that they feel your body interact with them but your attention isn't clearly on them, which spikes their curiosity.

I don't have too many examples on hand, I'll try to keep an eye out and post when I see something interesting.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I have the opposite experience than everyone. I get attention by procuring it. Girls don't notice I exist, until I check them out overtly. There is a way to do it however. A couple of weeks back I went out with the specific purpose of practicing getting AIs. By the end of the night I had quite a few girls hovering, throwing the behind shoulder glances and checking me out.

Last summer I went for several days in a row just practicing how to get attention from chicks. Practicing everything from how I walk, the timing of when I look in their direction. After a couple of days I dialed it in to where I could consistently get girls looking at me. As for a girl looking at you and smiling directly? Last time I had stuff like that happen was first year of university, similar to what people say it happens in high school.

It's not that you're not a guy worthy of a girl eyefucking you because you're now older, it's more that girls become less direct with age. They're not eyefucking anyone with a smile, not even chad male models get that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
See how his head and shoulders swing and roll with each step, and when he walks up the stairs he leans forward into each step, as if each movement is an exploratory thrust - there's nothing jerky or inhibited about his movements. I'd go for a slightly more erect posture though.

When he walks past the first two guys, he sort of interacts with them through his body language - swinging his body slightly toward them and leaning slightly toward them - but without actually looking at them. That's a good example of what you can do with women, so that they feel your body interact with them but your attention isn't clearly on them, which spikes their curiosity.
This is really interesting. Maybe I should start rethinking what I consider attractive body language and I what am going for. I mean that when I saw the video it felt to me that his movements were making him look a bit unstable with how he was transferring weight with every step. And when he went up the stairs he felt to me like he could not control his body and keep it still.

I feel I have been taking some pieces of advice a bit too seriously, which is not good because I end up standing with a girl and thinking that if I want to look powerful I have to always be with extremely erect posture, with the chin up, and very slow movements no matter what I do. And I feel bad when I can't keep that all the time, but then you look at James Bond himself and he is making things work without even focusing on all these details constantly.

I suppose it's good to see yourself in video at some point to realise how you really come off and see exactly which corrections you should make.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
This is really interesting. Maybe I should start rethinking what I consider attractive body language and I what am going for. I mean that when I saw the video it felt to me that his movements were making him look a bit unstable with how he was transferring weight with every step. And when he went up the stairs he felt to me like he could not control his body and keep it still.

Yeah I can see what you mean. Personally I go for a slightly more subtle 'gliding' walk than what's in that video, and I keep my chin up, though I make sure I have a good roll of the shoulders.

Something I've always remembered (can't remember where I heard/read about it though) is that a man's upper body movement is equivalent to a woman's hip movement in terms of sexual signalling. Let's say a woman walks past you, and as she passes she gives her hips a little swing, you're not going to miss that! And the same goes for a man's upper body when he passes a woman.

I also read somewhere (again can't remember where!) that a man's upper body movement is the most sexually arousing aspect for a woman, I think it was some study, and the context might have been in terms of dancing. I've noticed too in professional dancing where a man and a woman are dancing together, the man's routine involves a lot of range of motion of the upper body, whereas the woman's tends to involve more of the hips, legs, and lower back.

So sure, I think you can have a more erect posture, but you certainly don't want your chest and shoulders to be stiff, you want it to sway a little bit with your movements.

I feel I have been taking some pieces of advice a bit too seriously, which is not good because I end up standing with a girl and thinking that if I want to look powerful I have to always be with extremely erect posture, with the chin up, and very slow movements no matter what I do. And I feel bad when I can't keep that all the time, but then you look at James Bond himself and he is making things work without even focusing on all these details constantly.

Apparently Connery had to practice a lot to get to the Bond style, since he came from a lower class background and I imagine probably didn't act the part of the british gentleman right away. Though it's pretty clear that a lot of his masculine style in general comes from his nature.

But I think it's less important to focus on the details and more on the principles. The way Connery walks partly reflects the 1960s british era, which isn't exactly what's going to work best in other environments and contexts. If I had to extract the core principles, I would say:

1. A calm, neutral expression with a slight intensity to the eyes.
2. A good shoulder swing/roll.
3. A slight pitch forward into each step (follow through).
4. Always balanced like a dancer or a fighter, no stumbling or stilted steps.
5. Slow movement and smooth transition between every movement, a bit like a dance where everything flows one into the other.
6. Add a little bit of flair to movements - i.e. make each movement express in some way through your whole body, and not just the part that's directly involved.

Especially if you ramp it up as you walk past a girl she will not fail to notice and react. I've had times where a girl will just break out into a big smile as I go past, and we both enjoy it.

I suppose it's good to see yourself in video at some point to realise how you really come off and see exactly which corrections you should make.

I've gotten quite a few compliments on my walk over the years, but I've never really seen myself lol. I'm sure it would be useful to, but I just try to be as relaxed, present, and aware of my body and my state as possible, and then I simply express myself through my walk, like a dance. I also like to walk to the rhythm of music I play silently in my head, it adds subtle rhythm and flair.

For me it's an internal experience of self expression, more than anything I do specifically to try and get a reaction from outside. And that makes me feel a lot less self conscious.

PS here's another example of the sort of walk I go for, notice the shoulders:

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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2024
I have exactly the same experience as you. For me this has been going on for more than 5 years. I even made a new topic similar to yours.

My opinion is that it's related to low social status. They can sense you're not important/low value through body language. As women get older they value more status and looks aren't that important to them. Also I think your mindset and how you view yourself plays a huge role in this.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I have exactly the same experience as you. For me this has been going on for more than 5 years. I even made a new topic similar to yours.

My opinion is that it's related to low social status. They can sense you're not important/low value through body language. As women get older they value more status and looks aren't that important to them. Also I think your mindset and how you view yourself plays a huge role in this.
On a similar note, I think it takes one to know one. I noticed that I tend to get checked out by the hottest girls. My theory was maybe they're the most confident which is why I'm only getting checked out by the hottest girls. It's "just about them being confident enough to show signs of interest".

Also, when I approach, the hottest girls seem to respond the best. Initially I thought it's because hot girls just have more practice socializing, so they're just being nice.

I now think it's about them reading subtle cues. I figured this out after a bunch of hot model 19-20 year olds were eye fucking me at a party while I was getting ignored by the more average women. I was the highest status and accomplished person there, but i'm not a public person, and the only way they could tell i'm high-status was by reading subtle cues.

I now think it's because girls with more experience can read such cues better. I say more *experienced* in order to differentiate from "older", because I don't think age is the differentiating factor. A 19 year old who gets invited to yachts and private parties can rack up the experience earlier in life.

I think that typically older women respond to cues of status not because "they care more about status, unlike the young ones", but just because they have more experience reading subtle cues. There are young women that due to circumstance have the same thing, typically young women that get introduced to high-status circles earlier in life.
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