It really depends, the advice has shifted over the years because it can all work depending on the girl and the situation and how you happen to connect with her in the moment.
Its ultimately a game of odds, with some things working better some times and other things working better others, depending on the situation.
In the Swingers era the standard advice was to wait three days. The early PUA scene went the other way and advised to strike while the iron is hot and keep trying till she blew you out. Both of these compensate for a lack of game to some degree, the ideal is more fluid to the situation and the girl, which comes from putting in the reps to develop your intuition.
Starting off you can err on the side of playing it cool (Swingers), or striking hard and fast (early PUA). Both will work for you and against you at times, depending.
EDIT: damn
@Skjöldr this time you preemptively read MY mind