Is there any news program that is not bs?
A question I agree with but makes me want to ask: then why are you using the news to fortify your own points?
Why do you think we have wars? Because of women
Maybe if this was Troy...
Nowadays it's all about money and power
Why do you think men are so competitive? Because of women
Testosterone causes us to be more competitive
Women are a small part of that, sure I'll give you that. But it's also within is to want to be the best that we can be, to dominate the people in front of us and to prove that we're better on an animalistic level
You see this in the most extreme forms with professional athletes. Someone like Michael Jordon for example. I'm sure women played their role in what he did, but this man was motivated the most by competition in its purest form!
The man got bored on the basketball court until someone started shit talking him. He needed another MAN to shit talk him for him to want to go all out. And he did...
Why do you think men care so much about money? Because of women
Women, power, resources, nice things, freedom, experiences, just to name a few off the top of my head
Men manipulate the world. Women manipulate men, Hurrem Sultan didn’t get so powerful because of her brains.
While I don't recognize the name, I agree with the point overall (though it is a bit simplistic/watered down). But doesn't this mean that women need men whereas men don't need women? Wouldn't that make men more powerful? Aren't you a man? Why are you so concerned with virgins and used up women and etc.?
I don't mean to misrepresent what you're saying, genuinely curious
Not many. Every young hot girl I see is with a man who is at least 6’1.
A big reason for that is that they're the most dominant among young men. Women go after dominance
Here's a great example actually; I lost out on a stripper to a guy purely because he was the son of the owner of a strip club. I'm more ambitious than him, I'm trying to do more with my life than him, I know how to do a lot more things than him, I'm more muscular, good-looking and taller. Got broader shoulders and an overall better build
But his dad owns the strip club so he's automatically more dominant than me. Therefore he got the girl
The women aren't as interested in me as they are these two guys because they win on dominance in that niche
So again, the reason that you're seeing young, hot women with tall and built men is because they're the most dominant in those spaces. It's not the height that gets them women, it's the dominance
I haven’t relinquished frame. Society loves them, not me. Society and investors paid Leonardo DiCaprio $10,000,000 to have sex with Margot Robbie. Society and investors paid Michael Douglas $14,000,000 to have sex with a Sharon Stone.
Do you mind if I ask how old you are? Are you in college? Genuinely curious because I think this will help us understand your situation better. I dunno if you've already mentioned it or not so if you have then my bad
Those men put in an UNGODLY amount of work to become famous in their profession, which is acting. They're high up in status and dominance. You're discounting the untold amounts of hours of work they hammered on their craft. How is it that you should get the same results as them when you haven't put in the same work that they have?
I agree all men should do this.
Yet by the time a man does this, the hot girl has been rode hard and put away wet.
You know what else is brutal?
All these old men dating women half their age who aren't used up. The exact same thing that you, yourself can do if you choose to do something about it. Men, I believe have a harder road ahead of them, but it can be more fulfilling because we're in control of our destinies (at least more so compared to women, my personal belief)