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Dodge slow game issue without disqualifying as boyfriend?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 30, 2021
I'm reading a lot on this site about the importance of disqualifying yourself from being a boyfriend candidate to prevent women from "slow gaming" you. The narrative behind doing this is that you want the woman to feel that if she doesn't close things with you immediately then she'll lose the opportunity entirely.

So why isn't it recommended for guys who are both boyfriend AND lover material to escape the slow game issue by making it clear to the girl that he won't accept being slow gamed? It achieves the same goal as presenting as a lover, which is making the girl fully aware that if she slow games you then she's going to lose you. I feel that it's a lot more dominant as well because you're forcing her into your frame for how the courtship will progress. This is what I've been leaning towards to accomplish my goal (which is to find my unicorn wife material girl ASAP) and I'm wondering why it's never mentioned here on GC.

I also have a question about inexperienced girls. Are girls who are in their early 20s with very few partners typically this way simply because their eligible hookup pool is nonexistent... or is it because they put up strong walls for men that aren't eligible as boyfriends?
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Many techniques and philosophies you will find in the seduction community are geared for the guy who wants hookups and friends with benefits.
They are also useful for more “normal” guys because they show you what are the limits of what you can get… how fast can you move a girl… how easy it is to make her horny… how simple it is to get her in your bed.

As you grow more experienced, you should tweak them to your actual goals and the girls you are dating. You can go slower with more conservative girls or play a little more of the boyfriend role if you’re aiming for it.
But again, that’s when you are advanced and you’re doing because you want and should, not because you feel it’s your only option.

Both. Inexperienced girls in their 20s is just too big of a group to bring any meaningful conclusion.
Too many different girls with too many different stories for many different reasons… you will have to be more specific.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 30, 2021
Both. Inexperienced girls in their 20s is just too big of a group to bring any meaningful conclusion.
Too many different girls with too many different stories for many different reasons… you will have to be more specific.
I want to move as quickly as possible for vetting and screening purposes, but I don't want to blow her out as a relationship prospect. So I guess I need to figure out which girls are which, then be able to tailor my seduction technique to the girl.

But I don't know how to figure out what the reason is for the girl's inexperience to then inform my technique - I'm great at finding them. But I can't figure out how to get much more information than that without putting them on the defensive, which ruins momentum pretty much immediately.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I usually say something like “Hey, you’re pretty cute. I guess you have a lot of guys after you”.

Most girls will tell you “No, it’s not like that” and then when you ask why they will reveal a lot about themselves… sometimes is that they are busy or that they usually jump to long term or that they don’t like hooking up.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
You can also ask why is she single and she will reveal a lot about her last relationship.
That should give you a good starting reference on her values and her sexual experience.