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Does she's interested or not?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 2, 2020
Hi guys,

I know don't shit where you eat but since i'll probably leave this company in a few months, idgaf.

There is this cute girl at work with whom we sometimes talk for hours, BUT at the same time she gives me 0 ioi and i don't know where to stand.

I broke the touch barrier (light touch to shoulder, legs touching, etc..,) but she has no reaction, it's actually the first time i met a girl who gives me no reaction when i'm slighty touching her, usually they back off or show some interest, but there? nada, nyet. It's like nothing happened.

She also give no ioi, she don't laugh at my bad joke but still laugh at my usual jokes, she hold eye contact but not too much and breaking to the side.
But at the same time she is willing to spend hours to talk with me to the point we overtime too much and lose track of time. Also she has never mentioned a boyfriend.

Is this a good or bad things? Where to stand?

I can't escalate more if she is not open, i still need my job for now, asking her out is the same i don't wanna risk gossip if she says no, it could ruin my work reputation but i'm willing to risk if she would give me clear iois.

In a non-work environnement i would just escalate more and try to polarize her until i get a clear sign of attraction, but at work it's way more riskier, i can't risk touching her face or thigh.
So, what is your thought? what would you do?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
But at the same time she is willing to spend hours to talk with me to the point we overtime too much and lose track of time. Also she has never mentioned a boyfriend.
She might be a bit shy (or a better word could be... inexperienced?), those girls wouldn't know how to react to touch, or get too nervous to do anything. If she didn't said anything about a boyfriend, she probably doesn't have one.

Do you only talk to her on work? You could try meeting her outside to see how she acts, like invite her to something really simple and innocent, to be easy for her to accept. Maybe the reason she's neutral it's because it's work, after all, and she doesn't want to get a bad rep of any kind, maybe some senior guy see she flirting with you and gets jealous and this is bad for her career or whatever, anyway, the best way to proceed is getting her to do something with you outside of work, but don't frame it as a date (you could also say fuck it and drop all pretense and go direct, but even if you're leaving, she's probably not, so there's some good chance of backfiring, also if you take too long, her attraction will be gone anyway, and from what I read, you won't be leaving too soon).

Do you have her Instagram? Do you use it at all? Do you text her? IG/texting could be a lowkey way of hitting on her, if you know how to do it, if she's really into you and is just afraid because of work, she could be more aggressive/obvious there too.

I can't escalate more if she is not open, i still need my job for now, asking her out is the same i don't wanna risk gossip if she says no, it could ruin my work reputation but i'm willing to risk if she would give me clear iois.
Yeah, don't get too physical at work, even if she's kinda into you, things could go sour really easily. Again, invite her out somehow (maybe just a little bite after work? On a place there's no coworkers, of course), but be lowkey on the invite, and do it on a high point (the usual stuff, but you will need a little game to make this work, it's not the easiest case to solve lol)

Good luck!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
You're overthinking it. Just tell her how you feel and ask her out.

She'll respect you more and you'll have a better reputation at work for having a pair of balls, and taking a chance at what you want. If she says no, no big deal.

If you want to protect your reputation, all you have to do is treat her well, and you do that by being very clear in your communications with her. Be clear, honest, direct, and respectful.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 2, 2020
She might be a bit shy (or a better word could be... inexperienced?), those girls wouldn't know how to react to touch, or get too nervous to do anything. If she didn't said anything about a boyfriend, she probably doesn't have one.

Do you only talk to her on work? You could try meeting her outside to see how she acts, like invite her to something really simple and innocent, to be easy for her to
I think she is shy yes, but not that much since she's the one asking me to stay and talk.
And yeah i only talk with her on work and only when i have to come to her office, so like once a week, lately a bit more for work stuff.
Do you have her Instagram? Do you use it at all? Do you text her? IG/texting could be a lowkey way of hitting on her, if you know how to do it, if she's really into you and is just afraid because of work, she could be more aggressive/obvious there too.
Honestly, i'd rather avoid texting i'm like super shit at texting and i make girls dry like Sahara's desert in a second, i even made a post about that.
Texting is my weak point that i can't overcome, i accepted that i just can't do it with text, but good thing IRL game is my strongest point.

Yeah it's kinda her to ask her out in a one vs one and be lowkey, she often to go out with her office's coworker team.
You're overthinking it. Just tell her how you feel and ask her out.

She'll respect you more and you'll have a better reputation at work for having a pair of balls, and taking a chance at what you want. If she says no, no big deal.

If you want to protect your reputation, all you have to do is treat her well, and you do that by being very clear in your communications with her. Be clear, honest, direct, and respectful.
Thing is in my company it's very bad seen to date coworker, if i had nothing to lose i'll just do like you said, asking her out and tell her how i feel i'm honestly not scared of rejection (i used to work in sales which helped on this point!)
I can't risk losing my job until august/september, after that i don't care.

As i said, i'm willing to take the risk if there is a high probabilities that she is interested.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Difficult to know your position. Because

1)Prior relationship with her at work. Duration
2)Is she really meek/awkward/dead rock (this is common in Asia). It's literally awkward but 3000
3)How are you viewed at work
4)Power/Status and how it affects her
5)Influence and how it affects her.

Important for all members to know. Often times, you forget how powerful you can be seen, according to her worldview. That's number 1. I have lost girls because I don't want to talk to them when I'm the guy in power in a setting.

Number 2:
what is your actual power in that setting.

In the next 50 years...
and I'm going slightly dark with this sentence.
"There is no truth but power." - Friedrich Nietzsche
*Chase bans Zac. :p*



Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 2, 2020

Difficult to know your position. Because

1)Prior relationship with her at work. Duration
2)Is she really meek/awkward/dead rock (this is common in Asia). It's literally awkward but 3000
3)How are you viewed at work
4)Power/Status and how it affects her
5)Influence and how it affects her.

Important for all members to know. Often times, you forget how powerful you can be seen, according to her worldview. That's number 1. I have lost girls because I don't want to talk to them when I'm the guy in power in a setting.

Number 2:
what is your actual power in that setting.

In the next 50 years...
and I'm going slightly dark with this sentence.
"There is no truth but power." - Friedrich Nietzsche
*Chase bans Zac. :p*


1) It's been 6 month since she is there, beside some hi there and there and quick talk about work, nothing happened until 3 weeks / 1 month ago
2) She is not asian, she didn't seems timid but more like no mess, no waves.

3) Pretty good actually, somes girls have crush on me and say it openly, they are ugly as fuck tho. On the work side i'm known as the reliable, fast worker guy

4) We are on the same level basically, she studied more than me but i earn way way more than her. She seems to doesn't care or show no emotions toward coworker with big status.

5) What do you mean by influence? Like if her coworker can influence her? I guess, they often go outside and they look likes being friends (They are all girls)

Or my influence to her? I don't know honestly, she basically show nothing to everyone, she is the perfect "normal" girl, she is not very timid nor a outgoing person, she is not seen as a good worker nor as a bad one, etc etc... i could write pages of her being like that.

I think being at work has a big influence on her personality tho


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Do you really need to get it out?


I assume even if I tell you to not go pursue this risky cause, you will anyway.
because the river is damn quiet.
Too quiet for your own good.

Unofficial Life Lesson from Girlschase:

1)Find out who's the *cough* Chieftan *cough* @Chase *cough* of the land first *cough cough*

2)Find out who's the Enforcer

3)Figure out the rules of the land, including unspoken rules of the land, quickly.

I'm joking, kinda. :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 2, 2020
yes it's too risky to escalate at work, too many people and office are open.

I assume even if I tell you to not go pursue this risky cause, you will anyway.
nah, i won't pursue if i don't have a clear sign of attractions, too risky and too much to lose