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Does the dating advice apply to all countries ?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
I will be very forthcoming

I am a guy in my mid 20s, from Pakistan

Never had a girl friend in school, college or university. suffered from the pain of unrequited love ALOT.

Tinder and Bumble don't work too well in the country

I read some of the articles written by Chase ( and by Alex )

i just don't imagine using those approaches anywhere in the country.

Has anyone of you ever dated or even hooked up in conservative countries ?

is the advice provided by chase for all cultures ? or just for the generally broad minded societies like Northern America and Europe ?

I am a bit confused on how to use this advice, if any, at all. would appreciate if someone can help out a bit

P.S : this is my first post here, sorry if something sounds too direct or weird. I am just a beginner looking for help
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
Go and test out what you have read, adjust accordingly and later search if there are articles on whatever problems you are encountering.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Yaxir... in your case you have to be super discreet. It is still possible but you have to fly way below the radar. Usually conservative places are very very social circle. Especially the place where you are from!

Basically you are playing the game at ultra hard :D.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 14, 2020
I am from Egypt but I live in USA . Can you tell of Pakistani is much more conservative than Egypt or not ? Then I will be able to help you .


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
I am from Egypt but I live in USA . Can you tell of Pakistani is much more conservative than Egypt or not ? Then I will be able to help you .
Hey @RedNeck , apologies for the late reply

Actually i can't say much since i don't know anything about the Egyptian society

can you tell me anything about how is Egypt's society ?

I will then be able to describe everything much better


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
Yaxir... in your case you have to be super discreet. It is still possible but you have to fly way below the radar.

Basically you are playing the game at ultra hard :D.

oh you're damn right, except i will probably try all this out in some other city. I know Pakistani society is way too conservative for pickup lol

BUT .. i believe i also have inner game issues. Like i feel there's something inside my head that subconsciously discourages me from approaching and makes me feel miserable. Maybe it's the psychological goalkeeper that Tony D talked about in his Skype session last month .. like i legit believe that i will get beaten and badly humiliated, so i start dreading and fearing approaching a women at all, out of fear for bodily harm/injury and also getting my image tarnished in society, as a pervert

i know i am thinking out loud here, but this is pretty much the reason that scares that sh*t out of me

Usually conservative places are very very social circle
What does it mean for a place to be social circle ? i thought social circle meant your friends and people you know & work or study with, right ?

so for a place to be social circle ? means ?
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

^ if you're not good at reading faces/body language, that girl in pink at 1:23 is really into him.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
What does it mean for a place to be social circle ? i thought social circle meant your friends and people you know & work or study with, right ?

so for a place to be social circle ? means ?
Usually means cold approach isn't very effective in those countries . You have to be introduced to those women from their social circles in order to be able to date them. If you're not already acquainted and affiliated with them it's more difficult than if you were to cold approach in a regular country because of the culture.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021

^ if you're not good at reading faces/body language, that girl in pink at 1:23 is really into him.
Yep , i am pretty shit .. actually VERY SHIT at reading people, faces or body language

i do hope there's an article about this on GC ( please link it here if there is ) that helps us in reading body language and faces

haha and here's the thing lol, you're such a sly Casanova Chase !

you can read a girl who's not even in front of you and not even in the same time,

i just looked and she was very calm, composed .. and if i'm not mistaken .. receptive towards the guy ?

does this calm behavior from her give it away that she's really into the guy ?

but then what was different about her from the other girls, all of them were laughing and thought they were playing a game ?

i just don't understand how to differentiate this 'attraction' signals from the 'friendly' signals ?

see the problem i'm having ?

hope you and others can shed light on this

cheers !


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
Usually means cold approach isn't very effective in those countries . You have to be introduced to those women from their social circles in order to be able to date them. If you're not already acquainted and affiliated with them it's more difficult than if you were to cold approach in a regular country because of the culture.
boy have i got news for you ..

give this post a read (link below) when you've some free time on your hands

Link to the Post Here

everyone is just bitching about how Turkey is very conservative country and the only way you can score a girl is through social circle

since you're a bit more experienced in this , i would love for you to have a look at this

take your time, i personally would love your perspective on this

P.S : i also have some exciting news about myself, regarding setting up a possible date .. will share as soon as i can confirm everything !


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

i just looked and she was very calm, composed .. and if i'm not mistaken .. receptive towards the guy ?

does this calm behavior from her give it away that she's really into the guy ?

but then what was different about her from the other girls, all of them were laughing and thought they were playing a game ?

i just don't understand how to differentiate this 'attraction' signals from the 'friendly' signals ?

see the problem i'm having ?

hope you and others can shed light on this

cheers !

All right, here's a quick breakdown...

The first girl (red scarf around her neck) looks somewhat interested. She might be just interested in him socially, or she might like him romantically. It's a bit hard to say. I'd give her 60/40 into him romantically/into him only socially odds. She keeps her head focused on him and is doing these little smiles she's trying slightly to suppress, which is a sign she feels shy showing that smile, which means it probably signals something more than idle curiosity. However she keeps rocking her body, which is typically a sign of discomfort, and turning away from him before turning back. Sometimes inexperienced girls will do that because they're nervous you're going to ask them out, though. She also brushes her hair back at one point, which can be a nonverbal sign of interest. And she smiles giving her phone number.

On the other hand, she mirrors his expressiveness a lot, which can be a sign of NOT being that interested, and instead being more social and friendly. She also keeps herself physically farther away from him. She laughs a lot, which can signal interest, but women will do that when you're funny and they're just being social, too.

The second girl (pink shawl... the one I noted is very into him), is giving him bedroom eyes (eyelids partway shut), and keeping a constant smile on her mouth, while otherwise staying mostly motionless, totally absorbed in him as he's speaking. She's giving him something the old pickup community used to call the 'Doggie Dinner Bowl Look' (DDB). She seems like she's trying to suppress her smile/laughter a bit, but it keeps coming out. She touches her face a lot (rubbing her nose), which is something people do when they're nervous. She has the "I'm just about to laugh but trying not to!" smile on her face when he hands her the phone, which is a very attracted smile for most girls. She also does a lot of looking at him then looking very quickly down at the phone (rapidly looking down is a sign of submission). Before they trade numbers, she holds her phone up in front of her expectantly, as if trying to hand it to him, and repeatedly fiddles with it with her fingers, clearly wanting to do something with it (i.e., trade contacts with him).

Girls #s 3 and 4 don't seem into him romantically, so I won't bother with them.

Girl #5, in the full hijab, also seems pretty into him. She's giving him an underlook (staring at someone while your head is tilted down), leaning her head in toward him, physically close to him, staring at him hard, fiddling with her hand right in front of her. She also progressively turns more of her torso to face him, ultimately fully facing him, which is another sign of interest.

It's probably not a coincidence he put two girls into him at the beginning and one into him at the end, and sandwiched the two who were just being social in the middle. The beginning is where you make the biggest impact on the viewer, and the end is the parting shot they're left with.

Anyway though, this stuff is mostly unconscious.

If you approach enough you will learn to recognize it without having to know specifically what you are looking at. Your mind will just pick up on patterns: "When girls do this, things go well with them after. When girls do that, usually things turn out to just be social." Etc.

Moral of the story: make some approaches and start learning to pick this stuff out on your own!
