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Doing more work in less time


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I’ve been juggling deadlines a lot lately. Now my main sticking point is just sitting down alone and unhindered and starting.

But once I’ve started…there’s only so much work that you can do per minute…

What are tips/tricks/hacks you’ve found that increase your actual rate of productivity for each minute/hour? Apart from simply cutting out distractions.

I’ve tried Pomodoro but it seems to be a pattern interrupt at least when working in a library…45-75 minute periods punctuated by frequently looking around and stretching seem to work better for ne.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Feb 3, 2020
See if there's any work you can automate via macros, Python, apps, software, etc. I've used these at times to decrease work time and boost consistency because the automation tools do it the same way every time (if programmed correctly).

I'd identify first if there's any repetitive tasks you keep doing over and over and see if you can automate that.

If this is studying you're doing, consider practicing speed reading practice, speed typing.

One guy I knew, he was a wizard in productivity because he learned all the keyboard shortcuts so he could access all the menus more quickly. I've heard a similar story of a guy who was new to a hedge fund and they took away his mouse so he'd learn to use just the keyboard, I imagine for optimal productivity with keyboard shortcuts

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Can't find it but it would use pop ups on the screen to make you click and say you were still working on the specific task...

It was super small, very frequently updated/improved by the developer and it had theme options... I don't think it was even github... It may have had CalDAV support which could help find it searching online.