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FR  Dont Let her go!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Yet another one of my field reports from last night , only one approach and one hookup , nothing much , learned quite a bit tho.

My friends and I went out for few drinks , changed 3 bars and were ready to go home , but we went to this last club that we go out very often during weekends. I was tired as hell , and wanted to go home asap. Then when i went to Toilet i saw this girl looking at me ( toilet in this club is like smoking area and often a hookup area :D ) . i slowly lingered close to her and she said

HER:im looking for my friend , i hope she is OK
ME: im sure she is somewhere around
-i gave her 10 second eye contact with slow spreading smile and said:
ME: If you are going to look at me with those eyes of your , you should at least tell me your name (kudos to xcrunner for this tip)
HER: *smiling* And how am i looking at you ?
ME: Like this .. *same 10 second EC as before*
HER: *smile , eyes down* (Gotcha this time!!)
-I had a scarf and a sweater and she said:
HER: hmm , this scarf is not matching this sweater
ME: *Took it off ,put it around her and pulled her in (sight resistance here)*

- Her friend comes out of toilet (with some guy , :D)
- i gave both of them skeptical look and smiled
- We are all off to main area
-30 seconds after we sat , i reached my hand to her and she tried to resist
- I looked at her girl friend with same look i gave to her few moments earlier and made a gesture like (I dont knooow)
-Her friend started pushing her ....go go
- I took her hand firmly , placed it behind her back , pulled her in , and manhandle kissed her (no resistance whatsoever)

We were together for 10-15 more minutes and her friends just started packing , she came to me and said
HER: We have to go now (with sad smile)
I do not know why i did not tell her to stay and her friends can go
Instead i reached out my phone and said "Give me your number" and looks like she was a bit disappointed i did not try to stop her from leaving (realized that after she left and cursed myself for that) . No phone number ,i let her...

How would you handle this , what would you have told her to convince her not to leave.

- John


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
If you are going to look at me with those eyes of your , you should at least tell me your name (kudos to xcrunner for this tip)

Good to know I'm helping ;). Congrats on the make out (this is a FR+ by the way). I believe I got that line or something like it from another forum member, but I'm glad I could pass it on. Always works for me ;)

*smile , eyes down*

Huge sign of attraction here. This girl wants you.

hmm , this scarf is not matching this sweater

Seems like a test (kind of a weak one), which you passed.

Her friend started pushing her ....go go

This is great. Girls friends encourage their friend to hook up with sexy guys, which means you are doing something right.

HER: We have to go now (with sad smile)
I do not know why i did not tell her to stay and her friends can go

She's leaving and there really isn't much you can do to make her stay if her friend is leaving. So don't try to stop her from leaving. Say, "Great let's go" and go with her if logistics are good (you can walk with her and won't lose your ride home). If your logistics aren't good, then get her number (I can't tell if you got her number or not), text her with your name, and set up another date.

Also, I wouldn't kiss girls on the dance floor unless that's your goal or you have a good reason for it. There are some good articles on this on the main site.

Keep it up man, good job on the FR+.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
HER: hmm , this scarf is not matching this sweater
ME: *Took it off ,put it around her and pulled her in

Oooh...that was nice.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Good to know I'm helping ;). Congrats on the make out (this is a FR+ by the way). I believe I got that line or something like it from another forum member, but I'm glad I could pass it on. Always works for me ;)

xcrunner , that line is pure gold man , i approached 6+ girls with it last night and got very good reaction from all girls,escalated physically with 2 of them , but they were a bit younger (early 20's) and one of them was very inexperienced . i still have to get my bearings on getting those numbers.

As far as kissing girls in clubs (its not dance floor but a bar with tables for standing and lounges for sitting) , i still consider myself a beginner and it would seam like skipping steps if i do not pass club makeout phase.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
xcrunner , that line is pure gold man , i approached 6+ girls with it last night and got very good reaction from all girls,escalated physically with 2 of them

Great to hear! Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility ;) I want to see an LR up soon.

As far as kissing girls in clubs (its not dance floor but a bar with tables for standing and lounges for sitting) , i still consider myself a beginner and it would seam like skipping steps if i do not pass club makeout phase.

Actually, I think the club makeout phase is a step back. Check this out:

https://www.girlschase.com/content/tact ... floor-game

Don't give the girl what she wants! (yet) Once she's back at your place escalate there.