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Dressing with abundance of color


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2012
Anyone have thoughts on dressing with a lot of color? I recently went out for some new threads and with my new outlook on seduction and attraction, I really sought out vibrant colors after having worn drab, dark colors my entire life. Is too much color, too much? Does it give off a gay vibe at all?

The particular outfit i bought was an izod button up with soft summer colors such as orange, blue and yellow with a pair of matching "peach" colored shorts, to go with a pair of brown dock shoes and my gold watch. I think its pretty baller. Any thoughts?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
Holy crap dude! That's a lot of color. There's nothing wrong with dressing with tons of color if that's your style, but it sounds like you need a piece to ground the outfit. I would suggest either khaki shorts, or a medium/dark blue denim button-up to complete it (it doesn't even need to be denim if you want to substitute a marine blue shirt. The denim just adds texture). If you want to wear the colorful shirts, wear the khaki shorts. If you want to wear the peach shorts, wear the blue shirt. That way, you can still make a statement without looking gay or confusing people.

Typically, you only want to wear one brightly colored piece in your main outfit. While I highly recommend wearing accessories such as your watch, you want the rest of your outfit to be made up of neutral colors (black, grey, dark blue/navy, khaki, white, etc.) This grounds the outfit, and makes it visually coherent. Otherwise, you look like you're trying too hard.

I like the idea you're going for. It's got a nice vacation vibe to it. It just needs a few tweaks. Good luck out there.