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FR  Drunk at a party and judgmental people


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 3, 2013
Hey everyone. Just got back from a party at one of my friend's house. Here's a little info before we get to the good part.

I went to a party with two of my close friends at the house of one of the friends in my extended social circle. I know him pretty well and we had some bonding and such during the party and at previous parties/gatherings. Anyways, his mom was home (we are all in high school), so there was only a little bit of drinking and stuff. Whenever someone got a drink, they'd have to go in a closet and do it secretly so we wouldn't get caught. I wound up drinking 4 mixes of pepsi and vodka in a very short amount of time, which apparently messed me up big time. I still remember everything from the night, but I was very drunk. There was probably around 12 people in total. One of the girls that I used to know kind of well, but not as well now, was there also and we were two of the only people to get really drunk. She had a lot less alcohol than I did, but she is really new to drinking (it was only her second time) and got very drunk.

Anyways, I deep-dived her really well, had very strong eye contact, and we were getting pretty physical. We talked about her interests outside of school, some about her family and her sister, and other similar things. I would also relate to what she said, and it got to be a pretty deep conversation. She also asked me the same sort of questions, and when I would respond to them she seemed very interested. We wound up on the couch next to each other, half-laying down and half-sitting up. We shared a water that one of my friends got for me while I was drunk, and it got pretty physical with a lot of touching (around her face, hands, and belly). The only problem was that a lot of the other people at the party/gathering were watching us and kind of interfering. So I couldn't go as far as I would have liked, because I knew people would interfere. We were never really able to be alone and I know for a fact that people were watching us closely and making sure we didn't do anything. But during the time we were together, I felt like we had something going on. We talked a little about her relationships, while others were still around, and she said some things like this (not exactly though):

I don't have a boyfriend. (she said this while other people were around)
(Then later after talking a little bit with her, but people were still around) I kinda have a boyfriend, yeah I do.
(Then later but still in a group) Yeah, I am dating John (a guy I don't personally know, but I know who he is)... But he doesn't like me... We text a lot but our schedules are too different and we don't meet up.

She was drunk while saying all of this, so I'm not exactly sure what is the actual truth. Anyways, I guess I was trying to make a move, but in my honest opinion, I was pretty subtle. There was something between us, but I didn't think anybody would really pay attention. Nothing happened between us because she wound up almost passing out, and I had a bunch of shit to deal with other people at the party. As she was leaving, she gave everyone left (only a few people at that point) a hug. When we hugged, it was long and we both said we had fun tonight, but she was really out of it. Afterwards, I talked with the host and another girl (as we were the last 3 people at the party), and they said some people at the party (including themselves) thought I was trying to make a move on her. Both of them said they thought I was flirting with her, and that it looked like I was trying to make a move.

So, I have a couple questions. Firstly, what do I do with the girl? I know there was some tension between us, but I honestly don't know if she will remember anything. Should I talk to her the next time I see her, either at school or outside of school? Should I text her at all? Or should I let it drop? I don't know what the situation is with the boyfriend thing, but I am pretty confident we could have hooked up (not sex though) if other people weren't around. I'm just not sure how much the alcohol had to do with it and how she really feels. Another thing, some of the girls in the group are very over-protective and will cockblock me if I am alone with a girl who is at least a little drunk. I feel like they are judging me, and will now cockblock at every chance they get. Is there any way to stop them from cockblocking, or for me to isolate a girl without other people interfering? Any other advice for how to deal with this situation?

Thanks a ton,
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
First off, whenever there's a party and girls are getting drunk (especially inexperienced girls) they will always look out for each other so there's not much you can do about that.
At clubs, it is slightly different because you can either befriend the girl's friends or come off as such an attractive man that the girl's friends will push you two to be together.
Since you're in high school, there's still a little inexperience around you.
I find that high school girls know little about the dating world and all they know is based off of tv, movies, things they see in the media.
You have to adjust to the environment because of this. I wouldn't say that you absolutely HAVE to be the life of the party but at least get some preselection in.
Talk to everyone. Talk to all the girls. Make it seem like you're not zero-ing in on one particular girl and you're just an attractive guy who is giving everyone a good time.
Since all the girls like you, you can then pick one of your choice.

As for what to do about the girl...
I don't see why not. If you have her number, text or call her. The people at the party have nothing to do with your personal texting life. You even have a conversation topic.
"I can't believe we got so drunk the other night. It was nice talking to you"
See how much she remembers and take it off from there.

Hope that helped.