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The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Guys, The Tool here, recently I have read a couple reports in which essentially the woman is drunk and either the guy is or isnt sober. Now I am not trying to create an argument by any means just trying to get everyones opinion on this subject. So I will just get right down to my thought process and how I see things, then please write your response below.

I myself REFUSE to have sex with a woman who is drunk (and I myself do not drink). I have had many opportunities to have sex with drunk woman at parties or other places where people drink and congurate and I have simply said no. My reasoning being because I myself do not find it right to take advantage of a woman who is inhibited in her decision making. It is also because I am extremely confident in my seduction abilities that I simply love the challenge and adventure you go through to get a lay from a woman who is sober. I was talking with one of my buddies who is excellent with women and he has had 21+ lays even a 3 way in his 24 years of living, this guy is incredable essentially a master but he addmitted to me that only 3 of his lays occured when the woman was sober. And I was shocked. I understand sex is sex but I just dont see the challenge in having sex with a girl that is drunk... I LOVE CHALLENGE. All OF MY LAYS HAVE OCCURED WHEN THE WOMAN AND MY SELF WERE SOBER . so please I know many people will have comments to this so please post them below. Play nice ;)

The Tool


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey Tool,

Disclaimer: This is solely the opinion of Just Dave and nothing else, I'm not here to judge or condemn anyone

I find sober lays more rewarding because I'm in complete control of myself and it makes the seduction more rememberable. Also, if I did a new trick or had sex I'd like to write it down. Especially, if I said or did something to really get the girl turned on. Also, you can keep track of everything so you don't lose anything.
*You also don't want to be known as a "mistake"
*Date rape or any other scare tactics from alcohol education they teach at colleges/universites
*It's fully consented so no worries on my end

Science comes into a factor too because of too many "incidents" on drunken nights. Whether forgetting to use a condom, ugly girl, or just other monstrosities. I rather go at the angle of things I can control. I want to go for the best looking woman not the most plain looking.

Just Dave

Disclaimer: This is solely the opinion of Just Dave and nothing else, I'm not here to judge or condemn anyone


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
I find drunk girls and alcohol in general very unattractive, therefore I do not do nor would enjoy drunk lays. I see no challenge there, nothing to enjoy or be proud of. Not for me.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Tool,

I'm not sure if you expected me to be the first to challenge your stance here, and you might be a bit surprised by my response, but here we go! ;)

I have had many opportunities to have sex with drunk woman at parties or other places where people drink and congurate and I have simply said no. My reasoning being because I myself do not find it right to take advantage of a woman who is inhibited in her decision making.

While this is very noble of you (and I applaud the fact that you have no intention of hurting a girl, because I am very against this notion just like Chase), I think you are missing the main reason why women drink alcohol at parties: they are looking to get laid, too!

Before I began cold approaching women after finding this website, I used to think that guys at bars were shady as hell. Their goals were to manipulate women and get them to bed, and that was pretty much it. I used to think, "why would a quality girl ever want to meet guys at a bar... they are so sleazy!"

But then that left me with the question: so how exactly do I "get girls" then?

Well, I used to be a master of social circle game. And I mean, I was king. I used to throw big parties and events and invite dozens (sometimes even hundreds) of friends on Facebook to these gatherings... sometimes I would go as far as to buy a keg or two for the event! Hell, I even own a six-hosed beer bong that still sits in my closet from my college days. It was probably the best $60 I spent back then... girls were in LOVE with it! They would call their friends over and do a "team beer chug." Usually the leader of the group would then approach me shortly afterward -- and guess what she would do? She would act "extra" drunk as an excuse to try to get together with me.

Yup. Believe it or not, girls do this all the time. Being drunk is plausible deniability for a girl to get laid.

If the guy doesn't text her the next day? She tells her friends, "Oh... it was just some drunk hook-up!"

If the guy DOES text her the next day and is still interested in her, and she is interested in him, then guess what? She now might be dating a guy that she really likes and whom also likes her... and alcohol was the catalyst.

Anyway, my point is that a girl who is drunk is responsible for her own actions. And you'll find that often times there is a reason she is getting drunk, and it's usually not to avoid getting laid. However, the reason Chase and I emphasize not getting drunk on this website is that being a fundamentally sexual guy with extremely high self-confidence will get you much better results in a much quicker time period and without all the added work and randomness of drinking and socializing at parties.

Once you have mastered the skills on this website, you will be able to put in the LEAST amount of effort for the BEST results. And overall, you will improve your quality of life as an individual -- and this is something alcohol certainly cannot do for you.

I hope this provides everyone with some insight. ;)

- Franco

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Lol I am surprised that you were the first challenge Franco and I am going to be honest and say that your logic has had a great impact and I think it has changed my mind on alot of things.

Yup. Believe it or not, girls do this all the time. Being drunk is plausible deniability for a girl to get laid.

If the guy doesn't text her the next day? She tells her friends, "Oh... it was just some drunk hook-up!"
Indeed. Indeed.

Anyway, my point is that a girl who is drunk is responsible for her own actions. And you'll find that often times there is a reason she is getting drunk, and it's usually not to avoid getting laid. However, the reason Chase and I emphasize not getting drunk on this website is that being a fundamentally sexual guy with extremely high self-confidence will get you much better results in a much quicker time period and without all the added work and randomness of drinking and socializing at parties.

You are an intellegent man Franco, Thanks for the insight. Much appreciated.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
What Franco said :) In fact he put pretty much word for word what I wanted to say. I'm not talking about
passed out drunk obviously but as long as you get some sort of 'agreement' then I've no problems at all with it. Remember on a basic level that's what we're designed for.

TBH though wether I'm drunk or not makes no difference to my fundamentals anymore. It's really odd but I've obtained a strange level of control that doesn't seem to be influenced by alcohol.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I posted this article a little while back about women's tendencies to go out seeking social gatherings more often in their fertile periods, as they sought out mating opportunities and new men to mate with. I saw some other research recently that indicated that women are more likely to drink when in a mating mood, and that women are far more likely to mate with even a small amount of alcohol in their blood system than without.

I have mixed feelings on drunk lays. They can be a lot of fun, but they can also be very messy. Alcohol essentially introduces a great deal of uncertainty and instability into the mix; the girl may turn into a wild love kitten, or she may vomit all over your bathroom floor. And it's both kind of fun and kind of not that fun when you don't remember sex with the girl the night before, or she doesn't remember sex with you, or NEITHER of you remembers it.

Overall though, my general feeling is that the CALIBER of girls you get when you're picking up drunk girls is usually of an order of magnitude lower than what you can get with sober girls. The few times you'll see a really beautiful, intelligent girl drunk out somewhere, she tends to get circled by protective friends who know she doesn't usually behave that way and want to safeguard her from making any mistakes. The ones you get with drunk game are, quite often, the ones who've done it before, and the ones who don't really care that much. You can still get some very pretty girls, but they're usually not the ones you'd want as a girlfriend.

Ethically, my general feeling is, so long as you're not TOO MUCH less drunk than she is, there's nothing to feel bad about so long as what you're doing with her is something that both of you want. If she's ahead of you drinking-wise, you probably want to either slow her down, or pick your own pace up, so that it's not sober-you hooking up with drunk-her. That's just a recipe for ugliness (or at least, a messy time on your hands... what sober guy wants to hook up with a drunk girl??). And if you end up with a girl alone in your place with you who's drinking a lot with you, trust me... she isn't doing that because she expects to have a platonic drinking night alone with a man.

But of course, the falling-all-over-herself-not-really-even-conscious drunk girl is just not even something you want to mess with. I won't touch those girls with a 10-foot pole (it's amazing to me how many wolves get drawn to that hunk of walking lamb meet at bars and parties though... it's like they can smell the drunk on her).

My preference these days is to let girls have a drink or two, but no more than that. I overwhelmingly prefer brunch / lunch dates, and stone sober seduction right after. This is not really so much for a challenge, per se... I actually think it's easier. I've brought enough drunk girls back to my apartment, ran into resistance, and found myself saying, "Are you kidding me? She's drunk AND resisting? Do I even want to put the work in to overcome this resistance, just to land myself a sloppy drunk girl lay?" that I mostly quit picking up drunk girls (buzzed is okay though).

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
But of course, the falling-all-over-herself-not-really-even-conscious drunk girl is just not even something you want to mess with. I won't touch those girls with a 10-foot pole (it's amazing to me how many wolves get drawn to that hunk of walking lamb meet at bars and parties though... it's like they can smell the drunk on her).

Agreed, Chase. There is definitely a difference between the girls you'll find at parties or bars who are "acting a little extra tipsy" in hopes of garnering your attention as opposed to the girls who are just absolutely belligerent, stumbling all over the place, and possibly even puking in your car on the way back to your pad. Not attractive. Not fun.

Remember on a basic level that's what we're designed for.

Correct, Flames. =)

- Franco

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
But of course, the falling-all-over-herself-not-really-even-conscious drunk girl is just not even something you want to mess with. I won't touch those girls with a 10-foot pole (it's amazing to me how many wolves get drawn to that hunk of walking lamb meet at bars and parties though... it's like they can smell the drunk on her).

My preference these days is to let girls have a drink or two, but no more than that. I overwhelmingly prefer brunch / lunch dates, and stone sober seduction right after. This is not really so much for a challenge, per se... I actually think it's easier. I've brought enough drunk girls back to my apartment, ran into resistance, and found myself saying, "Are you kidding me? She's drunk AND resisting? Do I even want to put the work in to overcome this resistance, just to land myself a sloppy drunk girl lay?" that I mostly quit picking up drunk girls (buzzed is okay though).
True True

Thanks for the insight all of you. opened my mind about quite a bit of things. This forum is just downright incredable.

The Tool


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
On the subject of drunk lays I have quite a lot of experience being a college student who spends most of his nights in the company of frat brothers or dudes with that mindset. I have personally came to a set of rules for myself when it comes to drinking that have stemmed from multiple bad and good experiences, and I actually plan on posting a thread on that pretty soon. It basically boils down to; its ok to be drunk but not fucked up, avoid sloppy drunk girls they aren't worth the trouble no matter how hot they are no good can come of it, and above all stay in control and make sure the girl you are with is as well. I have had girls throw up on me, had lay-crippling whiskey dick, woken up next to astonishingly overweight girls, you name it. Control of your faculties is paramount, especially when gaming in college.