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FR  Dual Locations


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
First Location: Community College

Girl 1: walking past me and at an angle, I stop to tell her she has a pretty face. She is surprised, says thank you, and keeps walking. Startled at her expediency, I just say goodbye.

To improve on: Get closer, be louder, tell her to stop or angle my body more towards her and keep asking her questions undeterred

Girl 2: not really an approach, just a girl I knew in high school that I recognized. We engage in pleasant conversation but I don't really feel like making it more than that.

To improve on: perhaps fight the feeling of apathy and make myself engaged? But when I do that before, I come off as tryhard. Maybe just takes practice?

Second Location: University Library

Girl 1: sitting at a table with her laptop. Approach her but am not super smooth. Call her cute but too afraid to say that I thought she had beautiful eyes. Nearest chair is across from her (damn, table is barrier) and off the cuff, I decide that it would be too clunky to move the chair next to her. So, I sit across from her and try to deep dive. My voice feels strained (it actually choked in the approach, she asked me if I was okay :/ ) Conversation about travel and family come up but I even though she is answering questions and I am deep diving decently, she isn't excited to tell me. My major accomplishment in this approach is in utilizing a rudimentary yes ladder. "Do you like talking to me?" "Do you like me?" "Do you want to meet up again?" I try to get the number but she only offers to get mine, which is just a nice blow-off.

To improve on: better voice, try less hard, stronger approach

Girl 2: sitting in front of a computer, I notice a girl swiveling restlessly in her chair. I use my Boredom Opener: "You look so bored, I have to rescue you somehow". Come to think of it though, this opener has never had a high rate of return, so maybe I should junk it? Maybe I should just improve the way I SAY it. It is awkward and I start feeling like I'm trying too hard and I can tell she isn't into it, so I take my leave.

To improve on: match eye level, try less (what the hell does that mean?), better opening

Summary: work on yes ladders, try less (guess it means to stop expecting outcomes and go with the flow), MUCH MORE sexy body language, look at lips, better voice
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake