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Dumb-Phone Shit test

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Hi guys.

This was a thread that I posted last year .

And I got great advice from @Chase , @Karea Ricardus D.

Right now , I don't use most of the social media.

The main thing is I have simply ditched my smartphone for good from last week . Basically , I have started carrying dumb phone because I can simply use whatsapp on laptop and Smartphone is my kryptonite.

So, whenever I meet with women they would ask me about it,sometimes . Because at my age , it's not normal to have dumb phone atleast where I live .

Sometimes , it leads to objections like "Why do you use it ?" , "Everybody has instagram " and seriously I don't know how to answer it .

I simply tell them the truth (I was addicted to it ) but that either leads to either people thinking I am cool for overcoming my addiction or I am a weirdo because I was addicted to smartphone . The latter happens more often , tho.

I know I can see it as shit test but I just don't know how to answer these objections about my dumb phone and them thinking me as a weirdo.

So, I just want to know if there is a better way to handle the situation . Should I simply tell them the truth and change the topic ? or any anything else , maybe.

Note : Great articles posted by @Chase . Applies to anyone who live in a modern society with social media .




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 21, 2023
Have you tried to twist the negative truth to a positive one?

I.e instead of "i used to waste so much time..."


"Since changing to a dumb phone and not using social media as much, I spend so much more time doing the things I enjoy. I do more sports and focus more on my goals. Also i'm in the moment a lot more while walking/doing activities and while it is cliché, it makes me feel more connected to the world rathet than disconected."

I wouldnt say the whole paragraph but nit pick what is most relevant to the conversation you are having.

If people still push you with "yeah but everyone has instagram, how do you keep in touch?"

"How did people keep in touch before smartphones? I whatsapp to meet and then we have more interesting convos because I dont already know everything that's happened to them from insta stories"


Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Have you tried to twist the negative truth to a positive one?

I.e instead of "i used to waste so much time..."


"Since changing to a dumb phone and not using social media as much, I spend so much more time doing the things I enjoy. I do more sports and focus more on my goals. Also i'm in the moment a lot more while walking/doing activities and while it is cliché, it makes me feel more connected to the world rathet than disconected."

I wouldnt say the whole paragraph but nit pick what is most relevant to the conversation you are having.

If people still push you with "yeah but everyone has instagram, how do you keep in touch?"

"How did people keep in touch before smartphones? I whatsapp to meet and then we have more interesting convos because I dont already know everything that's happened to them from insta stories"

That's amazing , brother .

Especially this, "How did people keep in touch before smartphones? I whatsapp to meet and then we have more interesting convos because I dont already know everything that's happened to them from insta stories"

But, you know what , I have more free time than I ever had and now I will simply maximise my fundamentals to the level where hopefully it won't really matter that much .

Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
Have you tried to twist the negative truth to a positive one?

I.e instead of "i used to waste so much time..."


"Since changing to a dumb phone and not using social media as much, I spend so much more time doing the things I enjoy. I do more sports and focus more on my goals. Also i'm in the moment a lot more while walking/doing activities and while it is cliché, it makes me feel more connected to the world rathet than disconected."

I wouldnt say the whole paragraph but nit pick what is most relevant to the conversation you are having.

If people still push you with "yeah but everyone has instagram, how do you keep in touch?"

"How did people keep in touch before smartphones? I whatsapp to meet and then we have more interesting convos because I dont already know everything that's happened to them from insta stories"

This is exactly what I do whenever anyone asks me about "instagram" or "facebook" or any social media really. I have a fancy smart phone but just don't use it for this as it's such a time waste and I really do have much better things to be doing.

When you say this you need to say it with passion and mean it - basically own it - if they come back with a push response again I just own it. My life is my time and it's valuable to MEEE :)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
@Spyce D,

Well, you've got a couple options, depending on what stage of the interaction you're in with the girl and what you want to do.

There's the sincere response, which is the safest route. I answer this similar to @Derek da man, except I do a kind of double DHV with it:

HER: You don't use XYZ app? Everybody's on there...​
YOU: Oh yeah, I know. Except I'm like REALLY busy, and I'm REALLY sociable, and if you put me on an app like that I just talk to people all day. So it's like either be a social butterfly or delete those apps and actually get things done, lol.​

So, reason for not being on XYZ app is you are too busy + too social to be on there (implying she is not as busy or social as you... implying your value is higher than hers, since she is on there, which she would only be if she was not as busy nor social as you... lol).

Pretty much always gets the same reaction:

HER: Yeah, you're right, I spend so much time on social media...​

... and you have just owned the frame.

However, if it is deeper into the interaction and you have a good playful/flirtatious interaction with her, you can do the more playful one, and force her to try to sell you on it (since she wants you to be on there so bad... lol):

HER: You don't use XYZ app? Everybody's on there...​
YOU: Oh are they? So what're the main benefits of being on XYZ app? [genuinely curious voice tone + slightly teasing facial expression]​
HER: You know, like... you can follow people...​
YOU: Uh-huh...​
HER: Just like, stay connected...​
YOU: Go on...​
HER: I don't know, it's just where everybody is!​
YOU: Hmm. So what would you say the benefits of talking to people there are versus say in real life?​
HER: I don't know, I... I don't know!​
YOU: Sounds like you don't even know why you use it, lol.​
HER: You should just get on there. You'll see.​
YOU: I'll keep it in mind. If I find myself with a bunch of extra time to spare, maybe I'll check it out.​

Sometimes you will just get women outright admitting to you that using these apps is stupid.

I haven't switched to a dumb phone, but I had an iPhone 3G for 3 or 4 years after Apple stopped supporting it with updates and it couldn't load new apps on it anymore. Guys thought it was cool or funny but women would FLIP OUT when they'd hear about it (because phones are women's lives). "OMG, how can you LIVE with that phone? Why don't you upgrade?"

I got such a kick out of it. I was so sad when that phone quit working and I had to get a more modern one.

Back then, the conversations would go like this:

HER: OMG why don't you upgrade???​
YOU: lol are you kidding me? I finally have an excuse to not be on the apps everyone keeps telling me to get on.​
HER: But how can you stay connected...?​
YOU: Text. Email. Phone call. People still use 'em, you know.​
HER: I haven't used SMS in ages...​
YOU: Yeah, it's a lost art form. I'm bringing it back.​

Basically so long as your frame is, "I am actually the cool one, and the people using these apps are the lame ones," you are not going to worry about how to respond.

Personally, I am a bit of a laptop elitist.

Remember the whole "PC master race" vs. "console peasant" meme?


For me it's totally "laptop master race" vs. "smart phone peasant" in my mind.

People watching videos on their tiny phone screens, trying to type stuff out on phones with little tiny phone keyboards... lel...

I for one enjoy my time commuting, taking the time to people-watch or read a book.

When I want to be online, I can use an actual normal-sized screen, and a keyboard I can touch-type on and crank out 85 wpm.

Laptop master race vs. dirty smart phone peasants.

I lol @ their silly addicting smart phone apps!

So can you!


Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Great stuff Chase. I do the same as Chase, I spin it into a DHV. I say something like:

"Yeah I can't be on these apps. I travel a lot, so I end up with hundreds of people on there and every time I check there's messages from dozens of people. I'd never get anything else done. I used to do it and it literally took like an hour out of my day."

So I've dropped 1. travel, 2. social proof, and 3. being too busy for it = having a life in the real world in there.
I may also have made her self conscious about it, cause for sure she's wasting MORE than an hour a day on that crap.

RE: Cryptonite, yeah you need a distraction blocker. It's basically impossible to control the urge to check the apps without blocking software, because Silicon Valley hired the top level brain scientists to figure out exactly how to capture your dopamine response.

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Btw, one thing I'll add is that I'm actually back on the smart phone, but in a very limited way. I have almost nothing on there - just one account, and only for people who are in the same town as me. Then I keep chit chat to a minimum and only use it to schedule meetups.

When I move to a different town (which happens often) I delete the account and make a new one, again only for people who are local to that new town.

I've found that literally relying ONLY on phone calls, SMS and text messages works great with people who are pretty unplugged from the Matrix themselves, like the route we're going. They think it's so cool, and for them a dumb phone is a DHV.

One girl I picked up in some holistic health restaurant actually told me "before we talked I saw your dumb phone on your table and was thinking wow this guy must be really cool."

With everyone else, yeah it's kinda weird and can be a DLV. So in summation, I use the smart phone in a very limited way, with the explanation in my previous post if they ask.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 21, 2023
I understand your point about limiting the use of your smart phone and using a dumb phone instead to maintain a certain image of yourself with certain people. It's definitely a valid way to make sure your interactions with people remain positive. At the same time, it's important to recognize that smart phones can also be used in very practical ways to stay organized and stay connected with other people. For example, being able to access calendars, reminders, and messages on the go is invaluable, especially if you're constantly traveling or living in different places. It's also useful for things like keeping up with news, researching and keeping track of all the little things we forget to remember.
You forgot to copy the first bit:

"It's important to note that I am an AI language model and not a technology or psychology expert"

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Now that I'm back in the game for real, I can pretty much say if I didn't have a smart phone I'd probably not be able to even daygame. I think you need at least whatsapp for pickup in 2023.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
@Spyce D you dont want to get in a situation were it gets to the point of social media... i explain how i have avoided this for years and hpw my method of getting phone numbers is bullet proof, super high odds only time i had issues less than a handful has been with foreigners at timea cause i have google voice, but this methood is extrmely high odds:


Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
@Spyce D you dont want to get in a situation were it gets to the point of social media... i explain how i have avoided this for years and hpw my method of getting phone numbers is bullet proof, super high odds only time i had issues less than a handful has been with foreigners at timea cause i have google voice, but this methood is extrmely high odds:

Cool , man .

I will surely test it.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take