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Easy fundamentals hack


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
Work out.

I've been spending a lot of time trying to take my body language/fundamentals to the next level, and honestly i was stuck, until I began working out heavily again.

All the sudden my movements have gone from inconsistently good to consistently good. I just naturally move slower and more controlled because my body doesn't want to use extra energy.

It seems very obvious, but I bet it is overlooked as a way to help, so I thought I'd share.

Hope this benefits someone :)

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Bete Noire

Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2015
What have you guys found is the best way to put on muscle? I'm pretty skinny currently and my mate lifted religiously for a year and he got definition but never left the 'skinny' zone. Any sites or tips would be appreciated :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 17, 2015
Definitely agree...there's something about the testosterone too that seems to help me walk around like a winner and make strong eye contact.

Robster, it's been shown that lifting in higher rep ranges (8-12) induces hypertrophy (muscle growth), but building a base as a big strong man entails getting good at the main compound lifts (ones that use the most muscles in doing natural movements). Lifting for heavy sets of 5 is best to build raw strength. Additional hypertrophy work once getting strong is fine, but lots of size can be put on by loading the body with human growth hormone that skyrockets from this type of lifting.

This school of thought involves a few major lifts (squat, dead lift, bench press, and overhead press) with a couple others to train the body's simple movements of pushing and pulling in various directions. Working the body as a system the way it evolved to work will produce good results.

A good way to learn these lifts is by reading Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength 3rd Edition and following his program. It can also be found on the Starting Strength online wiki and similar info on the site Stronglifts.

Lifting is just half of the equation though. Actually sleep is as important as anything as that is when the body repairs and grows muscle (but not well during drunk sleep). Equally important is diet. The body needs more calories than it burns to grow. Inputs must be bigger than outputs (energy burned). A good start is googling 'lean bulking' for an idea of what food choices can be made to limit the fat gains that will come with muscle. Most people eat the wrong foods while bulking and have to do a long fat cutting cycle, but this step can be reduced by eating a calorie surplus of healthy whole foods (think farmer eating - meat, potatoes, yams, milk, eggs, produce, and water) plus doing things like cycling carbs with more to support heavy lifting days and less on rest days while keeping fat and protein constant. Google carb cycling codex, an article on T-Nation, though this may be more advanced than necessary for a beginner. Still, it's fairly simple and keeps the body from adjusting to a steady carb load or raising insulin when that is good to shuttle protein into muscles after working out, but can cause extra fat storage. It's all about calorie surplus at the right times and without too much excess.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Robster1919 said:
What have you guys found is the best way to put on muscle? I'm pretty skinny currently and my mate lifted religiously for a year and he got definition but never left the 'skinny' zone. Any sites or tips would be appreciated :)
Regarding diet, do you count calories/macros? I also had the same problem until I started counting calories. It's much easier than you'd think. I just went on a simple calorie counter site like cronometer.com or myfitnesspal and then recorded what I ate and roughly estimated portions-- they have massive food databases that do all the number crunching for you. I'd weigh myself every week during the same time and I would try to gain about 1lb a week. If I didn't gain as much as I wanted to for the week, I'd just increase my daily caloric intake for the week until I started to fall into a regular weekly eating pattern that was increasing my weight. once I got into a regular pattern, I stopped recording but continued the weekly weigh-ins

Note you don't have to estimate portions accurately. as long as your relative estimate is good, you're fine because the point is just to see if you are eating enough in a given week and to increase it if you don't gain weight.

Bete Noire

Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2015
Thanks for all the replies guys! Will take all this advice into account and add into journal when I get back to college ^^


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013
I've been at lifting for several years now and the fundamental hack is true and I absolutely take it for granted. You are just way more dominant than other guys. Especially powerlifting/or some fighting or something that really gets your tes tlevels going, you'll be walking around with 2-3 times the levels of other pussy ass guys.

With women it helps yes.

Some things I take for granted:

-everyone walks out of my way; i went to the mall the day before christmas and it was crowded as shit. i was with my female cousin, sister, aunt, and mom... walked in front of them and the crowd is like a sea of people that parted in front of me. i'm only 5'9 and 165 but it works; guys that are way bigger way huger way stronger or fatter or whatever will walk out of my way.

People will find you intiimitadting or think you can kick peoples ass. Be really nice to you too; I get random people all the time ask me for permission to use weights or nervously smile a beta smile just for the sake of doing so. It's some like beta male in the presence of an alpha bit of psychology or something I guess...? You also work to be nicer to people, and studies show that it is in fact the opposite the higher your test elvels (recently learned this) the nicer you will be to people perhaps out of being more disarming and freindly and appearing less threatening and shit.

I'm seriously not used to meeting guys who are more dominant than me. I met hector and that was one of the first things I remarked a few minutes in haha, laughing at it because he has the better frame and is more masculine and attractive and dominant over me (as a smaller guy too; something i wasn't used to)

-if you get your test levels really high there are some downsides; you may be prone to engaging in risky or danegoerus behavior mnore, not give a fuck about shit more I like to cut slow cars off and brake check cars and shit (have been working on doing that less.... ); also you'll tend to have this extremely irrational desire to like beat the fucking shit out of someone if the situation presented itself. You feel like you'd love it and stuff.

The higher your test levels get the more you want to build things do things, compete and win, lift heavy shit, fight, fuck girls, and talk less to people. if not balanced it can be dangerous and scary. should be balanced with yang feminine energy (rest meditation sex sleep etc.) as well as attempting to have your head brain come into play when you want to do soething more stupid like race the bitch driver next to you whos revving his car at the light (tempting as it might be to floor it on your honda haha)


Also a possible downside if you get really into it, it becomes your mission. And that might come sorta at the expense of girls.

That's a different topic worth discussing I suppoose and separate and noteworthy in its own respect. I guess guys should have a mission? or it is good to?

But if it is fitness or anything else ... if you have a mission outside of girls that takes time and energy away from working at doing more girls and getting better t the skill of secduction itself.

This has happened to me in the gym, and as a result witha ll the girls who are in any gym social circle I will tend to know them and maybe banter a tiny bit but other than that will be too focused on my workout to make any headway with them; where if i were less serious with working out then I would progress with them and try more shit with more gym girls (like I do anywhere outside the gym).

Some thoughts of mine on the topic, cheers



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
Just to further reinforce this...I've seen what is potentially the reverse of this happen to me. I'm recovering from surgery, so I can't lift weights anymore until its recovered. I've noticed that my posture is a lot less consistant now, I feel less confident, and even when I run the same "game" on girls, I get considerably worse responses. Even on a conscious level, I feel far less comfortable standing up straight because I'm afraid my gut will stick out (this is actually false...just how it makes me feel).

I'm not saying this to be negative, just trying to stress how important lifting is. :)

I'm 95% sure that as soon as I get back in the gym, my results will improve considerably again.

Seriously, if you're not in the gym, you're doing it wrong. End of story. If you don't know what you're doing, get a personal trainer or join a group fitness class. They're expensive, but also well worth it.