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Transitions  Easy Tip for Transitions...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
... keep talking as you transition.

This keeps her logical mind distracted while you move her to the next phase of the interaction.

e.g., you met her waiting for a bus or a train or an airplane - keep talking with her as you board. Normally, this transition is awkward if you quit talking, and she might not know whether you want to continue talking with her or not and just awkwardly go off on her own. Save her from awkwardness and very calmly and casually continue talking on the same topics you were talking about with her before the transition.

Same goes for moving a girl to sit somewhere (unless it's a very short move), or bringing a girl to a new venue or taking her home.

Another tip: wait until she's just asked you something that she really wants to know and you start to tell her, then transition her. "Well, you might be surprised..." you start; then, "Hey, let's grab a seat over there." Then, as you're walking: "Well, so what happened was..."

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers