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Openers  Effectiveness of "are you single?" from and on different demographics


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 13, 2014
So, I haven't been posting here a lot recently, but rest assured, I've been out tearing it up. I just had a couple of back to back dates yesterday. 2nd and 1st dates, respectively, and they both went pretty well. I'll be seeing both of them again, and they both went pretty much to the max of their frames for acceptable behavior in the contexts in which we met. I do not quite have frame-redefining attractiveness, but I'm working on it. But enough about me.

What I want to talk about is the effectiveness of the "Are you single?" line. Although it's obviously going to be a lot more effective than, "Hey, do you like the weather?", comparing it to more direct lines...I've personally found it less effective. What I really want to do is compare notes with people who have similar or dissimilar experiences and where they might see those results maximized.

It may be statistical noise, but it seems every time I use it, I get the girl thinking I want to be her boyfriend. This is fine for, say, religious girls for whom attraction automatically means they have to be interested in a relationship. I, however, often go after girls who are a lot more laid back and kind of scared by relationships. To them, sending off anything resembling a "boyfriend" signal seems to be a bit of an attraction killer. I recently asked a girl out, and she's agreed to meet me, but felt the need to add "but no strings attached" as a caveat to her acceptance. She does seem attracted, but the word "single" or the mention of things coming across as relationship oriented seems to be setting off alarm bells in her head.

This isn't the first time this has happened. What I've noticed:

Religious girls respond well to asking if they are single
Somewhat older women (25+) who are more interested in relationships tend to be more receptive to it / flattered by it.
Younger girls, especially college aged, tend to bristle at it somewhat
Really, really irreverent women or experienced women tend to write me off somewhat if you ask if she's single

Interestingly, the latter two groups seem to find me very interesting for purposes of casual sex. The former two seem really intrigued by me but uncertain. Religious girls LOVE me initially, but tend to run away giggling (metaphorically) and refusing to come back before too long if I'm not really careful about my escalation.

I'm spitballing here. My impression is that compared to other direct expressions of interest, asking if a woman is single tends to ramp up your attainability more, and your attraction less. For women who need higher levels of attraction and lower levels of attainability, that makes it a poor choice. For women who need more attainability and less attraction, it makes a good choice. For someone like me, who just naturally sends out borderline "boyfriend" vibes, this means that a lot of women (those looking for boyfriends) love it, and it makes others (those who want to fuck) standoffish.

For someone like Anatman, who is very clearly not the boyfriend type, I imagine it would work better across all spectrums, because he's an insanely sexy motherfucker. Girls aren't going to get the idea that he might be a "nice guy" on any level.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Hey Haraklus,

I've been using the single opener (prob. around 20 approaches in last week).
Anecdotal evidence SEEMS to suggest there's merit in what you're saying re: some women becoming standoffish.

I'm also sending out boyfriend vibes and killing of the initial attraction with the girls who aren't interested in a relationship.

My main concern with the single opener is the speed at which the conversation dies down. Since I've recently used it, I haven't had any meaningful conversations.
I'm trying to determine why it's not working:
- I'm approaching walking targets on busy street in ethnically Russian neighborhood where the girls have their guard up
- I am not persistent if a girl answers "No"
- I don't push for the number close immediately (I try to talk to them about something).

Compare that to a true indirect/situational opener, where I've been able to get conversations going and gotten a number.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 13, 2014
Compare that to a true indirect/situational opener, where I've been able to get conversations going and gotten a number.

I can't really take note much on that one, as I tend to avoid indirect openers. Now, I start conversations around me constantly. I have a rule that if I feel like saying something to someone, I say it, even if it isn't in a place where it's not totally socially normal to do so. I've met a COUPLE of women this way.

God, though, direct is just so much better, especially when you get past the reactions vs results stage. If what you're interested in is getting together with a woman, being direct will get you there fast, and leave out any women who don't dig you. I LOVE that about it. I find that I can really only focus on 2-3 women at a time, tops, so having lots of ancillary women on my radar that I opened indirect isn't so good for me.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
are you single is a direct opener, just not compliment based. it's all about how you ask the question and how you follow up to what she says.

i would say it is more of an advanced opener than your general compliment opener, but if executed correctly with the correct body language, voice tonality and follow up its a very powerful way of quickly stating your intention.

infact it states intention even more powerfully than a compliment opener, which doesn't necessarily make it better but if you learn to use it right it can be very effective and quick.

seriously just go out and try it on different women and gain a feeling for how to use it. you want to come across as authoritative when you say it, almost as if you were making a statement rather than a question.

a lot of how a girl sums you up and decides if your a boyfriend candidate is not about what you say but how you come across non-verbally.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jan 15, 2013
Haraklus said:
God, though, direct is just so much better, especially when you get past the reactions vs results stage. If what you're interested in is getting together with a woman, being direct will get you there fast, and leave out any women who don't dig you. I LOVE that about it.

This is good to hear! The "Are you single? " Opener allows you to screen out unavailable girls much earlier than standard direct and indirect openers. The "rejections" happen earlier which saves you time and a bunch of frustration.

I don't think the AYS opener gives off "relationship seeking" vibes. That has more to do with the dates your planning and how you act on those dates. Keeping the dates simple/cheap and moving fast while on those dates will prevent any relationship vibes.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 13, 2014
From what I'm hearing here, it's either vibe when I ask or just statistical noise when I compare it to other direct openers. Good to know.