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LR-  Effortless


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
From my journal: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1242&p=21307#p21307

First approach of the night. Very attractive girl. I took a long time to approach and almost chickened out. She was very polite when I opened and even stopped walking, but didn't seem very excited. Followed my lead though - moved, started walking, then came to sit with me at Union Square.

She was waiting to pick something up from a friend, and when he called that he was across the street she asked if I wanted to come. I asked if she was coming back, and she said "Sure." So I stayed. Suggested we grab a drink and she agreed.

Not sure exactly when I realized that it was on between us, maybe on the walk to the pub. But she went from just being polite and friendly to giggling and giving strong eye contact. Based on her initial lack of excitement, I really wasn't expecting this approach to go anywhere. Strange how she opened up, very strange that I had no clue it was coming.

So we went to this bar and had a drink, with me escalating physically a bit, but not much. I could see that she wanted me to escalate, so I held back. She had some tattoos, so I had her take off her jacket to show me, touched one tattoo on her side, and joked around about her getting her next one in a naughty place. Tension. LOTS of staring into each other's eyes.

At one point she asked me what my plans were for the rest of the night (read: what are my logistics). I replied, "I don't know yet, what should I do?" her: "I don't know, just curious."

I felt a high point, but we were still in the middle of drinking, and as the sexual energy began to fade I worried that I would lose her. So I leaned back and relaxed, then while we waited for the check I took her hand and stared into her eyes. Turned the tension right back on.

Invited her home for round 2 of drinks. When we got there I asked if she really wanted a drink or if she preferred to just chill. Just chill, good.

Went for the kiss pretty quick. So easy. Pulled back, then put her legs on mine, then another kiss, then put her on her back.

She was on her period and wouldn't take off her pants, although I tried a few times. She kept saying that it was really tempting and I was hot. She also mentioned something about morals, went something like, "We've just met, so next time. But I am shirtless so maybe I should check my morals." I asked, "What's wrong with moving fast?" Just stared at each other for a bit. She said multiple times that we'd have sex next time. I answered, "If you're good." She asked multiple times if I would see her again next week. "If you're good." I'm sure Chase could have gotten her pants off, but I'm not sure what I should have done differently. I tried to passionately tear them off at a high point, too. No go.

Anyways, got her shirt off and all of my clothes off. Had some fun until she had to go to catch her bus. Great time, hottest girl I've ever been with, and she was more into me than I was into her! I'm starting to notice that when I'm successful, I don't have to do ANTYTHING. All this game is really just about finding a girl who already likes you and knowing how to move things forward.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

Just wanted to say that although I have never posted any response there, I am an avid follower of your journal. I've been meaning to tell you that for some time and somehow never gotten around to it :)

Your descriptions are beautifully evocative and I have in my mind a very romantic image of your encounters with attractive young girls. I've only ever once been to San Francisco, last July for two days for an employment interview, but I can picture quite perfectly the setting for your rendezvous in and around Union Square, as day turns to dusk, in the breezy eternal Spring of that unique and surreal city.

You live up to your screen name, in spades. I also admire your modesty some months ago in burying your first ever lay report at the bottom of your journal thread, rather than displaying it proudly as the rest of us would :)

This LR- made me smile, as almost all your reports do. The girl sounds terrific. I was happy to see you got encouraging commentary from my friend PrettyDecent as well as XC Runner who has also been very helpful to be with my FRs.

But the most memorable of your reports, for me, was the time when you left your scooter parked somewhere temporarily and had to retrieve it after giving your latest lover her due. I loved that one :)

You sound like a very interesting and focused man. It'd be great to meet you some day...

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Good stuff with this gal. Thoughts:

determined said:
I asked if she was coming back, and she said "Sure." So I stayed. Suggested we grab a drink and she agreed.

Not sure exactly when I realized that it was on between us, maybe on the walk to the pub. But she went from just being polite and friendly to giggling and giving strong eye contact. Based on her initial lack of excitement, I really wasn't expecting this approach to go anywhere. Strange how she opened up, very strange that I had no clue it was coming.

Great move. These little things have big ripple effects - had you walked with her, I suspect we would've been looking at a very different report.

I'd guess a good deal of the interest that followed came from your nonchalance about hanging back while she walked over, and trusting her to respond. That speaks oceans to an attractive woman, who's more used to men following her around like little puppy dogs out of fear of losing her.

determined said:
She also mentioned something about morals, went something like, "We've just met, so next time. But I am shirtless so maybe I should check my morals."

Good place to mention that morals are nothing more than social controls meant to restrict behavior and make us all good little worker bees, especially since she's on the fence already about dropping them. If she has tattoos, she clearly already sees herself as a rebel and an outsider; challenging this identity by painting morals as conformist elements of "The System" all but forces her to abandon them as justification for not moving forward with a guy she likes.

determined said:
I asked, "What's wrong with moving fast?"

Don't ask questions like this during testing or resistance unless you know exactly what kind of response you're going to get, and the response moves you in a useful direction. Asking what's wrong with something makes her come up with logical reasons for why she can't do something, further solidifying her position of protest. Not good.

determined said:
She said multiple times that we'd have sex next time. I answered, "If you're good."

Much better answer: "Who said anything about sex? Besides, I don't have sex. I make sweet, passionate, pull-your-hair-out-crazy-scream-your-lungs-out love. But I never said I was going to do that, anyway. Stop trying to get ahead of things."

determined said:
She asked multiple times if I would see her again next week. "If you're good."

"No. Yes. Maybe. Who knows? Next week is a million light years away from here. We're together right now. Who cares about next week? Next week isn't real. The only thing that IS real... is THIS" do something really passionate and sexual with her.

determined said:
I'm sure Chase could have gotten her pants off, but I'm not sure what I should have done differently. I tried to passionately tear them off at a high point, too. No go.

Anyways, got her shirt off and all of my clothes off.

Next time, try this: shirt / bra do NOT come off until pants and panties are already on.

Take a different route than what most men do. She'll have fewer autopilot defenses against it.

After I started getting girls' pants off FIRST, my close rate went to something close to 90 or 95% with girls I kiss somewhere private and alone. Another thing that makes a big difference is cuddling under the covers with her to watch TV before you even start escalating. Clothes just fly off when you have a cover on top of you.

determined said:
I'm starting to notice that when I'm successful, I don't have to do ANTYTHING. All this game is really just about finding a girl who already likes you and knowing how to move things forward.

Much of the time, that's all it is.

You're doing great, E. Props on getting as far as you did with a really pretty girl - there's much more of this to come, and it only gets more awesome.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Marty, you're making me blush ;).

Chase, thanks for the advice, I'll try it all!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 14, 2013
Hey Chase,

Hopefully you're still reading this thread. I texted this girl yesterday, just "Hey Mariah, how's your day going?" No response. Extremely frustrating after she was so into me last week. I know that since I didn't seal the deal last time I'm probably done with her and that I should just move on, but how to I maximize my odds of getting her?

Do I just wait another day or maybe a week, then try one last text? Should I try to call and leave a voicemail?

Appreciate any advice!