Hey guys, Garrett here.
I wanted to share some knowledge with some of you guys about emotions. This post is quite long, but for some of you it'll definitely be worth reading! Sit back and relax as I have a bit of a story to share with you all today...
Since finding Girls Chase, I realized that I was your typical "nice guy". Before I found the site, I was basically searching for dating/girl advice because I knew I was doing something wrong. There were some things I learned for sure, such as "Don't go shopping with a girl if she asks you", the thing is I never really understood why I shouldn't. Fast forward to today. It's actually amazing and I actually laugh when I tell a guy not to go if a girl invites you shopping and they say, "Really? Why not!?" Then as I begin to explain I feel an internal shock and want to give myself a forehead smack as I can't believe the guy would actually go shopping with a girl, especially if it's on her terms!
So anyways, after finding the site I was thinking, "Well shoot, I've been doing everything wrong! Chase says you need to become a genuine man and start changing things up with your behavior, so that's what I'm going to go do!" So then I set out on a journey to basically be this genuine guy Chase was mentioning. The thing is, I took things to a whole other level...
Throughout my interactions, I was monitoring everything I was doing like how I talked, my walk, my attire, my posture, among other fundamentals. That's just the beginning... I cut off a lot of people in my life, I would make sure not to reply to people too quickly, I would come off as tryhard, a bit cold, aloof, distant, and I felt like absolute crap!
Why i was feeling so crappy you may ask? Well here's the deal...
When you first start out and want to get good at something, a lot of people will go extreme at it, then give up and just quit. Like after a while I eventually burnt out and felt like, "Man, I can't do this anymore. I'm not getting results, I feel like crap all the time, my grades are slipping, I have no energy, I feel stoic/no emotion, I'm not being productive, and I've cut a bunch of friends off and made people distant towards me!"
So then I went back to who I was before Girls Chase for a brief period, until I met some sexy middle eastern girl at a co-ed soccer game. I started talking to her and was myself, and as I continued talking to her, I was thinking, "Damn, this feels off, even though I'm being myself, I don't feel attraction from her at all!"
So then I went back to reading girls chase and studying it everyday, and I started encountering the same problems I was experiencing before. Then I kept thinking about it and because I didn't quit like I used to do with a lot of things, I finally realized, "I'm going waay too extreme with my behavior!"
Basically to sum things up, I was a nice guy before, then I turned into a bit of an ass hole. I was getting more attraction from girls, but I felt off, not in control, was masking my emotions, and basically felt like crap.
So anyways, I realized I needed to tone it down a little and make tweaks until things felt right. Today I'm at that place and it feels amazing! Now when I'm talking to a girl, friends, or family, I'll be a genuine guy who is nice/warm. The thing is, I'm not a "nice guy" anymore. I have a better walk, talk better, and I don't think too much about what I'm doing. I think it's stupid to just go with the flow so I do have a plan normally with things, but I make sure that if I slip up, I don't worry about it, because when you care TOO MUCH you won't get results!
Everything in life is a balance. For example, you want to be a balance between being a nice guy and being an ass hole. You want to study, but also make time for family and friends. You want to workout hard, but make sure you have time to rest. You want to care, but not make something a big deal because things in life aren't a big deal. You want to be productive, but make sure you don't spend all your time doing stuff or you'll burn out. You want to think about your actions, but not so much that you fear taking action.
So to explain a bit more about myself, I'm a pretty extreme person. Granted, I've recently toned it down A LOT! Being extreme does have its benefits: you get really good at a skill you want to master, you'll get better and faster results, and you'll feel satisfied with your production. The problem is, overworking yourself is not good on you mentally (unless you have a personality disorder like Chase mentioned where it doesn't really affect you). The thing is, you only have so much motivation and will power to do something and if you expend it all quickly, you'll burn out and possibly go into a depressive rut like I did. For the longest time I never knew what I was doing, until I became aware of my subconscious self through introspective analysis in order to figure out why I was depressed. Then I realized it was because I set the bar so rediculously high that I could never achieve the results I was looking for. Even when I could achieve those results when I first started out, it was often short-lived.
So then after finding the root of the problem, I made adjustments and things improved! The problem was, I still wasn't feeling great, was stoic, and I really didn't know why. I kept thinking and pondering why I felt this way and I came to an influential conclusion... you should NOT mask/hide your emotions, they exist for a reason!!!
Whenever I'd see a cute girl I'd feel nervous but I'd tell myself, "You can't feel nervous, you'll look shaky and screw up!" So then I felt crappy and would never approach the girl anyway. Why didn't I approach her? It's because I didn't have a good psychological balance. As Chase mentioned, you need to balance logic and emotion. Too much logic and you'll go stoic/emotionless, too much emotion and you won't feel satisfied with your productivity, among other things. The thing is, you NEED emotions to make decisions and without it, you'll make wonky and often, regrettable choices. Following your emotions too much is not good either, like if you meet a girl and allow yourself to fall in love right away, you'll get screwed in the end!
So what's my advice after all of this? It may sound cliche and like Chase, I don't really like cheesy cliches, but you have to feel the fear and do it anyway! What does this mean?
Well, say you have no abundance mentality and you keep looking at a girl's twitter/facebook. You then hear everyone saying, "Ohh, don't look at her stuff, avoid her as much as possible!" Logically, it makes sense and it is logical to avoid looking at her stuff and avoiding the temptation to check her facebook. The thing is... your emotions aren't taken care of. So yeah, you may not check her facebook/twitter today, but eventually it builds up and you'll give up. So if that doesn't work, well then what does?
What I've found, and you may find it counterintuitive, is that I allow myself to check up on the girl as often as I like. Why I do it? Well for one, I don't feel as attracted to her if I know everything she's up to. Also, if I saw her in person I wouldn't feel as nervous/curious about her. Not only this, but I'm in better shape and more emotionally stable so if I meet other girls I'll feel more comfortable. So what I'm saying here is, if you feel an emotion like being nervous or tempted to check up on the girl you like a lot, you should give in to it. You may think, "Well how am I going to get over her?" The thing is, you won't necessarily get over her then and there, but overtime you'll get bored of her naturally and you'll meet other girls. This may not work for everyone out there, but from what I've noticed, the longer I consciously fight getting over a girl, the longer and oftentimes more painful it is to do. If you have abundance, then you should be able to naturally get over her fairly quickly, but if you don't have abundance and she seems like your dream girl, I suggest you don't force yourself not to check up on her. If you give into your emotions, eventually you'll be able to logically do what you want. You don't have to check her facebook every minute, but whenever you feel the need to, I say you give in. By giving in, you'll do it less and eventually you won't want to do it anymore. There's an exercise in Buddhism where monks are actually given a topic and they are told not to think about it. For example, the head monk/leader tells them, "For the next 15 minutes, I want you all to not think about polar bears."
They found that restriction often made things harder because the monks were only following their logical mind. Humans are emotional beings so we can't just robotically function well over time. For a short period of time it will work but eventually you'll crash and burn.
Another way I was extreme was whenever I had a homework assignment, I'd only touch it when I felt like I had enough energy/motivation to do a perfect job. Once I brought it up to conscious understanding from my subconscious, I realized how wrong this is and how unproductive I was being. So these days, what I do is I'll not think about it too much, I'll just go do an assignment and even if it's not the best quality I could produce, I'll just do my absolute best in that given moment of time. Taking action and being proactive yet not producing perfection is a hell of a lot better for getting results than not taking action unless you feel great. You can't sit around and wait for motivation, you need to be proactive and make it happen, and if you fall flat or feel crappy, you're probably doing something wrong. Things that are worth investing your time in are usually not very easy, take pickup for example. Not many guys would have the balls to do pickup, but the ones who do are getting better, hotter, and great quality girlfriends. All of these guys had no clue of what they were doing until they actually spent time getting better and improving! So if you feel like crap, you're nervous and all you can say to a girl is "Hi", then say it because that's one more word and you're that much closer to getting better with girls than if you stayed quiet and felt regret. You have to embrace your nervousness, admit to it, and make a decision, so internally you could say, "I feel like crap, I'm really nervous and I've never approached girls, but if I want to get better, this is how to do it!" Take action, but work gradually and don't go to the extreme. If you do go to the extreme that's fine, you'll know because you feel like crap. Sometimes it's good to really think things through and examine how you're feeling. If you feel like crap, chances are you need to make adjustments. Even if you're in medical school where you have lectures from morning till 5pm, you need to make time to relax and decompress or you'll be an emotionless, stoic mess. Take time out of your day to work on fundamentals, workout some days, and devote a lot of time to study.
Remember, the genuine guy is always the balanced guy and it often takes work and many adjustments to get to where you want to be! If you aren't getting what you want from people despite following the Law of Least effort among other techniques, you may be acting like an ass hole. Like my friend for example, he'll purposely ignore people and it looks try hard. For that reason, I tend not to want to spend time with him because he comes across as a dick. The thing is, if you want to be genuine, and you start as a nice guy, you may have to go through a bit of crap to get to where I am today as the genuine guy, but I promise you guys its worth it. Balance is the key to your success, I promise !
Best of luck,
I wanted to share some knowledge with some of you guys about emotions. This post is quite long, but for some of you it'll definitely be worth reading! Sit back and relax as I have a bit of a story to share with you all today...
Since finding Girls Chase, I realized that I was your typical "nice guy". Before I found the site, I was basically searching for dating/girl advice because I knew I was doing something wrong. There were some things I learned for sure, such as "Don't go shopping with a girl if she asks you", the thing is I never really understood why I shouldn't. Fast forward to today. It's actually amazing and I actually laugh when I tell a guy not to go if a girl invites you shopping and they say, "Really? Why not!?" Then as I begin to explain I feel an internal shock and want to give myself a forehead smack as I can't believe the guy would actually go shopping with a girl, especially if it's on her terms!
So anyways, after finding the site I was thinking, "Well shoot, I've been doing everything wrong! Chase says you need to become a genuine man and start changing things up with your behavior, so that's what I'm going to go do!" So then I set out on a journey to basically be this genuine guy Chase was mentioning. The thing is, I took things to a whole other level...
Throughout my interactions, I was monitoring everything I was doing like how I talked, my walk, my attire, my posture, among other fundamentals. That's just the beginning... I cut off a lot of people in my life, I would make sure not to reply to people too quickly, I would come off as tryhard, a bit cold, aloof, distant, and I felt like absolute crap!
Why i was feeling so crappy you may ask? Well here's the deal...
When you first start out and want to get good at something, a lot of people will go extreme at it, then give up and just quit. Like after a while I eventually burnt out and felt like, "Man, I can't do this anymore. I'm not getting results, I feel like crap all the time, my grades are slipping, I have no energy, I feel stoic/no emotion, I'm not being productive, and I've cut a bunch of friends off and made people distant towards me!"
So then I went back to who I was before Girls Chase for a brief period, until I met some sexy middle eastern girl at a co-ed soccer game. I started talking to her and was myself, and as I continued talking to her, I was thinking, "Damn, this feels off, even though I'm being myself, I don't feel attraction from her at all!"
So then I went back to reading girls chase and studying it everyday, and I started encountering the same problems I was experiencing before. Then I kept thinking about it and because I didn't quit like I used to do with a lot of things, I finally realized, "I'm going waay too extreme with my behavior!"
Basically to sum things up, I was a nice guy before, then I turned into a bit of an ass hole. I was getting more attraction from girls, but I felt off, not in control, was masking my emotions, and basically felt like crap.
So anyways, I realized I needed to tone it down a little and make tweaks until things felt right. Today I'm at that place and it feels amazing! Now when I'm talking to a girl, friends, or family, I'll be a genuine guy who is nice/warm. The thing is, I'm not a "nice guy" anymore. I have a better walk, talk better, and I don't think too much about what I'm doing. I think it's stupid to just go with the flow so I do have a plan normally with things, but I make sure that if I slip up, I don't worry about it, because when you care TOO MUCH you won't get results!
Everything in life is a balance. For example, you want to be a balance between being a nice guy and being an ass hole. You want to study, but also make time for family and friends. You want to workout hard, but make sure you have time to rest. You want to care, but not make something a big deal because things in life aren't a big deal. You want to be productive, but make sure you don't spend all your time doing stuff or you'll burn out. You want to think about your actions, but not so much that you fear taking action.
So to explain a bit more about myself, I'm a pretty extreme person. Granted, I've recently toned it down A LOT! Being extreme does have its benefits: you get really good at a skill you want to master, you'll get better and faster results, and you'll feel satisfied with your production. The problem is, overworking yourself is not good on you mentally (unless you have a personality disorder like Chase mentioned where it doesn't really affect you). The thing is, you only have so much motivation and will power to do something and if you expend it all quickly, you'll burn out and possibly go into a depressive rut like I did. For the longest time I never knew what I was doing, until I became aware of my subconscious self through introspective analysis in order to figure out why I was depressed. Then I realized it was because I set the bar so rediculously high that I could never achieve the results I was looking for. Even when I could achieve those results when I first started out, it was often short-lived.
So then after finding the root of the problem, I made adjustments and things improved! The problem was, I still wasn't feeling great, was stoic, and I really didn't know why. I kept thinking and pondering why I felt this way and I came to an influential conclusion... you should NOT mask/hide your emotions, they exist for a reason!!!
Whenever I'd see a cute girl I'd feel nervous but I'd tell myself, "You can't feel nervous, you'll look shaky and screw up!" So then I felt crappy and would never approach the girl anyway. Why didn't I approach her? It's because I didn't have a good psychological balance. As Chase mentioned, you need to balance logic and emotion. Too much logic and you'll go stoic/emotionless, too much emotion and you won't feel satisfied with your productivity, among other things. The thing is, you NEED emotions to make decisions and without it, you'll make wonky and often, regrettable choices. Following your emotions too much is not good either, like if you meet a girl and allow yourself to fall in love right away, you'll get screwed in the end!
So what's my advice after all of this? It may sound cliche and like Chase, I don't really like cheesy cliches, but you have to feel the fear and do it anyway! What does this mean?
Well, say you have no abundance mentality and you keep looking at a girl's twitter/facebook. You then hear everyone saying, "Ohh, don't look at her stuff, avoid her as much as possible!" Logically, it makes sense and it is logical to avoid looking at her stuff and avoiding the temptation to check her facebook. The thing is... your emotions aren't taken care of. So yeah, you may not check her facebook/twitter today, but eventually it builds up and you'll give up. So if that doesn't work, well then what does?
What I've found, and you may find it counterintuitive, is that I allow myself to check up on the girl as often as I like. Why I do it? Well for one, I don't feel as attracted to her if I know everything she's up to. Also, if I saw her in person I wouldn't feel as nervous/curious about her. Not only this, but I'm in better shape and more emotionally stable so if I meet other girls I'll feel more comfortable. So what I'm saying here is, if you feel an emotion like being nervous or tempted to check up on the girl you like a lot, you should give in to it. You may think, "Well how am I going to get over her?" The thing is, you won't necessarily get over her then and there, but overtime you'll get bored of her naturally and you'll meet other girls. This may not work for everyone out there, but from what I've noticed, the longer I consciously fight getting over a girl, the longer and oftentimes more painful it is to do. If you have abundance, then you should be able to naturally get over her fairly quickly, but if you don't have abundance and she seems like your dream girl, I suggest you don't force yourself not to check up on her. If you give into your emotions, eventually you'll be able to logically do what you want. You don't have to check her facebook every minute, but whenever you feel the need to, I say you give in. By giving in, you'll do it less and eventually you won't want to do it anymore. There's an exercise in Buddhism where monks are actually given a topic and they are told not to think about it. For example, the head monk/leader tells them, "For the next 15 minutes, I want you all to not think about polar bears."
They found that restriction often made things harder because the monks were only following their logical mind. Humans are emotional beings so we can't just robotically function well over time. For a short period of time it will work but eventually you'll crash and burn.
Another way I was extreme was whenever I had a homework assignment, I'd only touch it when I felt like I had enough energy/motivation to do a perfect job. Once I brought it up to conscious understanding from my subconscious, I realized how wrong this is and how unproductive I was being. So these days, what I do is I'll not think about it too much, I'll just go do an assignment and even if it's not the best quality I could produce, I'll just do my absolute best in that given moment of time. Taking action and being proactive yet not producing perfection is a hell of a lot better for getting results than not taking action unless you feel great. You can't sit around and wait for motivation, you need to be proactive and make it happen, and if you fall flat or feel crappy, you're probably doing something wrong. Things that are worth investing your time in are usually not very easy, take pickup for example. Not many guys would have the balls to do pickup, but the ones who do are getting better, hotter, and great quality girlfriends. All of these guys had no clue of what they were doing until they actually spent time getting better and improving! So if you feel like crap, you're nervous and all you can say to a girl is "Hi", then say it because that's one more word and you're that much closer to getting better with girls than if you stayed quiet and felt regret. You have to embrace your nervousness, admit to it, and make a decision, so internally you could say, "I feel like crap, I'm really nervous and I've never approached girls, but if I want to get better, this is how to do it!" Take action, but work gradually and don't go to the extreme. If you do go to the extreme that's fine, you'll know because you feel like crap. Sometimes it's good to really think things through and examine how you're feeling. If you feel like crap, chances are you need to make adjustments. Even if you're in medical school where you have lectures from morning till 5pm, you need to make time to relax and decompress or you'll be an emotionless, stoic mess. Take time out of your day to work on fundamentals, workout some days, and devote a lot of time to study.
Remember, the genuine guy is always the balanced guy and it often takes work and many adjustments to get to where you want to be! If you aren't getting what you want from people despite following the Law of Least effort among other techniques, you may be acting like an ass hole. Like my friend for example, he'll purposely ignore people and it looks try hard. For that reason, I tend not to want to spend time with him because he comes across as a dick. The thing is, if you want to be genuine, and you start as a nice guy, you may have to go through a bit of crap to get to where I am today as the genuine guy, but I promise you guys its worth it. Balance is the key to your success, I promise !
Best of luck,