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End Game


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
I thought I would do a little write up on end game, an element of seduction that I believe a lot of guys forget to consider. At least, certainly from my own personal experience in seduction from when I was starting off its something that took me a while to actually respect and start including in my game. It's something that I just glossed over and expected to happen naturally.

There is a plethora of information on seduction around the internet, none a better source than girlschase and many guys learn all these techniques and use them on girls without achieving any actual desirable results. It is often their belief that their technique is not good enough or that the girl just wasn't into them, because nothing happened.

Often the case with lack of results is not that you did anything wrong during the mid game, and most likely if you executed the techniques you have been learning, the girl was probably feeling you.

But because you hadn't planned your end game and its logistics, nothing concrete happened. You didn't finish correctly and seal the deal. The finish has to come from you, the guy. It doesn't happen naturally, you can't assume it will. Logistics must be considered.

Firstly you must know what you want from a girl and when. Is it sex, tonight, sex on the first date, a phone number, a same day date, whatever. This obviously will alter between different girls and their/your logistics, but during seduction you must screen her logistics and come to a conclusion of the viable approaches you have. Your seduction must then be geared towards achieving this result, the end game and finish. Too many guys just love having their ego stroked, they play with girls, get them all ready and then... nothing. You have to know what you want from her and work towards it.

Always execute your seduction with a concrete end result in mind. Don't get caught up in creating correct reactions from a girl, these are great but remember you have not won the game yet.

Its very obvious for many but I do believe beginners get caught up in learning how to make a girl like you but simply don't work enough on how to logically and logistically achieve their desired result.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
I was guilty of this early on when I first started learning game. I didn't really close with girls even when I would get them worked up. It mainly came down to me being afraid of what being alone with them truly meant. I was a noobie and I just couldn't handle the idea of being with girls alone because I always had my friends around so I could bail in case I ever messed anything up. Good post for beginners.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Revealing Your Intentions

Nova I agree,

It's important not to lead a girl on or drag interactions out. Sometimes thing can happen almost instantaneously, but you still have to make a move. Once the target is isolated there's no reason to hold anything back. The girl knows you want her, just act on that.

Sit her down, talk to her a bit. Go in for a kiss, and if she's resist. Look into her eyes and bring her back in for another kiss. You have to place you hand on her cheek and move her mouth closer to yours. I've used this technique several times and it works. Be confident and relaxed and put her at ease. If you're worried about kissing her, just think about how bad she actually wants to kiss you.\

During objections unless it's like a down right no, go in for the kiss. Many times you can just ignore these objections and kiss her anyway. She'll be glad you did.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey gents,

Moved this topic to General since it was posted in T&T but not on any specific tactic / technique.

Yeah, absolutely - end game's the one place most guys forget to focus on, and go around kicking themselves saying, "God! Why couldn't I GET that girl?! She liked me so much!"

For me, I found setting hard limits on when I'd take a certain action with a girl was the easiest way to "wedge" end game into my game when I was either forgetting it or psyching myself out about executing on it. Limits like, "I will not spend more than an hour with a girl I've met at the bar/club before inviting her home, unless it's a special circumstance / I'm trying something new out," or, "I must kiss a girl within 10 minutes of her entering my apartment (unless our first date is the apartment... in which case, it's 10 to 30 minutes, depending on how randy she is when she gets there)."

Lots of new guys put their focus on mastering openers, or getting really good at phone game, that sort of thing, and neglect to close out the girls they have who actually like them and want something to happen. Having a secondary or tertiary focus on closing after whatever your primary foci are overhauls that in a big way.
