Yeah, get it

Also I have noticed that if you wait too long the attraction can be lost also, so how do you make sure to kiss her at the perfect time, and not waiting too long as so she thinks you are not interested?
Hopefully my question make sense?
If you are teasing her and working the tension she's not going to suddenly think you're not interested. That would only happen if she was giving signs and you were sitting there doing nothing. Or if she sensed you were afraid or something.
Seduction is a dance, and you are leading. If you want her to go to the left, you don't just hope that she's ready, grab her and yank her there. You subtly shift your balance in a way that she can feel and begin to anticipate the movement, and smoothly begin to move with gentle pressure. She shouldn't be way out ahead or behind you, she shouldn't be going around with no idea of what's going to happen. She should always be right there with you, ready to move and anticipating you.
If you're sitting there with your mouth three inches away giving her bedroom eyes, she's not thinking 'oh maybe he's not interested'. If you then just sit there like a statue or with a deadpan face, she might feel awkward and pull away, but again it's not because she thinks you're not interested. It's because things were awkward.
If you want to hold the tension, you have to stay in a 'pressurized' situation while still expressing yourself freely and not freezing. Smiling a little, admiring her eyes and lips, moving slightly forward and backward, caressing some other part of her body. She should feel like you are freely expressing yourself and enjoying yourself, so that she wants to do the same - which in this case, because of the unbearable tension, is to kiss you.
There is no 'perfect time' for a kiss, there's just the question of when the tension reaches a high point.
PS you should read this too:
I don't think the types of kiss in there are so distinct but it's very informative.