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Examples of value judgement


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 19, 2015
Chase has mentioned in several of his articles including his latest one regarding bid for connections the use of making value judgement. Ive searched online for examples of what this means but have come up with nothing so far. Does this concept have a different name in literature? Can anyone explain it? Give examples? Good and Bad?

Thank you


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

You mean value judgement as it is, actually? Value judgement is people judging you according to how you going to improve their lifes and needs. It doesn't have a scientific name.

You might want to read Chase's article on black and white thinking. It will make clear on what question you wanted to ask.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
Hi, the bid for connection article and value judgement mentioned there had some examples which was like...

She talks about broken printer and you go: "Well I guess that will make the office run much slower now" or simple "That quite complicates the work" or somethihng like that. In that article, value judgement is just a statement about the sitaution or a remark.

Good value judgements are usually those which correspond with her views - Printer broke, she does not use it, but Judy who is pain in the ass prints 50 times a day, so she is secretly happy. And she will show you this with her emotions, tonality and just the way she says it. So if she goes: "Our printer at work broke today!" and you go "Well, THAT will complicate Judy's work," and she goes "Oh, I am sure it will" with slightly happy face.

Bad ones are probably stuff like "Cool", "Okay", "Nice". I am sure you can think of situations for those

Even me telling you "Its great that you asked for clarification here" is basically a value judgement. Technically, it is a statement that could be categorized as a value judgement.


Other than that, Value judgement as a concept is what Zac said - someone's assessment of your value, a result of their internal dialog based on your fundamentals or stories you tell