Hi, the bid for connection article and value judgement mentioned there had some examples which was like...
She talks about broken printer and you go: "Well I guess that will make the office run much slower now" or simple "That quite complicates the work" or somethihng like that. In that article, value judgement is just a statement about the sitaution or a remark.
Good value judgements are usually those which correspond with her views - Printer broke, she does not use it, but Judy who is pain in the ass prints 50 times a day, so she is secretly happy. And she will show you this with her emotions, tonality and just the way she says it. So if she goes: "Our printer at work broke today!" and you go "Well, THAT will complicate Judy's work," and she goes "Oh, I am sure it will" with slightly happy face.
Bad ones are probably stuff like "Cool", "Okay", "Nice". I am sure you can think of situations for those
Even me telling you "Its great that you asked for clarification here" is basically a value judgement. Technically, it is a statement that could be categorized as a value judgement.
Other than that, Value judgement as a concept is what Zac said - someone's assessment of your value, a result of their internal dialog based on your fundamentals or stories you tell