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Openers  "Excuse me, can I compliment you on...?"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 19, 2023
For some reason, this opener is working really well since I started using it, compared to just giving the compliment right away.

For example: 3 sets in a row with "Excuse me, can I compliment you on your style?" had a much better initial reaction than "Excuse me, you really have great style" or "Hey, you've got great style". Obviously it may be a coincidence but I am thinking that it just comes across as more socially calibrated / gentleman-like while still hinting interest and making it man-to-woman.

I am using it in combination with a calm, confident, grounded, graceful attitude. It may not work so well with a more energetic style.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
There are a bunch of older movies where the male lead opens the female lead with something like, "Would it be too bold of me to say you have a lovely sense of style?"

Basically giving the woman an opportunity to give her feedback on his opener right from the outset.

It's almost like you're asking for an opinion, but asking for an opinion on your own opener.

Opinion opener + compliment opener?

Interesting combination. You might be onto something, @Ronnie.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
For some reason, this opener is working really well since I started using it, compared to just giving the compliment right away.

For example: 3 sets in a row with "Excuse me, can I compliment you on your style?" had a much better initial reaction than "Excuse me, you really have great style" or "Hey, you've got great style". Obviously it may be a coincidence but I am thinking that it just comes across as more socially calibrated / gentleman-like while still hinting interest and making it man-to-woman.

I am using it in combination with a calm, confident, grounded, graceful attitude. It may not work so well with a more energetic style.
imma start field testing iterations of this one right away

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
The energy behind mine is like I cannot contain myself and had to tell her.

"Excuse me but MAY I compliment you on your style?" said in an over the top kind way, very eccentric.

The response is always a laugh triggered by the eccentric behaviour and her playing along with me by replying "But of course you can!"

Then I'll expand on the compliment, flesh it out exageratedly and she'll be laughing the whole time, thanking me for the compliment and saying that she really just wore something simple and did not think much of it...

And I'll insist that no, really, I mean LOOK at that scarf/dress/etc

She'll laugh a bit more, then I'll bridge to the conversation and proceed as normal.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
For example: 3 sets in a row with "Excuse me, can I compliment you on your style?" had a much better initial reaction than "Excuse me, you really have great style" or "Hey, you've got great style". Obviously it may be a coincidence but I am thinking that it just comes across as more socially calibrated / gentleman-like while still hinting interest and making it man-to-woman.
Also gonna steal this.
Hope you don't mind lol
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 1, 2023
"Excuse me, can I compliment you on your style?"

Been using this one recently, girls fuckin light up. Thanks for sharing bro, its a golden addition to the tool kit