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expossed or under the rug?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
hello guys.in high school I have noticed a lot of couples spend a lot of time together for example.they may have a routine where they meet and kiss at the outside of the class before parting ways.now I don't want to do this process but also I want to show her I care but again I want to keep the relationship under the radar in this sense.any tips guys?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey student,

In general, I would try to avoid anything "routine" about your relationship with a girl, even in high school. Routines usually lead to a girl getting bored with repetitiveness, and eventually at some point, she might look for something unexpected and exciting.

If you think about it, "bad boys" don't have routines -- they just do whatever the hell they want and when they want. Now does that mean you should not show compassion towards her? Of course not. But doing things like kissing her at the same time, the same place, in the way same way will definitely cause the kiss to lose its value.

Try varying things up. Even not showing up here and there and sending her a text saying "hey babe, I'm late for class, but here's a digital kiss! :eek:" can be enough to make her smile and give her something a bit different from what she's used to.

In summary, avoid routines like the plague. Try to keep things different and exciting for her! ;)

