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Sexual Technique  Eyes Open During Sex


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Just a quick little technique.

I read about this in Stephen King’s The Stand when I was like 14 or 15… there’s a rock star character who laments while having sex with a chick how girls rarely look you in the eyes while making love. Makes it less intimate, the character opines. Ever since I read that I have paid attention to it and yeah, almost no chicks will look you in the eyes during sex, and when they do, it is very fleeting. It pretty much never happens when they are orgasming and totally lost in the sensation of it all.

I didn’t try this for decades after reading that passage, but eventually I got curious and decided to try it out.

Some findings:

  • Girls staring into your eyes while you are fucking them makes it REALLY intense (especially for them). Use the “intense eye contact” move and stare into their right eyes (on your left side) if you want to crank the intensity to 11.

  • You get much broader, euphoric pleasure smiles from women when you fuck them with them staring at you. Eyes closed = big, giddy smiles due to pleasure, sure. Eyes open staring at you = smiles so ecstatic the girl looks like she’s losing her mind in lust.

  • Orgasms anchor her emotions to you MUCH stronger when she is staring at your face when she cums. I kind of figured this might be the case but was a bit surprised at how strong the effect is. Girls start acting ridiculously in-love with you (all the time, not just during the sex) when you make them stare into your eyes while they’re climaxing from your cock.

  • Doing this even led a chick who hated giving blow jobs to suddenly decide she actually loves giving me blow jobs. Two weeks of eyes-open sex and all of a sudden she was sucking me off and moaning. I asked her what changed, and all she could say was, “I don’t know! Before I always thought about my own pleasure. So I liked getting oral but not giving it. But suddenly I really want to pleasure YOU!” She said all of a sudden she felt pleasure giving it to me, knowing I was enjoying it. The only thing that noticeably changed to produce that effect was the eye contact during sex and orgasm. (also… having a girl go from “I hate giving blow jobs” to “Wow, suddenly I love giving you blow jobs” dramatically improves the blow job quality, let me tell you)

It’s surprisingly easy to do. You just tell a girl, “I want you to look me in the eyes while I’m fucking you.”

She may protest, say she doesn’t want to, it is too hard, etc. You just tell her at the beginning to seed it and then later, deep in the fucking, when you really want her looking at you you tell her, “Open your eyes and look at me.”

If she’s not listening (too entranced), use one hand to turn her face to yours and tell her, “Open your eyes.”

Be sure to verbally reward her when she does it (“That’s a good girl”, “Look at those beautiful eyes”, etc.).

A few recommendations:

  1. I probably wouldn’t suggest this to beginners. Good sex is definitely enhanced by eye contact. You are also anchoring those orgasmic pleasure spikes to your face a lot more strongly than you do during normal “eyes closed” sex. However if you are dealing with ED, premature ejaculation, still learning how to perform in bed, etc., I suspect you’d have the opposite effect — anchoring disappointment, dissatisfaction, boredom, etc. to your face. Maybe I’m wrong though… maybe chicks who are into you enjoy the sex enough even if the sex is mediocre that the anchoring effect is still positive. I guess you could field test it — but my default recommendation would be “save this for when you are good in bed.”

  2. I also do not recommend it for girls you are not trying to have fall in love with you. You can do it with one-night stands you don’t know socially (i.e., non-social circle) because the connection is thin enough there that you can get some intense emotions going but if you’re not going to see her again it’s still just a wildly romantic one-off night for her and she’ll understand. If you’re doing this with FWBs though, or with chicks you are sleeping with from social circle, and you aren’t trying to have an intense relationship with them, where they suddenly have all these crazy in-love feelings circulating for you, well, you are going to create a sticky situation for yourself. ONS or LTRs/mLTRs only.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015

One question about the practical side of things

What about stopping slowly in the middle of things, have her open her eyes by herself, get eye contact and tell her to keep looking at you (or that you want to look into her beautiful eyes or whatever works)? Then gradually get back into the rhythm as you keep looking into each others' eyes

Personally, I would prefer to surprise her (my gf) during the act instead of preparing her. I will try it regardless. Was just curious if you experimented with this too. I can imagine some girls need preparation


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

What about stopping slowly in the middle of things, have her open her eyes by herself, get eye contact and tell her to keep looking at you (or that you want to look into her beautiful eyes or whatever works)? Then gradually get back into the rhythm as you keep looking into each others' eyes

Personally, I would prefer to surprise her (my gf) during the act instead of preparing her. I will try it regardless. Was just curious if you experimented with this too. I can imagine some girls need preparation

I have done that.

IME if it is not seeded, you can get the girl to look at you, briefly, but her eyes are going to quickly glaze over and shut again. It is hard to maintain.

The value of seeding is to set it in stone that this is something important you expect throughout the act so she knows you want her to do it a lot / keep doing it. When it's brought up mid-act it's less clear so you get less of it and what you do get is less committed.

As an example, imagine two girls:

  • Girl A, in the middle of sex, tells you, "I want you to slap my ass hard!" You'll probably give her a few hard ass-slaps, and she'll clearly enjoy it, but you're not likely to go nuts slapping her ass every 15 seconds after that because you aren't THAT sure she wants it that much... maybe she just wanted a slap or two.

  • Girl B, before sex even begins, tells you, "I want you to slap my ass hard while we're having sex." You're probably going to make a point of repeatedly giving her the ol' five-finger stinger fairly regularly throughout the sex, because you know it's important enough to her that she asked for it beforehand.

But you can always still try it.

One thing you might try, if you want to do it your way (and I have not field tested this, so YMMV), could be telling her, "I want you to keep your eyes open and focused on me until you cum."

Nice thing about this technique is if you try it once and can't get her to open her eyes enough or at all, you can just try it again another way next time (e.g., seeding beforehand, etc.).

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take