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Facebook Friends


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Thought that i write a note here.

Recently i send to a partial part of my friends a goodbye message asking them to text me or call me out sometime, on Facebook that i be deactivating it from last month. Apparently i have not much responses, some people i care don't bother reply back, some reply but not with their numbers but it isn't as what i expected. It's like a blow to the face to really know that some of your friends don't really care about you. I would point out that Chase article on Facebook helps. Adding to that, i had a girl whom is a friend whom we no longer in contact because she can't accept that i won't look at her as friends anymore(months back). Text me "asshole" for deactivating facebook,

My thoughts was "You gotta to be kidding me, lolx"



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey Zac,

I've been without Facebook for well over a year now, and although it hurts and seems like people don't care about you they really do. Facebook is impersonal and not the best way to interact with friends. However when I travel to different cities to visit friends we talk like nothing changed. Facebook can never replace the face to face interactions that happen in real life. The truth is some people who didn't reply to you may not be "real" friends or they could be busy. I know my relatives hardly ever use Facebook because they're out enjoying their lives. I'm happy Chase's blog post made you feel better though.

And one takeaway I did get from Chases' article is some girls really do want you to be part of their Facebook collection. It's sad but true. This does help you screen for very promising people to add to your exciting life though.

Take care,

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Dave,

Just_Dave said:
The truth is some people who didn't reply to you may not be "real" friends or they could be busy. I know my relatives hardly ever use Facebook because they're out enjoying their lives. I'm happy Chase's blog post made you feel better though.

Times change, we all might go separate ways, and some friends may not be "real" or sometimes we ourselves try to dissociate with people of the past due to past incident or maybe you have new friends, or like what you have written, they could be busy. I think for me, it is more important that i have this three strike contacting rule where if i message a person regardless of anything, thrice, and he doesn't reply, then for me he or she is likely someone i won't get in touch.

Of course i would smile and talk and all if we meet up somewhere along the line, Have social grace but it is just weird to talk to people who don't give thoughts about you, much.

Zac, :)

A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Facebook is a REAL swine. To begin with it was kinda good, you add a bunch of friends, they all post what they're up to, you comment, it's awesome. However nowadays genuine friend info competes with sponsored content, event spam and so forth, and if you have a lot of friends it is fairly arbitrary who you will and won't see status updates from. Privacy settings make it so you can't always see all sides of a conversation, or even that other people have posted comments on a thread you are communicating on, which is obviously extremely confusing at times. Plus Facebook are always changing the site, so even if you add 100 people to a 'best friends' list because you want to see everything they post, there's no guarantee that it will still function like that tomorrow. So if you write a big 'flounce' message saying you're deactivating your account you can't expect people to have read it, or if they do read it, even take it all that seriously (I've seen so many people 'delete' themselves only to come back two weeks later like nothing ever happened). If you really want to make some kind of impact and see how your social reach is, try an online suicide note instead, just don't do it too often, haha ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
A Life Loquacious said:
try an online suicide note instead, just don't do it too often, haha ;)

An ex friend of mine do that, too often. You should know why i don't befriend him anymore. HAHA! He is negative for real.
