So I met up with one of the girls I met on St Patty's weekend (you can see the full FR here viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1316)
We met at a restaurant/coffee shop and she ordered some food and I just had a coffee. We talked and it went pretty well. Nothing AMAZING but it was fun. After the place closed (it closes early, just an hour after we got there) I suggest hanging out some more and try to steer her towards her place and she says her roommates are home and she really doesn't want to deal with them right now. I then suggest we just hang out in my car and listen to music and she balks and suggests a nearby bar. I wasn't commanding enough and just went with her suggestion.
We get there, sit at the bar and drink and talk some more. I do run out of steam here a bit, conversation just wasn't as smooth as I ran out of things to talk about a bit and didn't know what to say at some points (funny how that happens once I'm no longer "in control" since I didn't pick this place...). I do however I think I recovered well enough. We stay there another hour. When I ask her "what she thinks of me so far" she had nothing but positive things to say and said she would "let me take her out again...if I wanted to". I simply replied "hmmm...I'll have to think about it" and gave her a sexy look.
Eventually I hit a point where I realize I have to regain control so I tell her to finish her drink and we should get out of there because I was tired of that place (and she actually bought me my drink!). We head out to the parking lot and I tell her we should listen to some music in my car again. She hesitates and says that it's late (10:30) and that she has to go back to her place to get up early. I inform her that it's only 10:20 and to give me the 10 minutes until it's actually "late". She says fine and that we can stand by her car. I say nope and keep walking towards my car. She says we'll split the difference and hang out in the middle of the parking lot. I say we can't listen to music there and just keep walking and get in my car. She obviously has no choice but to follow me at this point. We are in my car (I parked in a dark corner of the parking lot) and I set some taylor swift music on to set the mood. We talk for a bit and actually manage to find more stuff in common. At some point right in the middle of conversation I put 2 fingers below her chin and kissed her, she kisses back but is a bit late on it as I guess I shocked her. I make sure to pull away first and keep talking. She is mildly thrown off but actually held her composure very well, credit to her. We talk for a few min more and then I once again go for the kiss, same process but I let it linger just a bit longer and then pull away. Talk for a couple more minutes and then I just grab her for a more passionate kiss. We make out on and off for about 15 minutes, talking a bit in between. She asks me how old I am and I tell her and she says she's "dated older...much older" so I ask her how old she is and then say "I've dated younger" with a sexy smile. She laughs in a half offended way and says that's not a good thing to tell a girl and then asks the age and I say it doesn't matter and grab her and kiss her (although it is true, I've went out with an 18 year old as recently as last month!) In between she keeps telling me that she has to go and I don't put up with the LMR and just keep going for it. I tell her 5 minutes more, she says she has to go because she has to get up at 8, I tell her that she can stay a whole hour and still get a full night's sleep, she tells me she has to do HW and I tell her it's not due until next week and we just keep kissing. I kiss her everywhere on her face and neck in addition to lips. She seems really into it. But she keeps resisting and I say "aren't you having a good time, it looks like you're having a good time" and she says she is so I tell her to stay. She pulls out some BS about listening to the lady and to set up a second date and let her leave. I ignore her and just keep grabbing her and kissing her, trying to escalate. She does say that she admires my persistence. She says she needs to go and I say "you need to go...but you don't want to" and keep trying....but eventually she stops replying to my attempts at a kiss. In hindsight I should have just absolutely manhandle kissed her right here. But instead I set up a tentative second date. I tell her to kiss me "for the road" and she just smiles and gets out of the car (guess she saw right through what I was trying to do!). I get out and tell her that I'll walk her back to her car. She says she has a great time and kisses me goodbye and we part ways.
So I thought it went well enough....but then the next morning I woke up to this text: "I went on a date last night and it was so bad. And some other guy gave me for his number last night. Im keeping"
At first I thought she was joking with me since she has an interesting sense of humor...but the second part of that text just makes me legit think she sent it to me on accident lol.
What a confusing girl...
I replied when I saw it a couple hours later "send that to the wrong person?
" and then later that night I sent her "You wouldn't believe this date I had last night, it was awful, she was such a dork! Ugh". No reply. Waited 2 days then sent her a text asking if our tentative date was still on and she replied "No. Im too busy. Sorry".
We met at a restaurant/coffee shop and she ordered some food and I just had a coffee. We talked and it went pretty well. Nothing AMAZING but it was fun. After the place closed (it closes early, just an hour after we got there) I suggest hanging out some more and try to steer her towards her place and she says her roommates are home and she really doesn't want to deal with them right now. I then suggest we just hang out in my car and listen to music and she balks and suggests a nearby bar. I wasn't commanding enough and just went with her suggestion.
We get there, sit at the bar and drink and talk some more. I do run out of steam here a bit, conversation just wasn't as smooth as I ran out of things to talk about a bit and didn't know what to say at some points (funny how that happens once I'm no longer "in control" since I didn't pick this place...). I do however I think I recovered well enough. We stay there another hour. When I ask her "what she thinks of me so far" she had nothing but positive things to say and said she would "let me take her out again...if I wanted to". I simply replied "hmmm...I'll have to think about it" and gave her a sexy look.
Eventually I hit a point where I realize I have to regain control so I tell her to finish her drink and we should get out of there because I was tired of that place (and she actually bought me my drink!). We head out to the parking lot and I tell her we should listen to some music in my car again. She hesitates and says that it's late (10:30) and that she has to go back to her place to get up early. I inform her that it's only 10:20 and to give me the 10 minutes until it's actually "late". She says fine and that we can stand by her car. I say nope and keep walking towards my car. She says we'll split the difference and hang out in the middle of the parking lot. I say we can't listen to music there and just keep walking and get in my car. She obviously has no choice but to follow me at this point. We are in my car (I parked in a dark corner of the parking lot) and I set some taylor swift music on to set the mood. We talk for a bit and actually manage to find more stuff in common. At some point right in the middle of conversation I put 2 fingers below her chin and kissed her, she kisses back but is a bit late on it as I guess I shocked her. I make sure to pull away first and keep talking. She is mildly thrown off but actually held her composure very well, credit to her. We talk for a few min more and then I once again go for the kiss, same process but I let it linger just a bit longer and then pull away. Talk for a couple more minutes and then I just grab her for a more passionate kiss. We make out on and off for about 15 minutes, talking a bit in between. She asks me how old I am and I tell her and she says she's "dated older...much older" so I ask her how old she is and then say "I've dated younger" with a sexy smile. She laughs in a half offended way and says that's not a good thing to tell a girl and then asks the age and I say it doesn't matter and grab her and kiss her (although it is true, I've went out with an 18 year old as recently as last month!) In between she keeps telling me that she has to go and I don't put up with the LMR and just keep going for it. I tell her 5 minutes more, she says she has to go because she has to get up at 8, I tell her that she can stay a whole hour and still get a full night's sleep, she tells me she has to do HW and I tell her it's not due until next week and we just keep kissing. I kiss her everywhere on her face and neck in addition to lips. She seems really into it. But she keeps resisting and I say "aren't you having a good time, it looks like you're having a good time" and she says she is so I tell her to stay. She pulls out some BS about listening to the lady and to set up a second date and let her leave. I ignore her and just keep grabbing her and kissing her, trying to escalate. She does say that she admires my persistence. She says she needs to go and I say "you need to go...but you don't want to" and keep trying....but eventually she stops replying to my attempts at a kiss. In hindsight I should have just absolutely manhandle kissed her right here. But instead I set up a tentative second date. I tell her to kiss me "for the road" and she just smiles and gets out of the car (guess she saw right through what I was trying to do!). I get out and tell her that I'll walk her back to her car. She says she has a great time and kisses me goodbye and we part ways.
So I thought it went well enough....but then the next morning I woke up to this text: "I went on a date last night and it was so bad. And some other guy gave me for his number last night. Im keeping"
At first I thought she was joking with me since she has an interesting sense of humor...but the second part of that text just makes me legit think she sent it to me on accident lol.
What a confusing girl...
I replied when I saw it a couple hours later "send that to the wrong person?