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Failed outing so I put it here/Should I make a journal?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Went to the mall, could have approached 2 different girls but chickened out. I just don’t have that drive when I’m depressed. I’m sure after 100 approaches I’ll able to go on my bad days but for now only on normal days. my failure only makes me wanna do better tomorrow, I think I’ll try street game. The fear that is greater than my approach anxiety is the fear that I give up on this quest to get laid.

Do journals get comments? I feel like if I make a journal no one’s gonna answer my questions on it. Lmk if I should just do FR’s instead. Also if I do a journal can I post even on days where I don’t go out? I ask because there still are my other social interactions with friends that happen (I’m always meeting new people at college)

Referring to my outing: I can’t let this happen again.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Went to the mall, could have approached 2 different girls but chickened out. I just don’t have that drive when I’m depressed. I’m sure after 100 approaches I’ll able to go on my bad days but for now only on normal days. my failure only makes me wanna do better tomorrow, I think I’ll try street game. The fear that is greater than my approach anxiety is the fear that I give up on this quest to get laid.

Do journals get comments? I feel like if I make a journal no one’s gonna answer my questions on it. Lmk if I should just do FR’s instead. Also if I do a journal can I post even on days where I don’t go out? I ask because there still are my other social interactions with friends that happen (I’m always meeting new people at college)

Referring to my outing: I can’t let this happen again.
Also I forgot to mention, I desperately need to change my alias for personal reasons that are really important, does anyone know how to contact a moderator?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Also I forgot to mention, I desperately need to change my alias for personal reasons that are really important, does anyone know how to contact a moderator?
@Will_V @POB or @Bismarck or even @Chase himself if he has the time could help you change your name
Went to the mall, could have approached 2 different girls but chickened out. I just don’t have that drive when I’m depressed. I’m sure after 100 approaches I’ll able to go on my bad days but for now only on normal days. my failure only makes me wanna do better tomorrow, I think I’ll try street game. The fear that is greater than my approach anxiety is the fear that I give up on this quest to get laid.

Do journals get comments? I feel like if I make a journal no one’s gonna answer my questions on it. Lmk if I should just do FR’s instead. Also if I do a journal can I post even on days where I don’t go out? I ask because there still are my other social interactions with friends that happen (I’m always meeting new people at college)

Referring to my outing: I can’t let this happen again.
Journals do get comments on occasion,but your focus needs to be on accumulating more experience at the start so you can get proper feedback on what to work on later. Yes that's what journals are for to document whatever you are feeling,anything you are experiencing in your journey to improving yourself as a man so i'd recommend that as well. You can post about your social interactions with your friends if you like just share what you feel comfortable with and avoid personal identifying details.

The fear of giving up before you get laid is a common one. That's why you need to be very specific about your why for game and what you want to accomplish whether that's a really hot gf or a rotation of fuckbuddies. If you are unsure of what you want you're going to struggle to be consistent. This is why i'm so sporadic with my own personal journey.


Visualize what your ideal dating life would look like. If your why is strong enough and you want it badly you will find a way to make it happen.

I think you should learn how to Meditate it will help you manage your bad emotions better. I've felt like crap at times not wanting to leave the house,dreaded the idea of approaching and went out and had some fun conversations with girls, got #s, and grew because of it.

You didn't fuck up by not approaching two girls that's totally normally guys with hundreds/thousands of approaches under their belt make this mistake from time to time so don't make it a bigger deal then it is. I overthink a lot too and try to play out how the approach would look after I open which paralyzes me which is probably what happened to you
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